Another Quite Challenging QC, made a bit easier if you were prepared to trust the wordplay and consider some unlikely-looking letter combinations, such as 8ac. Also made a bit easier if you’re the observant sort who got 4ac and 8ac and 9ac and noticed a bit of a trend. Unlike me. Nor can I see what the theme might mean, let alone if there is an even more devious Nina lurking in the grid. The best I can manage is that there are 11 answers with two C’s, and 2 to the power of 11 is 2048. Which I think we can put into the unlikely column. Let’s hope there are some better ideas! Anyway, with or without the theme/Nina this was great fun that took me 9.35, about a minute longer than yesterday’s done just before – many thanks to Felix!
Across | |
1 | Obscures one source of malpractice in English county (6) |
BEDIMS – I (one) M (“source” of Malpractice) in BEDS (English county) | |
4 | Cuts back firm plasterwork (6) |
STUCCO – STUC (cuts “back”) CO (firm) | |
8 | Regularly ice-cold English female, one seen on the staff (1,4) |
C CLEF – “regularly” i C e C o L d, and then E(nglish) F(emale) | |
9 | In charge of trophies, after initially having minor problems (7) |
HICCUPS – IC (in charge) CUPS (trophies) after H (“initially” Having) | |
10 | Get faster account, and celebrate, having lost heart (10) |
ACCELERATE – AC(count) and CELE |
13 | One had, in manner of speaking and lying, to be clumsy? (8-5) |
ACCIDENT-PRONE – I’D (one had) in ACCENT (manner of speaking) and PRONE (lying) | |
15 | Handouts arranged by Thursday — but way down the list! (10) |
THOUSANDTH – anagram (arranged) of HANDOUTS by/following TH(ursday) | |
19 | Core RUC reforms take place again (7) |
REOCCUR – anagram (reforms) of CORE RUC | |
20 | Returning in lilac Cadillac, see old Asian capital (5) |
DACCA – “returning in” lilAC CADillac. The former spelling of Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh. | |
21 | A cent — price for buttonhole? (6) |
ACCOST – A C(ent) and COST (price). The OED has a 1862 quote from All the Year Round, the literary magazine founded by Dickens: “The man who is button-holed, or held, poor wretch! and must listen to half an hour’s HARANGUE [see 9d] about nothing interesting.” Hey, we’ve all been there (and if you haven’t, then it’s quite possible you are the buttonholer). | |
22 | Old secret police force’s lack of action (6) |
STASIS – STASI (old secret police force) ‘S |
Down | |
1 | A cricket club in pub, at card game (8) |
BACCARAT – A CC (A Cricket Club) in BAR (pub) AT | |
2 | Caviar, for example, Cecil Day devoured (8) |
DELICACY – anagram (devoured) of CECIL DAY | |
3 | Greek character s-scarpered, wrapped in scarf? (7) |
MUFFLED – MU (Greek character) F-FLED (s-scarpered) | |
5 | Note kitty’s been raised: it’s understood (5) |
TACIT – TI (note: do re me, etc) CAT (kitty) is raised/reversed | |
6 | Hint that’s left in something needed by Potter (4) |
CLUE – L(eft) in CUE (something needed by Potter, as in snooker/pool) | |
7 | Put out books about America (4) |
OUST – OT (Old Testament = books) about US (America) | |
9 | Loud preacher has nearly half of Harvard university consumed by rage (9) |
HARANGUER – HAR (“nearly half” of HARvard) U(niversity) consumed by ANGER (rage). | |
11 | Manages CD counts differently (8) |
CONDUCTS – anagram (differently) of CD COUNTS | |
12 | Ginger nuts for ducks (8) |
REDHEADS – RED (ginger) HEADS (nuts). News to me, but not hard to see where they get their name from. | |
14 | Revolutionary advice for holding dual gets approval (7) |
PLAUDIT – TIP (advice) holds DUAL is “revolutionary”/reversed | |
16 | Kicks poor journalists (5) |
HACKS – double definition | |
17 | Live to the north of a region (4) |
AREA – ARE (live) to the north of A | |
18 | Necklace found in motor club (4) |
TORC – “found in” moTOR Club. My LOI, and entered with no great confidence. |
I don’t think the QC has been in existence long enough for Felix to have had room to set 200 puzzles, but Jackkt would know all about that.
I shall need to check further to see if anyone has yet set 200, but I think there will be several setters achieve it this year, for instance Izetti is currently on 190.
Edited at 2022-01-13 08:47 am (UTC)
Edited at 2022-01-13 06:56 am (UTC)
NHO TORC with that spelling and meaning a necklace. NHO REDHEADS as ducks. Wasn’t sure of ‘kicks = HACKS’ but I now understand they are kicks on the shin in football.
I’ve no idea what’s going on with the double-C’s but perhaps Richard will pop in later and enlighten us or confirm Roly’s suggestion.
Edited at 2022-01-13 09:42 am (UTC)
My time: I was on the 13:00 flight to DACCA – plus a few more minutes on the Nina.
As well as Dhaka in Bangladesh, there’s also Dakar the capital of Senegal. Ripe for a homophone clue perhaps?
