Times Quick Cryptic 691 by Joker

Posted on Categories Quick Cryptic
Time taken 11 minutes.

I’m not sure what’s happened about today’s QC blog so I am posting this one to cover for Chrisw. Sorry about the brevity, but if anyone has questions I shall be pleased to respond.

As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]

1 Don’t allow a place to rest? Like unkind comments (6)
BARBED – BAR (don’t allow), BED (place to rest)
5 More wild / pig meat for breakfast? (6)
RASHER – Two defintions
8 Posing with sailor, become easy victim (7,6)
SITTING TARGET – SITTING  (posing), TAR (sailort), GET (become)
9 As reported, what the wind did is sad (4)
BLUE – Sounds like [as reported] “blew” (what the wind did)
10 Battle to send away one looking for business (5-3)
SHOOT-OUT – SHOO (send away), TOUT (one looking for business)
11 Useful hint about container for boiling vegetable (6)
TURNIP – TIP (useful hint) about URN (container for boiling)
13 Like a lover, visibly embarrassed after fuss (6)
ADORED – ADO (fuss), RED (visibly embarrassed)
15 He zooms around outside clubs to talk ingratiatingly (8)
SCHMOOZE – Anagram [around] of HE ZOOMS outside C (clubs)
17 Cry loudly in rough fight when resistance fails (4)
BAWL – B{r}AWL (rough fight) [when resistance fails]
19 Women’s rowing boat picking up in a display of strength (6-7)
WEIGHT-LIFTING – W (women), EIGHT (rowing boat), LIFTING (picking up)
21 Runs inside to provide food in a bowl (6)
CRATER – R (runs) inside CATER (provide food)
22 Coarse head of corn starts to turn healthily yellow (6)
EARTHY – EAR (head of corn), T{urn} H{ealthily} Y{ellow} [starts]
2 Mountain gazelle seen in safari — elegant (5)
ARIEL – Hidden [seen in] {saf}ARI EL{elegant}
3 Wager small Scottish note, having things both ways? (7)
BETWEEN – BET (wager), WEE (small, Scottish), N (note)
4 Teacher at university that’s not quite finished (3)
DON – DON{e} (finished) [not quite…]
5 Reason to limit the supply of alcohol (9)
RATIONALE – RATION (limit supply), ALE (alcohol)
6 Jack who’d only eat lean / fish (5)
SPRAT – Two definitions
7 Devon river with very attractive effect (7)
EXECUTE – EXE (Devon river), CUTE (very attractive)
10 Fan needing to drink beer (9)
SUPPORTER – SUP (drink), PORTER (beer)
12 Relative brought up Egyptian god that’s obscure (7)
UNCLEAR – UNCLE (relative), RA (Egyptian god) reversed [brought up]
14 Round puncture in skin of rover spacecraft (7)
ORBITER – O (round), then BITE (puncture) in R{ove}R [skin of…]
16 Great power / could possibly … (5)
MIGHT – Two definitions
18 … have weight move very slowly in hauling device (5)
WINCH – W (weight), INCH (move very slowly)
20 Frostiness that is showing a cold heart? (3)
ICE – IE (that is) with C (cold) inside it [showing a cold heart]

8 comments on “Times Quick Cryptic 691 by Joker”

  1. I found today’s QC quite tricky and staggered home in 13.16



  2. Not easy this one, just scraped in under ten minutes. NE last in, SHOOT-OUT only succumbed to alphabet search despite having S—T/out. SCHMOOZE is a great word. Is Jack Sprat known by today’s youth? A good challenge, or maybe I’m having a bad day.
    1. 14 mins. About medium QC difficulty with nothing too obscure. SHOOT-OUT was my LOI.
  3. I enjoy Joker’s puzzles very much and did so today; but I got stuck and needed a second session to complete it. With hindsight it was the easier clues that got me: 14d and 17a were troublesome and I wanted to put Howl at 17a when it clearly did not parse. I did not get 13a for quite a while so did not have the first letter of 14d.
    Anyway all done in the end in about 30 minutes in total. LOI was 10a. Many good clues but have to vote for 15a just to get Schmooze into a crossword (one of my first in). David
  4. DNF today. Defeated by 10a where I couldn’t get past ‘short cut’ once all the checkers were in place, despite knowing it was wrong. Eventually I just left it blank. Also had a long battle with 3d before seeing the light. The rest went in without too much bother. COD 15a.
    Thanks for filling in jack
  5. Count me as another defeated by 10ac. I had scout out, but couldn’t parse the battle bit. . . for reasons that are now obvious. Favourite today was 5ac. Invariant
    PS I managed to get within 3 or 4 answers of completing today’s 15×15, so it’s well worth a go.
  6. I think the parsing of 5a should be ‘More wild / pig meat for breakfast’.

    Thanks for the blog!

    Paul G

    1. Thanks for the correction Paul and I have amended the blog accordingly. Of course it’s what I had in mind but I threw the blog together at the last minute and then didn’t have time to check everything before I went out.

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