Solving time 8:54
Slower than the last couple, though I missed out on one trick for quick solving. After guessing SWEEPSTAKE from the def at 1A but not seeing the wordplay, I should have written it over the top of the grid and tested the checking letters on other clues. SIGMA and KNESSET would probably have helped to confirm it. 4 and 12 went in last, but weren’t slow enough to make ‘T93’ worth noting.
Across | |
1 | S(WEEP)S,TAKE – shoud have remembered keen=weep quicker |
10 | G(R)OWN,UP=at university, esp. Oxbridge in old-fashioned usage |
11 | E,RUD(IT)E – our old friend Italian vermouth again |
12 | A,NO M.A.,LOUS=soul* – ‘atypical’ seems a weakish def, though not to the point of unfairness. A few others probably contribute to the difficulty of this puzzle. |
13 | BAL(S)A – Lake Bala is a useful body of water in Wales, and balsa = a light raft as well as the light wood doubtless used to make it |
14 | AL,IKE (Capone and Eisenhower for any complete beginners)- simple but feels new, so my COD |
15 | ARTH(u)R,O,POD – another weakish def here, as ‘worker’ = ant or bee is a possible arthropod = crustacean, insect, arachnid, centipede etc., but so are many other things |
17 | C.A.(THARSI=(his art)*)’S |
20 | RU(P.E.)E – which = 100 paise. Though as a rupee is worth roughly 1p, I don’t think you often need to deal in paise. Best tip for a trip to India: take a staple-removing ‘crocodile’ to deal with the industrial staples used to hold bunches of 100 Rupee notes together at the airport exchange counter. |
21 | ILIAD – daili(e,s) rev. – ‘work’ = another weak def. |
23 | PLAIN(NES=S.E.N. rev.)S (‘State Enrolled Nurse’ – no longer employed except in xwds) |
25 | IN,GEN,UsEd |
26 | A(TH(is))LONE |
27 | TAT,I |
Down | |
1 | S(t)IGMA |
2 | ECONOMIST – CON,O in Times* |
3 | PANCAKE LANDING – an aeronautical belly flop – CD punning on pancakes being tossed. |
4 | T.A.,PI,O.C.,A – pi = a jumbled pile of printer’s type, says Collins – I’d thought pi = mongrel as in pi-dog |
5 | K(NESS(i)E)T. |
7 | PHIAL = “file” |
8 | SKED=desk*,ADDLE=”go off” in the ‘rot’ sense |
14 | ARCHIVIST = (this vicar)* |
16 | PEPPER=’musical Sergeant’,ON=addicted to,I |
18 | SUPREMO – UP=’in rebellion’ replaces AN in ‘San Remo’ |
19 | S.E. AWARD |
24 | S.(WED)E. – slightly dull to see both Kent and Home Counties for S.E. in close succession. Strindberg was a writer – plays mostly. The three works mentioned in his Collins biographical entry are The Father, Miss Julie, and The Ghost Sonata. |
PS: I can’t check at the moment – temporarily seated at a somewhat rudimentary PC while our company accountant borrows my desk and my computer so he can access the Sage software. Thus I haven’t got rapid access to dictionaries.
Edited at 2008-04-30 08:02 am (UTC)
Nowadays a rupee might fetch a single peppermint.
One-, five-, ten-, twenty-paise coins have disappeared. Twenty-five paise coins too are on the way out!
BTW, staples are no longer used for currency note bundles following an order from the Reserve Bank of India.
I needed to look up a few things afterwards to fully explain the reasoning: “pi” in 4 is apparently a printing term and “balsa” at 13 is a raft. Both were new to me as was Lake Bala.
I rather liked 5 so it’s my COD.
Nice of the setter to include NESSIE today (The Loch Ness Monster for overseas solvers) so soon after I waved to her(?). This was a reasonably quick solve at about 25 minutes. Had to guess SWEDE. My last two were 4D and 15A. I’m kicking myself for not spotting PI much quicker, it’s such a xwd favourite and “worker”, which I agree is weak. Jimbo.
Dafydd Price Jones
Tom B.
Apart from that, a really good crossword with some really good clues. I thought I was on for a quickie but slowed down after a while and forced the last 10 or so in.
8d gets my COD nom just for being a great word.
I agree SIEGE was too optimistic, but I was getting desperate. I don’t know about anyone else but when I got wed there were still two of us 😉
Dickens bought his groceries at the Old Curiosity Shop.
I don’t know anything about Strindberg beyond recognising the name but, fortunately, it’s a Swedish-sounding name so I didn’t get too held up there.
Quite a satisfying solve eventually although nothing in particular stood out.
Welcomed to get clean out (7)
Answer GREETED, anagram of DETERGE (clean).
We all know this to be grossly unfair, but when a clue asks you to think a word meaning X and replace an element of it defined by def Y with another defined by def Z to eventually satisfy def A, the demand on the solver is starting to become a little harsh.
Or something like that. I think.
These, coupled with the weak definitions noted by others were enough to spoil things overall for me, but there were a number of clues that I did like (e.g.1ac & 1dn)
I had a few grumbles about this but they’ve mostly been addressed above. 15 provoked some vague memory of a fallacy of the undistributed middle (or something like that), though I suppose the ‘perhaps’ was a get-out clause. It didn’t feel like a very satisfactory solve, but I’m not sure if that was the puzzle or those men from Porlock. I agree that 14, though easy, is elegant and witty (and possibly a rather astute observation).
Quite a lot of general knowledge seemed to be needed today. Knew Tati and Knesset but not Paise, Strindberg, pi and pancake landing. I’m not at all sure that San Remo is a port as such, either. This site Italian Ports puports to list them all but San Remo isn’t there.
No COD nom from me today.
Hope the hyperlink works…
It does have a good market which conveniently (when you have a full-time job and are not on holiday) is on a Saturday morning.
I did everything in about 15 minutes and then ground to a halt for ages on tapioca. I don’t think course is that unfair, it had me racking my brain for obscure race courses until I kicked myself once I realized what was going on.
Just the 3 “easies” in this one:
6a Knocked back drink after start of office work (4)
9d Less sensitive eater’s computer (6,8)
22d In stag ING OT hello this must be cast (5)