I struggled a little with this and required 15 minutes to complete it, so only just avoided going into extra time. There were a couple of words I didn’t quite know the meaning of, and one clue (8ac) where I delayed myself trying to explain the inclusion of an adjective instead of simply ploughing on. More on these later.
GENERAL COMMENTS As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]
Across | |
1 | Guns poorly sited in channel (9) |
ARTILLERY – ILL (poorly) contained by [sited in] ARTERY (channel) | |
6 | Money taken from account: plot to return it (5) |
DEBIT – BED (plot) reversed [to return] IT | |
8 | Hurry off after leaving gratuity? A simple game (3-3-3) |
TIP-AND-RUN – TIP (gratuity), RUN (hurry off). Two meanings. Tip-and-run is a version of cricket in which the batsman is required to try to score a run on every occasion that his bat strikes a bowled ball. I suppose it might be said to be a “simple” game but none of the usual sources chooses to use that term, two of them preferring instead to describe it as “informal”. I can’t help wondering if I am missing something here. | |
9 | Heavenly food in fashion, we hear (5) |
MANNA – Sounds like [we hear] “manner” (fashion). The food God provided for the Israelites during their travels in the desert, according to the Book of Exodus and Wikipedia. | |
10 | Caution, about to handle inscribed tablet (9) |
CARTOUCHE – CARE (caution) contains [about] TOUCH [handle]. COED has this as “A painting or drawing of a scroll with rolled-up ends, with or without a text”. I vaguely knew of the word but had no idea what it meant so I trusted to wordplay here. | |
12 | Adder to proceed unsteadily (6) |
TOTTER – Two definitions of sorts | |
13 | Impassive girl many rejected (6) |
STOLID – DI (girl) + LOTS (many) reversed [rejected] | |
16 | Sparkle in rearranged court case (9) |
CORUSCATE – Anagram [rearranged] of COURT CASE. I knew of the word as in “coruscating wit” and that it meant something complimentary but beyond that I was somewhat vague about it so again I trusted to wordplay. | |
18 | Swift to criticise papers (5) |
RAPID – RAP (criticise), ID (papers) | |
19 | Shot traitor at restaurant (9) |
TRATTORIA – Anagram [shot] of TRAITOR AT | |
21 | Apparently good point by church in article (5) |
PIECE – PI (apparently good), E (point – of compass), CE (church). Usually we have “pi” clued as “good” but “apparently good” is a much better definition as the term is supposed to suggest that things are not quite as pure and holy as others might wish them to appear. | |
22 | Party absolutely a find (9) |
DISCOVERY – DISCO (party), VERY (absolutely) |
Down | |
1 | A pain keeping dry for diplomat (7) |
ATTACHE – A + ACHE (pain) containing [keeping] TT (dry – teetotal) | |
2 | Gradually reduces / feeble lights (6) |
TAPERS – Two definitions. I was a bit doubtful about “feeble” in the second one but Collins has it exactly. | |
3 | Slow and somewhat sullen, too (5) |
LENTO – A musical term hidden [somewhat] in {sul}LEN TO{o} | |
4 | Commonly catch sound, in this (3) |
EAR – {h}EAR (catch sound) [commonly]. Semi &lit I think. | |
5 | After bet, scribble patriotic song (6,6) |
YANKEE DOODLE – YANKEE (bet), DOODLE (scribble). Yankee Doodle went to town A-riding on a pony, Stuck a feather in his cap And called it macaroni. |
6 | Dictated some moves, no longer wild (12) |
DOMESTICATED – Anagram [moves] of DICTATED SOME | |
7 | Rail set in bar coming loose (8) |
BANISTER – Anagram [coming loose] of SET IN BAR | |
11 | Everyone taking a turn through small wood in fall (8) |
COLLAPSE – ALL (everyone) reversed [taking a turn] contained by [through] COPSE (small wood) | |
14 | Treatment of some music other people must accept (7) |
THERAPY – THEY (other people) contains [must accept] RAP (some music) | |
15 | Endless obstacle for playwright (6) |
BARRIE – BARRIE{r} (obstacle) [endless]. The creator of Peter Pan. | |
17 | Knuckle down and fight (3,2) |
SET TO – Two definitions | |
20 | So singular an animal (3) |
ASS – AS (so), S (singular) |
8ac: I think you might be reading too much into it, although the inclusion of “simple” did cause me to biff tic-tac-toe at first.
The bits of Yankee Doodle quoted will not make much sense to most people, because they lack the background in 18th-century popular culture.
s = singular
tip and run
tapers = lights
COD 19a trattoria.
8ac TIP AND RUN is a simplified form of cricket for kids – more akin to rounders. TIC-TAC-TOE is surely too American (Noughts and Crosses hereabouts) – Jack has TIC-TAC-TOE ever appeared in the QC or 15×15?
Better than average at about 19 mins. Did not know Yankee for bet, and had forgotten that PI exists in crossword land.
LOI was 1a as I had ‘poorly’ as an anagrind for the letters of ‘sited’. Also forgot LENTO as was worried that it should be LARGO, and 8a might be wrong.