COD to either 8d or 14d, WOD to 15a and LOI to 3d after 1a finally fell. I couldn’t remember the name for the cardinal’s cap, and had to work at that to recall it, but otherwise, no great problems for me. How did you all do?
1 Grey coat, out of place in class (8)
CATEGORY – Anagram (out of place) of [GREY COAT].
5 Having little or no rain in Kalahari Desert (4)
ARID – Hidden answer in {kalah}ARI D{esert}.
9 Philanthropic scientist in Brazil’s capital during Christmas (5)
NOBEL – B{razil’s} (capital) inside NOEL (Christmas), referring to Alfred Nobel. Interestingly, having made a lot of his fortune out of Dynamite and cannons and armaments, Nobel was inspired to found the Nobel Prize institution after reading an erroneous obituary which described him as a war profiteer. The institute’s aim is to annually recognize those who “confer the greatest benefit to humankind”.
10 Mixture of mostly tropical fruit (7)
APRICOT – Anagram (mixture) of [TROPICA]{l} – mostly indicating to dop the last letter to get the anagrind.
11 Sheep in wood, by the sound of it (3)
EWE – Homophone (by the sound of it) – sounds like YEW (wood).
12 Exercised control, with name for duke proposed(9)
NOMINATED – DOMINATED (exercised control) with the first D (Duke) replaced by N (for Name)(with name for duke).
13 Put on leg pad, ultimately (6)
STAGED – STAGE (leg) and {pa}D (ultimately). STAGED as in put on a show.
15 Lift boy picked up (6)
FILLIP – Homophone – sounds like (picked up) PHILLIP (boy).
17 Has girl confused about an imaginary paradise (7-2)
SHANGRI-LA – Anagram (confused) of [HAS GIRL] outside (about) AN. The imaginary paradise of SHANGRI-LA was described in the 1933 novel ‘Lost Horizon’ by James Hilton.
19 Daughter must leave expensive organ (3)
EAR – D{aughter} leaves {d}EAR (expensive).
20 A bitter drunk – it may go to a cardinal’s head (7)
BIRETTA – Anagram (drunk) of [A BITTER]. A BIRETTA is the square cap with three or four projections on the crown worn by RC clergy. In the case of a cardinal, it would be coloured red, but black (for priests) and purple (for bishops) are also available.
21 Supporter with two sons gives money (5)
BRASS – BRA (supporter – where have you been stranger?) and two S{ons}.
22 Peculiar piano seat (4)
RUMP – RUM (peculiar) and P{iano}.
23 In excellent health all right (4,4)
VERY WELL – Double definition.
1 Becomes the winner, reportedly, in children’s game (7)
CONKERS – Homophone (reportedly) – sounds like CONQUERS.
2 Story involving British item of furniture (5)
TABLE – TALE (story) containing B{ritish}.
3 Health’s going, suffering in disputed ME territory (5,7)
GOLAN HEIGHTS – Anagram (suffering) of [HEALTH’S GOING].
4 Royal domain in actual miles (5)
REALM – REAL (actual) and M{iles}.
6 Article misrepresented performance(7)
RECITAL – Anagram (misrepresented) of [ARTICLE].
7 Went out, being no longer fashionable (5)
DATED – Double definition.
8 Head pupil at Eton, say, may get a pantomime role (9,3)
PRINCIPAL BOY – Almost a DD, but this is a cryptic definition arrived at from PRINCIPAL (head) and BOY (pupil at Eton, say). Eton remains a boys only boarding school.
14 What can make salt last? (7)
ANAGRAM – An &Lit in which the whole clue acts as definition and wordplay.
16 Soldier, in consequence, left umbrella (7)
PARASOL – Slight MER at equating PARASOL with umbrella, but PARA (soldier) SO (in consequence) and L{eft} is unambiguous enough.
17 Frightful bores, sedate and rational (5)
SOBER – Anagram (frightful) of [BORES].
18 Furious judge after one (5)
IRATE – I (one) and RATE (judge).
19 Delete part of chapter, as expected (5)
ERASE – Hidden in {chapt}ER, AS E{xpected}.
EDIT: isn’t 14a just a cryptic definition? To make it as an &lit, you have to have two readings that fit the answer
Edited at 2021-11-11 02:35 am (UTC)
9 minutes for the puzzle today.
