Times Quick Cryptic No 868 by Orpheus

Posted on Categories Quick Cryptic
A gentle enough offering from Orpheus today, if my time of seven-and-a-half minutes is anything to go by. One wrong, of course, but I’d say the “Unlucky!” sign was quite accurate on this occasion (as opposed to simply being “Wrong!”): 18ac is an island with the potential for two trendy churches on it, and I entered the wrong one. A bit of a 50-50, unless you’re one of the 209 people living in the village of Ince, in which case you’d be much more likely to go for the wrong answer, as it derives its name from inis, the Primitive Welsh word for island. I consider myself fully vindicated by this. As for the rest of the puzzle, it all flowed very nicely, helping clear a slightly groggy head, so for this breezy fun I give my thanks to Orpheus.

Many thanks also to Mohn2, whose blog template I finally got round to using: wow, it works like magic!

1 Gourmet’s dog tucking into last of nice pastry dish (7)
EPICURE – CUR (dog) tucking into E (last of nice) PIE (pastry dish). It would be very difficult to dislike the philosophy of Epicurus.
5 Put up with verbal abuse (5)
STICK double definition.
8 Abstemious type stocktaking in golfing store? (11)
TEETOTALLER – cryptic definition. If you could count tees for a living and remain abstemious, you’re more grounded than me.
10 Vehicle initially transporting a football team, perhaps (4)
TAXI – T (initially transporting) A (a) XI (football team, perhaps: as in the eleven of a sports team)
11 Problem about hot space for edible fungus (8)
MUSHROOM – MUS (sum = problem; about = reverse) H(ot) ROOM (space)
12 Ways to get round old feeling of pity (6)
PATHOS – PATHS (ways) to go round O(ld). Alternatively: PATHS to get/receive O (round), giving an old/ancient feeling of pity.
14 Figure of old boy standing by pine? (6)
OBLONG – O.B. (old boy) standing by LONG (pine: as in the verb)
16 Sadly his dream is incorrectly taken in (8)
MISHEARD – anagram (sadly) of HIS DREAM
18 Island’s trendy church (4)
INCH – IN (trendy) CH(urch): from a Gaelic word for a small island: innis. The OED has a nice second meaning that follows from this: an area of raised ground in a plain – this is also why the village of Ince is so named, being built on a low ridge amid some marshlands.
20 Musket son brought into passenger vehicle by mistake (11)
BLUNDERBUSS – BLUNDER (mistake) by/alongside S(on) brought into BUS (passenger vehicle). “Bus” is an old Dutch word for a gun, and the blunder bit relates to either its haphazard firing or its extremely loud bang that would render those in the vicinity dazed and confused, if not dead. A thing to avoid.
22 Like Lloyd George, say, mostly fit and quiet (5)
WELSH – WELL = fit, mostly = dock the last letter, Sh! = quiet.
23 Son given small number to soften up (7)
SWEETEN S(on) given WEE (small) TEN (number)

2 Slightly leavened bread: it feeds a social group at school (5)
PITTA – IT feeds/enters PTA (a social group at school). Slightly leavened? Now I know.
3 To some extent, teacher is hard to hold dear (7)
CHERISH – Hidden, “to some extent”, in teaCHER IS Hard.
4 Aussie native king banished from castle? (3)
ROO – K(ing) banished from ROOK (castle)
6 Roofing contractor depositing pounds in bank? (5)
TILER – L (pounds, as in the sign for sterling) deposited in TIER (bank)
7 Drawing of box with ring in it (7)
CARTOONCARTON (box) with O (ring) inside
9 Sailors, swindled, so to speak, do a runner (7)
ABSCOND – ABs (sailors) COND (conned/swindled, when spoken)
11 Reportedly collected condiment (7)
MUSTARD – another soundalike, this time collected = mustered.
13 American — one with capacity to be good-natured (7)
AMIABLE – AM(erican) I (one) ABLE (with capacity)
15 Recreation is taken in the French river (7)
LEISURE – IS taken into LE (“the” French) URE (river)
17 Times? Sounds like yours and mine (5)
HOURS – another soundalike: OURS (yours and mine)
19 Actors taking English class (5)
CASTE – CAST (actors) E(nglish). “Taking” as a linkword here simply means “has”, but it could equally mean eating/going around, and I see no reason why it couldn’t also mean removing E.
21 Take to river, provoking argument? (3)
ROW – double definition.

