Solving time 4:30
I think that’s the appropriate quote from Reggie Perrin after ripping through this one on the train – personal best material for someone, perhaps. And nice for me to know after a fairly slow few weeks that I can still rip through an easy one. Apologies for forgetting the placeholder for early birds, though I doubt you had many questions.
Across | |
1 | AEROBIC – (bore in CIA)<= |
10 | (bu)N,ICER |
12 | NYASALAND – (Ann’s a lady)* – now Malawi |
14 | ORDINARY SEAMAN – abbreviates to OS which is also ‘outsize’ |
17 | CABINET PUDD(l)ING – to puddle is presumably to mess about. |
21 | POTPOURRI – (irru(O)pt,Op.)<= |
23 | S(1’S)AL(t) – it’s a fibre – used to make ropes I think |
25 | T(HE’S)AURUS – house = sign of the zodiac |
Down | |
2 | RAMBLE,R. |
3 | BARB,ARIAN – Arian must be ‘born under Aries’, which is a month or two before Taurus |
4 | COT,ONE,ASTER – one of those Times xwd favourite plants like “Hyde ranger” and love-in-idleness |
8 | S,TR(I’D)ENT |
13 | AS YOU LIKE IT – “piece” must mean a work of drama as well as music. |
15 | ECDYSIAST – probably the hardest clue today if you don’t know the word. It’s a fancy Greek term for a stripper. File with ‘osculatory’ for kissing and knowledge of the link between fornix = arch and ‘fornication’. |
16 | ACAPULCO – make the charade AC,PAUL,CO and then move the P on the basis of ‘quietly sinking’. |
18 | BATH,TUB=but<= |
19 | NO.’S,TRIL(l) |
22 | O,MEGA(n) – who I thought was Irish. Cue the old gag about a Welshman being an Irishman who can’t swim (or vice versa). |
25 | TED – the 50’s yobbo and ‘to dry hay in the sun’ |
Incidentally, I notice that yesterday’s cryptic included every letter of the alphabet at least once, which I suppose passes for a Nina.
Getting the actual page in place well before 9.30am is even better than a placeholder, Peter 🙂
About 12′ – good for me, so shouldn’t be too ungracious!
The defs of ‘house’ in Chambers and the Compact Oxford reflect this – they refer to twelve divisions of the heavens but not explicitly to zodiac signs.
5a Pong certain to be spread about by this bone (7)
HUM ERUS. Indirect anagram fodder in (SURE)* = certain.
9a Helpful chap (at marina’s)* sacked (9)
11a Island producing whisky, foremost among alcohols (5)
MALT A. No, not Islay.
24a Not inflexible – stilL IT HElps a bit (5)
26a Safely ensconced among directors (2,5)
27a To match perfectly (7)
1d Don (amuses)*, clowning about (6)
5d Layer of Humus Encourages New heads (3)
6d Chap picked up an unexpected windfall (5)
7d Remarkable (miracle)* required to make a recovery like this (7)
20d Loud insect circling tree (6)