An excellent puzzle with a clever theme or NINA from Corelli, who traditionally gives us a theme of one sort or another. Just in case you want to look for it yourself, I won’t give the game away here, but will provide details of the theme I spotted with a link at the end of the blog, as Jackkt did so thoughtfully a week or so ago.
This took me all of my 15-minute target to complete, slowed slightly by initially trying the wrong answer at 10a. My first attempt did fit the definition, but not the word play, and caused a short delay on 11d. Please do let me know how you got on.
1 Ada, rusty, exercising for twenty-four period (8)
SATURDAY – Anagram (exercising) of [ADA, RUSTY]. I wonder if the word ‘hour’ is missing from my version, which would allow the clue and definition to scan much more acceptably.
6 Leading Roman Catholic staying in a hotel (4)
ARCH – RC (Roman Catholic) inside A (a) and H{otel} (phonetic alphabet). ARCH is used to denote chief or principal, especially in compound words such as arch-enemy, arch-bishop, etc.
8 Cooker of very exquisite nosh (starters only) (4)
OVEN – Initial letters (starters only) Of Very Exquisite Nosh.
9 Quietly changes shapes in advance (8)
PREFORMS – P (quietly) and REFORMS (changes). To PREFORM is to form or determine the shape beforehand.
10 Turned white with pain, having spilled blood all around (8)
BLEACHED – ACHE (pain) with BLED (spilled blood) around it. I entered the as yet unparsed BLANCHED here originally, and corrected it once I saw that the parsing didn’t work.
12 From what we hear, deserve to get the bird (4)
ERNE – Sounds like (from what we hear) EARN (deserve).
13 Tool found in workbench is electric (6)
CHISEL – Hidden answer (found in) in {workben}CH IS EL{ectric}.
16 Stylish Tessa coming out of her shell, outwardly dull (6)
DRESSY – {t}ESS{a} (coming out of her shell, i.e. dropping outside letters) and wrapped instead in (outwardly) DRY (dull).
17 Fit to dispute losing right (4)
AGUE – A{r}GUE – dispute / argue losing R{ight}. An AGUE can be either a burning fever or a shivering fit.
18 Seb, taken aback by over-the-top editor, becoming obsessed (8)
BESOTTED – SEB reversed (taken aback) to give BES, with OTT (over-the-top) and ED{itor}.
21 Horticulturist’s fantastic red range (8)
GARDENER – Anagram (fantastic) of [RED RANGE].
22 Article in study for head of college (4)
DEAN – A (indefinite article) inside DEN (study).
23 Say nothing? Am false! (4)
SHAM – SH (say nothing) and AM (am)
24 Crazy and terrible situation in which you’ll find Hazel? (8)
NUTSHELL – NUTS (crazy) and HELL (terrible situation) clued by a cryptic definition, where Hazel is a nut, rather than a girl.
2 German villain holds something for forging (5)
ANVIL – Hidden answer (holds) in {germ}AN VIL{lain}.
3 United sailors in vessel (3)
URN – U{nited} and RN (Royal Navy, sailors).
4 Complexity of small section attached to hospital (5)
DEPTH – DEPT (abbreviated department, small section) and H{ospital}.
5 Messing around idly, Dee gave up (7)
YIELDED – Anagram (messing around) of [IDLY, DEE].
6 An hour after midday, people with time for reconcilliation (9)
ATONEMENT – AT ONE (an hour after midday) with MEN (people) and T{ime}.
7 Sat on beam, fence – regularly picked up sticks (7)
CEMENTS – Alternate letters (regularly) of SaT oN bEaM, fEnCe, all reversed (picked up).
11 Trams made to crash in European capital (9)
AMSTERDAM – Anagram (to crash) of [TRAMS MADE].
14 Bull and pig clean (7)
HOGWASH – HOG (pig) and WASH (clean). HOGWASH has an interesting etymon. It didn’t start life, as many believe, as a synonym for pig-swill (kitchen scraps fed to swine). In the past, a HOG was a slang word for a shilling, and for a farm labourer in the 1500s a shilling was roughly a week’s wage. The two largest expenses for a farm labourer at that time were lodging and fuel, which ate up the majority of this amount every week. The few coppers remaining after rent and fuel had been paid (typically a few farthings or ha’pence) became known as the HOGWASH, and subsequently anything that was worthless or rubbish adopted the same name.
