A nicely constructed and teasing puzzle with lovely surfaces from Pedro today, with several clues which made me stop and think a bit…. 3a describes what I had to do nicely! Largely it was due to Pedro giving us the chance to go astray… which I duly did. In the end, though, I wasn’t held up too much by anything and I still finished under an average time. So, I don’t think there is anything unfair or unreasonably difficult, but I’ve misjudged this before and I’m sure you will tell me if I’m wrong! Apart from the delightful, aforementioned, 3a I enjoyed the luxurious pigsties at 11a, the self-referential 23a, the erroneous vegans at 6d and the bonus of more money at 7d – I was handed a letter informing me of my annual salary increase only yesterday. But COD from me goes to the simple, but smile-inducing, cryptic definition at 16d for reminding me of my grandfather… who was one. So thanks Pedro for the entertainment. How did you all like it?
Definitions underlined in italics, (ABC)* indicating anagram of ABC, {} deletions and [] other indicators.
Across | |
1 | Sort of dive executed by fish? (4) |
PIKE – Double definition. My initial thought was that we were looking for a type of dive and losing the first letter to get the fish. Nicely deceptive surface. | |
3 | Think about cut in insurance (4,4) |
CHEW OVER – If you have insurance, you have COVER. Insert HEW (cut) to get what I had to do with a few clues today. | |
8 | Small thing I included in complete sports venue (7) |
STADIUM – TAD (small thing) I [included in] SUM (complete). I had to convince myself that sum = complete, but my Chambers dictionary has “whole” and “completion” as meanings, so fair enough. | |
10 | Governess repeated names to absorb a youngster at first (5) |
NANNY – She repeated the name three times – NNN. Take that and insert [absorb] A and add Y{oungster} [at first]. She should be able to remember him or her after that! | |
11 | Our pigsties could become well-regarded (11) |
PRESTIGIOUS – (Our pigsties)* [could become]. Referring to this, perhaps? | |
13 | Stop including openings for university lecturers in consequence (6) |
RESULT – Out walking, I somethimes “stop” for a REST. Include U{university} L{ecturers} [openings]. Yey. You’ve got it! | |
15 | Good old weapon getting a quick look (6) |
GLANCE – G (good) LANCE (old weapon). I did wonder, at first, whether an ANDER was a weapon, but it’s not… you aren’t doing the Mephisto here John! …and GANDER is not the required quick look. | |
17 | Coarser mind misinterpreted country pastime (6,5) |
MORRIS DANCE – (coarser mind)* [misinterpreted]. I left this 11-letter anagram until I had some checkers. 11!/2 is a large number of potential words. Did I get that right? My university maths student daughter thinks so. | |
20 | Exhausted, having nothing more to pay? (3-2) |
ALL-IN – Double definition. | |
21 | Band backed trio appearing without one conductor (7) |
MAESTRO – This is a little on the tricky side. The band is a SEAM, which didn’t leap out at me. You reverse it [backed] and add TR{i}O – trio without the I (one). | |
22 | Police officer upset re agents (8) |
SERGEANT – (re-agents)* [upset]. A favourite Flanders and Swann song springs to mind “…the police call-box is winking with a sergeant in her arms..” Oh, no. I’ve given myself an ear-worm now! | |
23 | Limits to enraged guy expressing irritability (4) |
EDGY – [Limits to] EnrageD GuY. Nice one Pedro – an edgy clue for edgy! |
Down | |
1 | Father’s game: means to travel overseas (8) |
PASSPORT – PA’S (father’s) SPORT. Of course you need some TRAN SPORT too to get overseas. | |
2 | Jack, King — simple to discard one (5) |
KNAVE – K (King) NA{I}VE (simple) dropping the I [discard one]. No I’m not going to discuss the missing diaeresis, a clue answer that was the nemesis of more than just myself at the crossword championship. | |
4 | Silver brought into house for show of respect (6) |
HOMAGE – AG (chemical symbol for silver) [brought into] HOME (house). | |
5 | Gale: bird has to move gradually on part of building (6,5) |
WINDOW LEDGE – WIND (Gale) OWL (bird) EDGE (move gradually). | |
6 | One-third of vegans wrong to get upset about meat (7) |
VENISON – You take the first third of the six letters of VE{gans}, add SIN (wrong) reversed [get upset] ON (about). Interesting surface. Why might they be wrong to get upset, I wonder? | |
7 | Beams, extra money being announced (4) |
RAYS – A sounds-like clue… i.e. RAISE [announced]. | |
9 | Inability to bear being hypnotised, interrupted by bullring cheer (11) |
INTOLERANCE – When you are being hypnotised you are IN TRANCE. Interrupt this with “OLÉ “, the bullring cheer. | |
12 | Church more upset over US city service (8) |
CEREMONY – CE (Church of England) (more)* [upset] above [over] (this is a down clue) NY (US city – New York). | |
14 | Corresponding mail is distributed on run (7) |
SIMILAR – (mail is)* distributed above [on] R (run). | |
16 | His place of work is mine (6) |
PITMAN – Cryptic definition. Ho-ho! | |
18 | Revolutionary study about part of Bible is well-known (5) |
NOTED – The study is a DEN. Revolve it to get NED and put it about OT (Old Testament – part of Bible). | |
19 | Graduate on ship sees fish (4) |
BASS – A simple one to finish with. BA (Graduate) [on] SS (ship). It could equally, perhaps, have been clued as “Graduate on ship is singer”. |
Unusually for a QC I had no idea until coming here how 1ac worked as after some deliberation I had assumed that ‘spike’ must be some sort of diving technique that I’d never heard of.
Edited at 2018-12-07 06:05 am (UTC)
This puzzle did not seem that difficult once each clue was solved but there were plenty of opportunities to go wrong. My first thought at 3a was MULL OVER -parse it later. The Over part was helpful. My big delay was 5d where I had all the checkers ,with one doubtful, and even with Ledge, I could not think of the answer. Trying to put Bird and Gale into an anagram did not help.
So 21:14 in the end finishing with Chew Over. David
By the way, a link to the Crossword Club appeared on my phone app yesterday, but it’s not there today- does anyone know what’s happening?
Some lovely surfaces, as mentioned above.
Thanks to Pedro & John
Thanks as always to setter and blogger.
Rest of it an enjoyable and smooth solve, until I was left with 16dn … I was convinced that it was an anagram of “is mine” (indicated by “work” – “work is mine”) and since every checker fitted (i, m, n) it took me forever to shake off the thought and refocus! So a bit under 3 on the Kevometer, a Decent Day.
COD to 17ac from me, with its clever nod to Hamlet’s vulgarity (“did you think I meant country matters?”)
Thank you Pedro, and great blog, John! I’m not in a position to check your maths I’m afraid.
COD PITMAN, but honourable mentions to PIKE, STADIUM, and WINDOW LEDGE.
TIME 4:36, which achieved my aim of a five-day sub 5 minute run, as mentioned yesterday.
Phil Jordan
Per Wiki:”The Pitmen Painters is a play by Lee Hall based on the Ashington Group of painters. Following a sellout run at both the Live Theatre, Newcastle upon Tyne in 2007[1] and its transfer to the Royal National Theatre,[2] it returned to the National for a limited season before heading out on a UK Tour.[3] A Broadway production opened on 30 September 2010 following previews from 14 September 2010 at the Samuel J. Friedman Theatre and played a limited run until 12 December 2010; it featured the original cast.[4] The Pitmen Painters opened in London’s West End in October 2011 at the Duchess Theatre.”
I saw it in London. It was very good. David
Edited at 2018-12-07 09:40 pm (UTC)