I don’t have a lot to say about this puzzle. It was generally fair, had a good mix of clues and clean surfaces, a couple of words that were unfamiliar to me, but it wasn’t overly difficult. In fact, if I hadn’t been held up by the two unfamilar words that I had to guess from the wordplay, I would have solved this in less than five minutes. As it was, I took just over seven.
Across |
1 |
M(<=RANI)ET – Originally, wasn’t sure about RANI = “queen” because I didn’t think that they were synonymous, but a dictionary check indicated that, in some parts of the world, RANI and “queen” mean much the same thing. |
9 |
GEN-DAR(MERI(t))E – French police force which are actually part of the military.
10 |
P.R.-O |
11 |
E(missio)N-TIRE |
12 |
MAR-M.O.-SET – this word came up recently in another daily puzzle – funny how that happens! |
14 |
P.A.-N(ICST)ATIONS where ICST is (tics)* – good surface |
17 |
CRE(MEAN-GLA(d)-IS)E – one of those clues where the wordplay takes longer to work out than the answer, which was fairly obvious once you had a few checked letters. |
21 |
MA-GI(CIA)N – the pedant in me thinks that the first “in” in the clue is unnecessary for the wordplay, and, although it makes the surface read better, it could be misleading. |
23 |
PIN-ETA where ETA is (tea)* – the second last answer I got. A pinetum is apparently a plantation of pine trees.
25 |
OWL – (LOW with the “head” moved to the “tail” – I quickly wrote in TIT, thinking that the wordplay indicated a palindrome. In my defence, I may have expected “head to tail” in a down clue, rather than an across one.
26 |
P-ROL(ETAR)IAT – (<=RATE) in (<=TAILOR) – like 17 across, this one takes longer to explain than to solve. |
Down |
2 |
N-ON(S)TOP – where S = “head of state” |
4 |
TAME – “owned by” “quieT AMErican” |
5 |
7 |
IMP-AS TO – laying paint thickly on to a canvas |
8 |
AMORTISE – (to a miser)* – as an accountant, this one came very easily to me. |
13 |
SCANDALOUS – (sauna’s cold)* – liked this clue. |
15 |
T-(c)RITIC-ALE – had to guess this one, because I didn’t know until I looked it up that triticale is a wheat/rye hybrid. |
16 |
20 |
22 |
COPSE – regularly in “CrOw PaSsEs” |
24 |
MESS(age) |
MARMOSET is one of those words that might have been invented for the crossword 🙂
There are at least two police forces in France, the gendarmerie, who look after the rural areas and smaller settlements, while the national police look after the larger towns and cities. Many smaller towns also have their own municipal police as well.
Harry Shipley
“Not about” means without C (= circa = about). Of course there are two “circas” in critic …
27 Particular show (7)
Particular as in “my particular/express wish”
Show as in “Express/show emotion”
20 Worthless china with crack (6)
China plate = mate in Cockney rhyming slang. V. nice clue, I thought
A boat-crew’s worth of omitted “easies” for the bunnies:
5a One in wild period coming to island (7)
MAD E I RA. Simply “wood” in Portuguese.
27a Particular show (7)
28a Print in loft lacking detail (7)
1d Something attractive in periodical gain (6)
3d Called on English to follow stern order again (9)
6d Desire engineers to breach barrier (5)
18d Urge female on edge to get a drink (3-4)
19d Account after stage in rising that is mournful (7)