Edited at 2021-11-11 05:11 am (UTC)
Eton normally appears in the answer not the clue … there are usually one or two girls there I think — daughters of masters. ( or beaks, if you want the local nomenclature).
Now off to Heathrow to hopefully clear all the hurdles placed in the way of getting to the US to see our son and family for the first time for far too long.
Thank you, Tracy and Rotter.
You probably know this but have you cleared out your history reently? It will log you out of accounts.
COD: RECITAL but we were amused by VERY WELL and PRINCIPAL BOY
Thanks Rotter and Tracy
Edited at 2021-11-11 07:48 am (UTC)
In the end, I was a minute over target. It seemed like a quicker solve because I was immersed. Many thanks to Tracy for a very good puzzle and to rotter for his fine blog. I was glad to be within a minute or so of rotter once again after my excursion into the SCC yesterday. John M.
Edited at 2021-11-11 08:40 am (UTC)
Thanks Rotter.
Many thanks to Rotter for the blog, and Happy Birthday to Phil Jordan from a fellow Scorpio!
Thanks to Rotter
A PDM to get COD ANAGRAM. That led to STAGED, another excellent clue, but quite tricky at QC level. Finally CONKERS, which replaced CANTERS; if it doesn’t parse it’s not right!
19 minutes in the end.
A good demanding QC. Nice to know article is an anagram of recital.
I wasn’t going that well anyway, but ANAGRAM, CONKERS and then finally STAGED took about 2 minutes. I always get a bit confused by those self-referential ones, but was a good pdm today — last being an anagram of salt etc.
Very nice anagram at 1a (grey coat=category), always amazed at how many clean anagrams there are and how setters still find ‘em.
Was able to recall BIRETTA from other crosswords. Please to get STAGED as checkers did not look promising, and sympathies to those who put STAKED which seems almost as good. If I’d come across it first I’d have gone for it as well.
I didn’t really parse NOMINATED, with “name” already in there I was getting confused. So thanks for clearing that one up.
FOI CATEGORY. No problem with GK.
Thanks all, esp Rotter.
As I went through it, in some logical order for a change, I thought that Tracy was being kind to us today – several just jumped out at me. Funnily enough, BRASS didn’t 😅 I liked APRICOT, RUMP and CONKERS. GOLAN HEIGHTS on the other hand made me rather sad – a clever surface making a strong point.
FOI Arid
LOI Golan Heights
COD Anagram
Many thanks Tracy, and thanks to Rotter for another excellent blog
Quite straightforward for me today with 14 mins on the clock. I wasn’t sure about Biretta – thought it may be a gun – but stuck it in and hoped for the best.
FOI – Arid
LOI Very Well
COD – Conkers
FOI — 5ac “Arid”
LOI — 14dn “Anagram”
COD — 15ac “Fillip”
Thanks as usual!
FOI – 5ac ARID
COD – 14dn is very clever – I had no idea what was going on. I also liked the 2 neat anagrams (!!) at 6 & 17dn.
The two clues that beat me were STAGED and ANAGRAM, neither of which I got anywhere near parsing. RUMP and PRINCIPAL BOY held me up for what seemed like an eternity, and BIRETTA was basically a lucky guess.
Many thanks to Tracy and therotter.
DNF today as I just couldn’t get RUMP and ANAGRAM. In hindsight I can’t say why I struggled with the former but I don’t mind not getting the latter as it was such a brilliant clue. Well done Tracey for a very enjoyable QC and beating me. Thanks as always for the helpful blog. Prof
I note that 21ac had Kevin reaching for the smelling salts!
Has anyone mentioned that 8dn PRINCIPAL BOY is traditionally a gal?
Edited at 2021-11-12 03:26 am (UTC)
2 Unsolved – but it was as least do-able. That is all I ask.
Failed on:
14 Down: What can make salt last? (7) => ANAGRAM.
Very clever. I will remember this one.
13 Put on leg pad, ultimately (6) => STAGED
Don’t know why I did not get this one.
N.B. Got Biretta but initially spelled it Beretta. I must have been thinking of Godfather 3 where the hired gunman is disguised as a priest.
Thanks to Tracy & Rotter.
However didn’t see Staged or Nominated and Anagram totally had me flummoxed
Thanks all
Edited at 2021-11-11 07:51 pm (UTC)
Otherwise, I was clearly on the setter’s wavelength and found this the most straightforward QC for weeks. No doubt tomorrow I’ll be on long wave while the setter is on FM.