16 comments on “Times Quick Cryptic No 868 by Orpheus”

  1. Nothing to scare the horses here, although it took me a moment at 8ac before the penny dropped. 3:52.
  2. 20ac what a lovely word – better than ICBM methink. My WOD – not WOMD! I bet they scared the horses Mr. Gregg!

    COD 10ac TAXI!

    7.40 mins

  3. 9 minutes. I can never see castle = rook in a puzzle without thinking of the indignant colonel (ret’d) who used to drop in to TftT on occasion to berate us on the subject.

    Edited at 2017-07-06 07:25 am (UTC)

  4. Like our blogger, I pondered long and hard on this one. Couldn’t come up with any sensible solution as to why it should be one or the other and, luckily, plonked for inch only on the basis that it was a word I knew and just hoped there might be (perhaps a small) island somewhere in the world called INCH.
    Luck of the draw today!

    COD 20a. Didn’t know if this was a musket but as soon as the initial B went in decided it must be.And then parsed it after.

    Thanks to Orpheus and Roly

  5. So quite straightforward despite being unable to get 1ac or 5ac at first pass.

    Having got the O at the end of 4dn I looked at the clue and started to get in a politically correct froth about how inappropriate it was to have “abo” in the Times … then I realised. Forgive me, Orpheus.

    Thanks to setter and blogger.


  6. Yup, I fell into the trap of putting in INCE, hoping it was an island I’d never heard of. I do the crossword on the actual paper, so I don’t get an “unlucky” message informing me of my mistake. Other than that, this was very straightforward. I wanted to put in STAND for 5ac for ages, though. Gribb.
  7. Couldn’t get onto the site yesterday or today through my laptop for some reason, but it seems to be working on my phone.
    All fairly straightforward today apart from 18a (LOI) where I guessed correctly. COD 20a, completed in 12 minutes.
  8. Unlike everyone else I found today’s the hardest of the week so far. It goods to show that what one person thinks is a walk in the park another thinks is a slog up a mountain. For me today was the latter.
    1. I’m with you. I also thought this was quite tricky in places and very few answers just slipped onto the grid.
  9. No problems with this one. 7:03 with FOI EPICURE and LOI PATHOS. No trouble with INCH as it often appears in the 15×15. I agree with Horryd that BLUNDERBUSS is a nice word. Thanks Orpheus and Roly.
    On edit: Having said I had no problems, it took me 3 attempts to post this comment, with first my login cookie going awol, and then after signing back in, being chucked out again. Computers!!

    Edited at 2017-07-06 11:03 am (UTC)

  10. Not far from a clean sweep with only about 3 acrosses left till after the downs, so right up my street. I liked 8a. Thanks blogger and setter. 3:57.
  11. Solved this in the ad breaks whilst watching the Irish Open -so no accurate time. However I did not find it a pushover. I also wondered about the island and went for Inch. My LOI was Sweeten as I was not sure it meant soften up.
    Liked 22a. David
  12. Hard to get started today – but then it all went more smoothly than usual. I estimate it took me 40 minutes to include all the parsing. COD 9d. FOI 11a. LOI 2d. Do I recall 10a from a recent QC? Relieved to get a foothold and finished so thx to Orpheus and our blogger for explaining clearly.
  13. So quite straightforward despite being unable to get 1ac or 5ac at first pass.

    Having got the O at the end of 4dn I looked at the clue and started to get in a politically correct froth about how inappropriate it was to have “abo” in the Times … then I realised. Forgive me, Orpheus.

    Thanks to setter and blogger.


  14. Found this one quite hard (62:20) and technically a DNF as I was hoping there was an island called Ince. FOI (and only one of the across words) was mushroom and it was steady but slow after that. Biffed epicure as I haven’t come across that as a meaning of gourmet (guess I don’t dine in the right places) – I imagined it was a pastry dish and an ‘epi” was the word for gourmet. Also took a while to get oblong. I knew it was an alternative word for rectangle although you never hear it used anymore, but I didn’t think of a shape being a figure. Another thing to bear in mind for the future. Overall a good workout, so thanks Orpheus and bloggers.

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