Coming off the subs bench, replacing Bruce who’s no doubt enjoying a bridge tournment somewhere. Hope he gets some good deals. My old bridge partner, Henry Cabot, was once dealt 13 clubs and promptly bid 7NT! Of course, we lost the lot. These days, I stick to cribbage.
Not too difficult for a Saturday puzzle I thought. Though I did need the phone-a-friend option so as to parse the biffed 7dn. There seems to be some dispute about the correct pronunciation on this one. See
1. Be stoical: carry in cocktail, rounding end of bar (4,3,4,2)
GRIN AND BEAR IT: Insert the R from the end of ‘bar’ into GIN AND IT (cocktail), then insert BEAR (carry).
9. Branch of maths briefly gripping new town in Herts (5)
TRING: Our maths branch is TRIG, short for ‘trigonometry’. Insert N (for new).
10. Three-fifths of Russian citizens have trouble getting sugar (9)
MUSCOVADO: Three-fifths of MUSCOVites + ADO (trouble).
11. Alarm went off across river, one that works at sea (10)
TRAWLERMAN: (Alarm went)* around R (for river).
12. Tailless bird flying over South African mountain (4)
BERG: Reverse GREB{e}.
14. Passage from article, say, read at first in bar (7)
EXCERPT: R{ead} inside EXCEPT (bar). A second bar, used differently from that in 1ac.
16. One living in solitude, before widow’s contribution (7)
EREMITE: ERE (before) + the widow’s MITE.
17. Agamemnon’s son’s place in old French art (7)
ORESTES: REST (place) inside O (old), ES (French art) — as in ‘Thou art’ (Tu es). A trick we’re getting more and more used to.
19. Raving from Des, being enthralled (7)
SERFDOM: (from Des)*
20. Not a regiment backed in US city (4)
NARY: RA (Royal Artillery, a regiment) reversed inside NY (New York).
21. From the French, apparently good message is loathsome (10)
DESPICABLE: DES (French for ‘from the’, plural), PI (apparently good), CABLE (message).
24. English divorcee feeding sheep in east, needing vet again? (2-7)
RE-EXAMINE: E (English), EX (divorcee) inside RAM (sheep), IN, E.
25. A university woman beginning to organise sound reproduction (5)
AUDIO: A, U (university), DI (woman), O{rganise}.
26. Member of religious order — Charity Pecksniff, perhaps? (6,2,5)
SISTER OF MERCY: In Martin Chuzlewitt, Seth Pecksniff has two daugthers, Charity and Mercy. Shades of laughing Len Cohen?
1. Test public opinion: access the poll on line? (2,2,3,7)
GO TO THE COUNTRY: GO TO (access), THE, COUNT (poll), RY (railway, line).
2. Woman involved in affair in Arkhangelsk? (5)
IRINA: Hidden. Look for yourself!
3. Boniness of a northern bloke covering criminal trial (10)
ANGULARITY: A, N (northern) GUY (bloke) around (trial)*.
4. Fault making us resign without hesitation (7)
DEMERIT: DEMIT (resign) around ER (hesitation).
5. Subjugate East European in Newcastle area (7)
ENSLAVE: E (East), then SLAV inside NE (North East = Newcastle area).
6. Aussie native going over top of Kilkenny Castle? (4)
ROOK: ROO + K. The castle = rook biz gets occasional flak here. I don’t mind much.
7. Blast delivered by Welshman with name in jazz? (5,4)
TRADE WIND: As noted, had to use my phone-a-friend option to find out that DEWI is a Welsh variant of David. (Thanks to that person.) Add N (name) and put it all inside TRAD (jazz?).
8. Enduring capacity to recall polysyllabic expressions? (4-4,6)
LONG-TERM MEMORY: A slightly facetious cryptic def.
13. Surprisingly she came with rum and a pipe (10)
MEERSCHAUM: Anagram of ‘she came’ + ‘rum’.
15. Gloomy fellow included in expression of thanks (9)
CHEERLESS: LES is the fellow; inside CHEERS.
18. Fruitless steps taken to protect European king (7)
STERILE: E (European), R (king); both inside STILE (steps taken).
19. Top commander up for a night initially in Italian resort (7)
SUPREMO: Take SAN REMO (our resort); replace the AN (a night initially) with UP.
22. Air ace invited to join resistance? (5)
BADER: BADE (invited) + R (resistance).
23. Singer’s perch, by the look of it (4)
BASS: Looks like a different pronunciation of the same word referring to the fish (perch). A rare use of the homonym.
Edited at 2017-06-03 10:29 am (UTC)
Edited at 2017-06-03 08:49 am (UTC)
I lived in Hertfordshire as a child but somehow the fact that TRING is in it has never penetrated my consciousness. Not that it slowed me down but ‘town’ would have done just as well for me as a definition.
I didn’t know who ORESTES was but I at least knew he existed and was helped considerably by being wise to the ‘French art’ trick, which I think is relatively new but as mct says is is becoming familiar.
Edited at 2017-06-03 09:41 am (UTC)
Edited at 2017-06-03 12:54 pm (UTC)
US solvers might not know ‘Tring’, but it figured in that Colin Watson dog-food mystery.
I managed to finish this puzzle after a struggle. Worked out Muscovado, guessed Orestes and Eremite; and vaguely remembered Meerschaum from a crossword I think.
I thought it was a good puzzle. And I reminded me that I recently read “The Road to Serfdom”, a book whose time may be coming back. David