We have, I think, a pleasant, steady, middle-of-the-road Quick Crossword from Mara today. It was only the SW corner that held me up a little taking me to just over the 6 minute mark. I liked 4D, 6D and 16D in particular. Thank-you Mara. How did you all get on?
Fortnightly Weekend Quick Cryptic. This time it is Sawbill’s turn to provide the extra weekend entertainment. You can find the latest crossword here. Enjoy! If anyone is interested in our previous offerings you can find an index to them all here.
Definitions underlined in bold italics, (Abc)* indicating anagram of Abc, deletions and [] other indicators.
Across | |
1 | Spicy beef finished, sheep ending in cannelloni (8) |
PASTRAMI – PAST (finished) RAM (sheep) [ending in] cannellonI. | |
5 | Flower I get out of bed shortly (4) |
8 | Type of bread mine, thank you (5) |
PITTA – PIT (mine) TA (thank-you). | |
9 | Artist accurately portraying subject is later trashed (7) |
REALIST – (is later)* [trashed]. | |
11 | Man treating me has poison (4,7) |
HOMO SAPIENS – [treating] (me has poison)*. | |
13 | Perfect language (6) |
POLISH – Double definition, but not with the same pronunciation. | |
14 | By the sound of it, weapon flew high (6) |
SOARED – Sounds like, [by the sound of it], SWORD (weapon). | |
17 | Ancient cipher, sort I cracked (11) |
PREHISTORIC – (cipher sort I)* [cracked]. | |
20 | Challenging Turkish official isn’t unusual (7) |
AGAINST – AGA (Turkish official) (isn’t)* [unusual]. | |
21 | A duck fed very hard metal block (5) |
ANVIL – A NIL (duck), outside, [fed], V (very). A little sneaky. You need to be on your toes to split “very hard”. | |
22 | Caught by eye, timorous beast from the East (4) |
YETI – Hidden in, [caught by] eYE TImorous. This held me up looking for the reversal of a beast (from the East). | |
23 | See other strange device for footwear (4,4) |
SHOE TREE – (See other)* [strange]. |
Down | |
1 | Tube, first bit of pasta in dish (4) |
PIPE – First letter, [first bit] of Pasta [in] PIE (dish). | |
2 | Bag hidden in flowers at Chelsea (7) |
SATCHEL – [Hidden in] flowerS AT CHELsea. | |
3 | Second entry in assignment following study (11) |
READMISSION – READ (study) MISSION (assignment). | |
4 | Sec wine, dark (6) |
MOROSE – MO (sec; second; moment) ROSE (wine). Nice surface. No the answer is not a sec, (i.e. dry), wine! | |
6 | European river rising high in north Estonia, primarily (5) |
RHINE – First letters, [primarily] of Rising High In North Estonia. Nice one. But, sadly, the surface is not geographically correct. As described here, Lake Toma in the Swiss canton of Graubünden is generally regarded as the source of the Rhine | |
7 | Shelved beach contains tidewater, initially (3,5) |
SET ASIDE – SEASIDE (beach) [contains] Tidewater [initially]. | |
10 | Proper pocket (11) |
APPROPRIATE – Double definition. | |
12 | English drunk in happy moment of revelation (8) |
EPIPHANY – E (English), (in happy)* [drunk]. The ambiguity of this held me up – I spent time looking for a word for “drunk” to put after E for english in a word for “happy” at first before I, em saw the light. Ah. that will be “epiphany” then. | |
15 | Get back on top (7) |
RECOVER – RE (on) COVER (top). | |
16 | Uncomfortable pain: one might be running? (6) |
STITCH – Double definition, second a cryptic hint (a running stitch)… and a nice surface. | |
18 | True love’s last kiss, pretence (5) |
EXACT – lovE [‘s last], X kiss, ACT (pretence). | |
19 | Escape group of ships, briefly (4) |
I don’t think a duck would be very happy to be fed an anvil.
As yesterday, bumping up against the top end of target range.
I liked HOMO SAPIENS and APPROPRIATE. MOROSE was my last, sec=MO clicked into place, but it still took a few seconds to get the wine, and the dark definition.
PASTRAMI reminded me of my recent visit to Katz’s delicatessen in New York, where I managed to finish a Reuben made with pastrami. I had that around 11:30 a.m., then didn’t need to eat again.
Finished in 9.12
Thanks to John
P.S. Thanks to Vinyl and his team for all of their efforts with regard to TFTT developments etc
18 minutes to solve this one. My last answer was SOARED, which took me a couple of minutes of head scratching at the end.
Otherwise a good quality QC with enough challenge for most I imagine.
TIME 3:50
I can’t remember where I started, but the SE was the first area to be filled. I saw most of the long clues fairly quickly (for me, at least), but my last two in (EPIPHANY and MOROSE) both required a short alphabet trawl.
Mrs Random shrugged off the after-effects of her ‘removal of metalwork’ operation yesterday afternoon and finished in 20 minutes, right on the cusp of the SCC. She would also like to thank those who sent their best wishes yesterday.
Many thanks to Mara and John.
Lots of nice clues, anvil, readmission, homo sapiens and epiphany.
Only weak one was pastrami.
Could have had: Spicy beef finished, rotted all my intestines at first!
Some good clues all round, with my only query relating to what a “Shoe Tree” is. Is it like a shoe horn?
FOI — 1dn “Pipe”
LOI — 18dn “Exact”
COD — 16dn “Stitch”
Thanks as usual!
Edited at 2022-03-11 01:11 pm (UTC)
I had visions of it being a funky shoe stand, with footwear hanging off various branches — a bit like those naan bread stands you get in curry houses.
Thanks Mara and Johninterred
And me, with my haphazard form.
Got going quite well with SATCHEL (FOI), RHINE, IRIS, FLEE, PREHISTORIC, YETI to have something everywhere.
Stuck for a while before sticking in the E for EPIPHANY which sorted POLISH (seen that somewhere recently) then EXACT.
Struggled on 1A as think PASTRAMI was part of a clue yesterday, so was discounting it because brainfart was thinking that was part of 1D clue (pasta). Eventually sorted that struggle out by testing the P which gave 1D as PIPE.
Slowly pieced together STITCH, AGAINST, READMISSION.
Thought about morbid for MOROSE but only filled it inn when HOMO-SAPIENS became obvious as an anagram after trying to remember what the hem(p)lock poison was drunk by Socrates. Off on the wrong track thinking started with HE for man.
Finally left with SOARED and APPROPRIATE (LOI) at 52mins which took another 15+ mins to reach the GC.
Parsed everything except READMISSION
Well done, LP. 4-1 vs the setters this week. You’re getting there.
So thanks to setter even with pastrami in it
If we migrate elsewhere you will be notified if you have registered your email address in advance. Please send it to vinyl1@ earthlink.net (but with no space) along with your current user-id.
This link only displays a grid to print.
“You can find the latest crossword .. here”
Edited at 2022-03-13 08:56 pm (UTC)
Yes, the links you have posted in your reply work fine, just as they have always done in previous weeks.
Peculiarly this week there was no text “You can solve the crossword interactively here on MyCrossword etc ” shown in your blog, only the link to the printed grid.
I quote:
“Fortnightly Weekend Quick Cryptic.
This time it is Sawbill’s turn to provide the extra weekend entertainment. You can find the latest crossword here. Enjoy! If anyone is interested in our previous offerings you can find an index to them all here.”
Maybe it is just my phone, assuming others found it without a problem. Thank you. Meanwhile I have printed out the hard copy to ponder!
Edited at 2022-03-13 10:03 pm (UTC)