FOI Accost
LOI Redheads
COD Muffled
Edited at 2022-01-13 09:27 am (UTC)
Enjoyed MUFFLED, STASIS and BACCARAT and crossed the line in 12.25. I shall wait for enlightenment with regard to the mysterious Cs.
Thanks to Roly
Pretty middle of the road difficulty-wise, some neat clues.
FOI STUCCO, LOI the NHO REDHEADS, COD dead heat between HICCUPS and MUFFLED, time 09:47 for 1.8K and a Decent Day.
Many thanks Felix and roly.
Top half seemed fairly easy. Got stuck in the SE corner. I am a birder, and I was trying to think of a duck. NHO this one. Is it a domestic variety?
Thankfully all correct, but I had to put the puzzle aside to have a coffee and a think, before I got THOUSANDTH, PLAUDIT and STASIS, and of course the duck, which I will now Google.
Thanks Rolytoly and Felix.
Prior to that BEDIMS, letters I had worked out from parsing and rejected earlier.
So, some odd words but still worthwhile. I failed to notice all the Cs while solving.
PS post solve I thought of 10cc, the rock band. But I only counted 9 in the puzzle-may have to check that. They were formed in 1972 -50 years ago. Mandy, where are the rubber bullets?
Edited at 2022-01-13 10:29 am (UTC)
I’m a Cellist so have heard of the C-Clef. Was very unsure of BEDIMS.
I guess no-one uses “Hiccough”, Americans win again. I’m still speechless over “FAVOR” in Tuesday’s Wordle.
The poet Brian Bilston wrote a lovely verse about this – I was also raging!
Can also see that the American spelling makes a lot more sense!
(Will now lay low for a few days)
But when the revered Webster decided to drop a letter from favour, colour etc, why did he not drop the second O? Both sides of the Atlantic tend to say Favur not favor, and as for colour, it should of course have the spelling culur!
But then logic and English spelling are seldom seen together, as we all know …
Edited at 2022-01-13 05:13 pm (UTC)
I trust your were “interrupted” by your Mrs R, not by mine.
Mr R
Not enjoyable today. TORC I got but NHO it meaning necklace.
Thanks for blog, Roly.
MER too at Live = are in 17D Area; NHO 12D Redheads (though that one was not too difficult to guess); and I took time to accept 9A Haranguer as a word (it looks odd, ending in -UER, but it could not be anything else). But I did v-very m-much l-like 3D Muffled, with a wordplay method that may be an old trick but was new to me.
All done in 13 minutes, and it won’t for me linger long in the memory. But then no setter can please all of us all the time!
Many thanks to Roly for the blog
I didn’t see the proliferation of double-C’s until I came here, but their inclusion didn’t spoil my enjoyment at all. I enjoyed seeing HICCUPS come up, but was not very confident about BEDIMS, AREA, TORC, REDHEADS and DACCA. I found several other clues quite awkward, so Felix must have clued them well – or I would still be fretting away.
I can’t report Mrs Random’s precise time today, but she finished all correct and looked not to be experiencing any particular difficulties.
Many thanks to Felix and rolytoly.
LOI – 17dn AREA
Thanks to Felix and to Rolytoly
I did notice a proliferation of the letter c and then thought no more about it. Clever. Or C-clever as I think someone previously wrote.
FOI Oust
LOI Bedims NHO
COD Hiccups
Thanks all
John George
Edited at 2022-01-13 12:53 pm (UTC)
NHO of 1ac “Bedims” and whilst Treble (G) and Bass Clef’s (F) may be familiar to piano players, the C-Clef is more attributable to orchestra instruments (just to make it even harder) for 8ac.
We’re certainly being made to work this week.
FOI — 1dn “Baccarat”
LOI — 1ac “Bedims”
COD — 9ac “Hiccups”
Thanks as usual!
Overall I thought this was quite good fun and am looking forward to Felix’s explanation of the theme. If it’s mathematical, I won’t get it anyway 🙄
10CC though – brilliant. I saw them at the Hammersmith Odeon back in the 70s – not a ‘showy’ band (like Queen for example) but what musicians! Might have to get The Original Soundtrack out later.
FOI Stucco
LOI Acccost
COD Thousandth
Earworm I’m not in Love
Thanks Felix and Roly
Edited at 2022-01-13 01:55 pm (UTC)
And also his 1000th Times puzzle – tho some sources claim it to be the 1001st …
If ‘puzzle of this type’ means Quick Cryptics that leaves us with another mystery as to which other pseudonyms ‘Felix’ uses as QC setter? In addition to Felix (61), I know of Oran (2), Marty (19), Kenny (2) and Des (23) but that only takes us to 107. I understand some of these refer to members of a favourite football team.
I can add one more, Rodney (3) but that gets us only to 110.
The names are former managers of Coleraine FC:
Oran Kearney
Rodney McAree
Marty Quinn
Kenny Shiels
Felix Healy
Des Dickson
Edited at 2022-01-13 10:49 pm (UTC)
TIME 3:42
Now trying to work out how to use bedims in conversation
Edited at 2022-01-14 01:19 am (UTC)
Managed to parse everything in the end – never heard of bedims but had to trust it.
Favourite clue was C Clef — but it was a shame it was made too easy by including a “regular”. One seen on the staff is a lovely definition.
Very nice puzzle.