Lots of entertaining clues in this one and I enjoyed the nearly 10 minutes it took to complete. Not much more to say so click below for the blog and let’s get going.
Definitions are underlined.
Across | |
1 | Small amount of study initially having importance (10) |
SMATTERING – (S)tudy, having importance (MATTERING). | |
8 | Account for former partner of homely aspect (7) |
EXPLAIN – former partner (EX), of homely aspect (PLAIN). | |
9 | Go across island, reaching Italian city (5) |
TURIN – go (as in take one’s go – TURN) across island (I). | |
10 | Not many, they say? That’s a relief (4) |
PHEW – homophone of few. | |
11 | Uncrystallised sugar produced by Missouri girls (8) |
MOLASSES – Missouri (MO), girls (LASSES). | |
13 | Mission in Paris that served travellers principally (5) |
QUEST – French/Parisian of ‘that’ (QUE), (S)erved (T)ravellers. | |
14 | Room in taxi on the left (5) |
CABIN – in (IN) with taxi (CAB) to it’s left. | |
16 | Fashionable church feature dean primarily motivated (8) |
INSPIRED – fashionable (IN), church feature (SPIRE), (D)ean. | |
17 | Photograph game (4) |
SNAP – double definition. | |
20 | Offender’s supper finally eaten by chef (5) |
CROOK – suppe(R) inside chef (COOK). | |
21 | Woman’s husband caught in fire, perhaps (7) |
HEATHER – husband (H) inside fire (HEATER). | |
22 | One-sided version of a Latin rule (10) |
UNILATERAL – anagram (version of) A LATIN RULE. |
Down | |
1 | Woman with record showing farm animals (5) |
SHEEP – woman (SHE) with record (EP). | |
2 | Anxiety caused by arrest (12) |
APPREHENSION – double definition. | |
3 | Amphibian gets kicked, by the sound of it (4) |
TOAD – homophone of toed. Thought this might be croc at first but it didn’t work. | |
4 | Redemption money a children’s author talked of (6) |
RANSOM – homophone of Ransome (Arthur Michell – Swallows and Amazon’s). | |
5 | Songbird Greek character found on roofing material (8) |
NUTHATCH – Greek character (NU), on top of roofing material (THATCH). | |
6 | Politician vexed over new church stopping alcoholic drink (5-7) |
CROSS-BENCHER – vexed (CROSS), on top of new church (N CH) inside alcoholic drink (BEER). | |
7 | International organisation thus filling in agreement (6) |
UNISON – international organisation (UN), thus (SO) inside in (IN). | |
12 | Afflicted former nurse concealing subterfuge (8) |
STRICKEN – former nurse (SEN) outside subterfuge (TRICK). | |
13 | Fruit-tree one of five arriving together with Civil Engineer (6) |
QUINCE – one of five arriving together (QUIN), Civil Emgineer (CE). A smile for the definition of quin. | |
15 | Deadly obstruction originally hampering almost everyone (6) |
LETHAL – obstruction (LET and hindrance), (H)ampering, almost everyone (AL)l. | |
18 | Danger of rising anger in political extremists (5) |
PERIL – anger – ire – rising (ERI) inside (P)olitica(L). COD for surface and clever clue. | |
19 | Bridge-player missing beginning of banquet (4) |
EAST – missing beginning of banquet f(EAST). |
What Disney did to ‘Winnie the Pooh’ was quite shockied many back in Blighty. Thank the Lord Walt missed Ransome.
‘Biggles’’ and ‘Noddy’ books were pulled from many Libraries around that time, probably to save them!
In my book 13dn QUINCE is a bush rather than a tree.
Edited at 2021-11-02 05:11 am (UTC)
The new Bond movie was quite excellent.
It was long, but that did not really notice, as the attendant story-line managed to thrash on. Today’s film craft is so darn good, it only enhanced the pl. It wasn’t necessary to shoot in 3D, IMHO but the CG was not overly invasive.
I am a devotee of the original books, not necessarily the films, as they contain so much hidden detail of world events, 1936 – 1964. ‘Dr. No’ with ‘Live and Let Die’, ‘Goldfinger’ and ‘Thunderball’ are, for me, the most absorbing. Meldrew.