15 Book by unknown author following the French state (7)
LEBANON – B[ook} and ANON (unknown author) after (following) LE (‘the’ in France).
19 One eating no fat fish (5)
SPRAT – Double definition, the first referring to Jack SPRAT (who could eat no fat, whilst his wife could eat no lean).
20 Lie around in the morning after returning message (5)
EMAIL – LIE surrounding (around) AM (the morning) all reversed.
22 Note exclamation of annoyance (3)
DOH – Double definition, the first as in DOH, ray, me…, and the second exemplified by Homer Simpson when annoyed by his own stupidity (D’OH).
OK, so did you find the NINA or theme? – I looked for one as soon as I saw Corelli’s name. I spotted the titles of many of the literary works of Ian Russell McEwan, English novelist and screenwriter. These include:
- THE CEMENT GARDEN (cements and gardener)
- ON CHESIL BEACH (chisel and bleached – nice!)
There may be others, please let me know if so.
On the etymology of HOGWASH in the main blog, that’s what it is – hogwash! See today’s date!
I too read McEwan when he first came out, but he became rather mannered after a couple of books.
Edited at 2021-04-01 06:12 am (UTC)
I had a brief look for a nina but as usual it sailed way over my head.
Thanks to Rotter
Edited at 2021-04-01 08:09 am (UTC)
I enjoyed the etymology of HOGWASH. It reminded me of the April 1st article about 50 years ago when the BBC ran a short instructional programme on how to grow and harvest spaghetti on a spaghetti tree — my husband was fascinated: “I never knew that!”, and when informed of the date asked: “Well, how do you grow spaghetti then?” He’s never been allowed to forget it.
Quite hard work today, and I’m not very comfortable with AGUE/FIT.
Thank you, Corelli and Rotter.
Other manufacturers have jumped on this bandwagon more recently — Porsche, Caterham, Audi, Dacia, Aston Martin, and even Voltswagen. Land Rover even have the UK’s most distant charging point on top of a mountain on the Isle of Skye. There is a good selection on an Autoexpress April fools website.
I must check today but I only have the online papers.
Sorry if this is boring to any serious Xword solvers. John.
Edited at 2021-04-01 09:24 am (UTC)
Time to Complete: DNF
Clues Answered Correctly without aids: 22
Clues Answered with Aids (3 lives): 6d, 7d, 19d
Clues Unanswered: Nil
Wrong Answers: 12a
Total Correctly Answered (incl. aids): 25/26
Aids Used: Chambers
I have never tried a Corelli crossword before, so I was keen to see how well I did. I was rather excited as I started to race through many clues. Perhaps today would be my fastest ever solve? Bah, it was not to be! However, the good news is that I did solve it in under my current target (one hour) – just! Or so I thought …
If I am honest, I am a little disappointed with myself for using my three lives so quickly, but I saw I was on target for my one hour, and I did not want to dash that hope.
6d. ATONEMENT – One of my three lives, and this was the one in which I was most disappointed with myself. I am sure, that with time I would have been able to answer this without help.
7d. CEMENTS – Life 2 used. I just could not see this one until I looked in Chambers and saw cements. I had the C and N in place and so I guessed this must be the correct answer. Then I looked at the clue again and saw the reversed regular.
19d. SPRAT – Life 3 used, and so disappointed yet again. SPRAT. Of course! He could eat no fat.
22d. DOH – I worked this one out without help, though was a little reluctant to put it in. Homer Simpson immediately came to mind, but so did James Finlayson (of the Laurel and Hardy era). Apparently, it was he from whom Matt Groening got “Doh”. James would do it as a sign of exasperation. Though his doh was a little more drawn out than Homer’s.
12a. ERNE – And this is where my joy turned to sorrow. I thought I had completed this crossword correctly and was even typing this blog entry out when I realised, I had not checked my answers with The Rotter’s blog. I had put ERNT. I had no idea if there was such a bird, but I had E_R_. I saw the word “deserve” in the clue and guessed “earnt”. Knowing it was a homophone I put “ERNT”. I had no idea if there was a bird called ernt, but I did know there was a bird with four letters that began with ER.
April 1st playing an April Fool’s joke on me by letting me think I had completed this puzzle. Oh well, I did enjoy this puzzle very much.
ATONEMENT was LOI and COD. Our minister at church talks about it as At-one-ment, so should have seen it earlier, but was playing with combinations of AN, H=hour, PM (“after mid-day”).
