Update: Two Quick Cryptic Bloggers Have Been Chosen

Update: Thanks, everyone.   Email has gone out to two individuals.

As you may have seen in today’s  Friday puzzle blog, the Friday main puzzle will now be blogged by PlusJeremy and William_J_S.   This leaves two vacancies for the Quick Cryptic blog on alternate Wednesdays.    If you want to be a Times for a Times blogger, this is your opportunity.

Here is what I am looking for in candidates:

  1.  You do the Quick Cryptic every day, and usually solve it in 15 minutes or less.
  2. You have a good history of respectful and useful comments in the Quick Cryptic blogs.
  3. You are reliable, and have enough time in your schedule to blog the puzzle.   We expect the blog to be available no later than early in the UK morning.
  4. You are ready to start immediately.  I would like to get at least one person who can blog the November 9 Quick Cryptic.
  5. You have access to some sort of respectable device, a desktop, a laptop, or a good tablet – blogging on a phone is nearly impossible.


Training, support, and assistance will of course be provided.   The WordPress blogging procedures are pretty easy, but some knowledge of computer interfaces is still very useful.

If you are interested, send an email to me, vinyl1 at earthlink.net.   Please include the display name you are currently using in the blog, the country where you reside, and a brief summary of your solving experience.   Put Quickie Blog Application in the subject line.   All applications must be received by midnight Sunday GMT.


9 comments on “Update: Two Quick Cryptic Bloggers Have Been Chosen”

  1. Thank you Vinyl1. I am not going to volunteer – I am neither reliably good enough at the puzzles nor reliably available enough to take a place on the rota. But may I express both my admiration for and gratitude to those who do undertake this role. Collectively they have transformed my enjoyment of the Times Crosswords (and even led me to try the 15×15).


  2. I think I would fail the respectful and useful test. But good luck to the new bloggers.

  3. Crikey: I’ve been chosen! First outing this Wednesday, the 9th. Excited and nervous in equal proportions.

    1. Thanks for stepping in. I don’t post a lot but I read the blog most days and really value the blogger’s thoughts.

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