ERNE, add it to the list of words that only exist in my mind in crosswords. Setter is forgiven for picking it, as when trying to “chisel” in a Nina, obscure vocab is needed. Many great clues today.
I read my first (and only) Ian McEwan book back in the early 80s: “First Love, Last Rites”. Recommendations for my second?
Atonement is my favourite one. I spent all of On Chesil Beach shouting “Just talk to each other,” somewhat missing the point!
Edited at 2021-04-01 09:13 am (UTC)
A typo as well 😬
Never mind, four days off imminent 👍
Thanks all
Oh, and you had me fooled with HOGWASH! Doh!!
Edited at 2021-04-01 09:24 am (UTC)
I was pleased to see the ERNE, a bird which used to appear almost daily in the Evening Standard crosswords I used to do on the way home from work.
My last two were AGUE and SHAM (unparsed). 16:56 on the clock.
A grown-up challenge. And I missed the nina.
A challenging but enjoyable puzzle. Many thanks to Rotter for the blog — and the April Fool
I thought of AGUE but only finally doubtfully put it down.
Many of the answers depended on being well versed in Crosswordese tricks. CEMENTS was a struggle, don’t know why I was slow on HOGWASH (good clue) and LEBANON and NUTSHELL ditto.
Thanks for April fool, Rotter!
After wasting time debating whether Amsterdam was indeed the capital of the Netherlands, the rest went in fairly smoothly. I particularly liked 23ac “Sham” (not Stum as I first thought), 18ac “Besotted” and 24ac “Nutshell”.
FOI — 1ac “Saturday”
LOI — 9ac “Preforms”
COD — 14dn “Hogwash”
Thanks as usual.
Also no idea of the nina — I haven’t read any McEwen and Corelli is a rare visitor to these shores so I didn’t remember that s/he usually provides a theme.
All the same, I enjoyed this — all sorts of devices, some good vocab and fun surfaces. Also I came in at 9 minutes so A Good Day.
FOI Saturday
LOI Nutshell
COD Chisel
Many thanks Corelli and extra thanks to Rotter for the highly entertaining blog
Edited at 2021-04-01 11:31 am (UTC)
My favourite clues were 24a (NUTSHELL) and 7d (CEMENTS), which was particularly clever IMHO. My favourite solution was HOGWASH and, whilst I wasn’t fooled, I really enjoyed therotter’s hogwash about this word. Actually, ‘hogwash’ is a word much used by Mrs Random, often in relation to much of what I say.
Mrs R finished in 35 minutes today and is now tackling yesterday’s QC by Orpheus, so I had better not disturb her for a while.
Many thanks to therotter and to Corelli.
Thanks to Rotter for the blog and cheeky April Fool and thanks to Corelli for an enjoyable puzzle.
From what we hear, deserve to get the bird
‘from what we hear’ indicates a homophone; but it can only modify ‘deserve’. So we hear ‘earn’, but since that’s what we hear, it can’t be the answer, leaving the bird, ERNE.
Have read most of McEwan’s but found On Chesil Beach excruciating.
Needless to say, I missed the Nina.
It’s been a good week for me with another satisfying solve. I think this was my favourite so far, for a good mix of clues and Eureka moments. The only one I was unsure of was sprat as forgotten (or never knew?) the nursery rhyme. I have read quite a bit of Ian McEwan and did even think of the book when I got Atonement but failed to put the other clues together. Thanks Corelli for a lovely crossword and Rotter for the explanation (& hog wash 😂)
Thanks to Corelli and Rotter (especially for clarifying CEMENTS).
Mightily held up by CEMENTS, which I still didn’t parse, so thanks rotter.
Also NUTSHELL, though that came quickly enough after I had deleted the A in LAB?N?? and replaced it with an E to get LEBANON. ATONEMENT also took ages.
I liked HOGWASH – both the clue and the spurious etymology!
Twice my target time at 12 minutes on the nose.
Edited at 2021-04-01 01:24 pm (UTC)
I spent in excess of 2 minutes on my LOI.
TIME 5:25
Liked HOGWASH and Rotter’s lovely use of a “shilling” made the day, wonderful. Such a prankster!!
Haven’t read McEwan so missed the NINA (enjoying the Thursday Murder Club before moving onto a backlog of birthday books).
Amazing that the pre-Easter sunshine has turned into a forecast of snow and rain. Wouldn’t you know it.
Thanks Rotter for a good wheeze and Corelli for a mental work out. Back on the treadmill tomorrow.