I never read Ransome, nor Biggles, Famous Five or William. I took a passing interest in Rupert Bear but never liked him much as I found the illustrations of the animals a bit creepy. Noddy books were presented at Christmas and birthday with some regularity and they were okay, but he was a stupid character. I read some Blyton stand-alone novels and really enjoyed them. There was no shortage of books in our house as my brother was an avid reader – for example he had all the Biggles series and these would have been available to me if I had wanted. My interest in reading didn’t fully develop until my mid-teens.
Edited at 2021-11-02 07:34 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-11-02 06:59 am (UTC)
I found this rather tricky and was firmly in the SCC with around a half hour solve. I needed the blog to understand lethal and stricken which I biffed. It took me a long time to get smattering which made Ransom harder.
Horryd – we have a quince tree in our garden and it is definitely a tree, we hang a hammock from it. We had a bumper harvest this year so have been enjoying quince jelly (membrillo) with Manchego cheese. They are a rather odd fruit, inedible when raw and with a slightly furry skin. They also feature in the Owl & the Pussycat.
FOI- phew, LOI – smattering, COD – Quince. Thanks Chris for the blog & Orpheus for an interesting challenge
I like the sound of pairing them, jellied, with Manchego cheese, because I have done lots of other things with them, eg pickled quince, quince cheese, but they have been declared inedible.
It is the best use of them I’ve found. I’ve tried a crumble but think they’re too flowery. I hear they go well with roast pork too as an alternative to apple sauce.
I was pleased to see SMATTERING as FOI, although the clue was generous, starting with “small” cued up an initial “s”, had the setter used “Tiny amount…” it would not have been FOI.
Low anagram count today, and no “hidden”s. Makes a nice change.
With 8 states starting with M, those two letter abbreviations can get tricky, and Missouri=MO is one of the tough ones. The battleship of the same name was called “The Mighty Mo”
Following on from my comment yesterday from devices that night to get retired, when an acronym goes out of use, such as SEN (phased out in 1989s)it’s time to find a new way of clueing those letters rather than weakly putting “former” in front. See also NUT for National Union of Teachers (renamed 2017)
Afflicted US lawmaker concealing subterfuge (8)
COD NUTHATCH (are all birds “songbirds”?)
Edited at 2021-11-02 08:26 am (UTC)
Other than that it was fairly plain sailing, enjoyed other PDMs with MOLASSES and the LET part of LEHAL, but like some others my COD goes to PHEW. Finished in 8.25.
Thanks to Chris
I spent time on CABIN because I was trying go find something to fit inside CAB. A neat clue which opened the way to CROSS BENCHER and UNISON (my LOsI). My CsOD were SMATTERING and PERIL. Thanks to Orpheus for a fair QC and to Chris for a crisp blog. John M.
Edited at 2021-11-02 06:53 pm (UTC)
Gave up after 30 minutes with more than a smattering of the clues unanswered. I really found this chewy with a lot of the wordplay not yet in my vocabulary.
I will need to make a note of the following:
Homely aspect = PLAIN
Greek Character = NU
Former Nurse = SEN
Obstruction = LET
Oh, how I wanted to put FRONT BENCHER in but couldn’t make it work! NHO CROSS BENCHER.
Also struggled with HEATHER — one day I’ll learn to like these ‘name a woman or man clues’, but for now they frustrate me greatly.
Edited at 2021-11-02 09:18 am (UTC)
Not as hard as I managed to make it but glad to complete. Bridge-player? I was definitely dummy today. Thanks Chris and Breadman.
Had my booster yesterday and have only a slight tenderness at the injection site. Felt poorly for 2 days after the second dose – it’s all hit and miss. I take comfort in knowing that if I can feel something then it’s working.
Edited at 2021-11-02 05:31 pm (UTC)
Could not even start this one. Ridiculously hard.
One for the ‘experts’.
God help the rest of us.
LOI STRICKEN, unparsed. Didn’t think of SEN.
Every time the penny dropped, I thought good, the checkers will help but they didn’t, for quite a while.
The NUTHATCH used to reappear in our garden each year, now he doesn’t sadly.
Liked that one and CROSS BENCHER, APPREHENSION, PHEW , among others.
(Yes, I read Ransome et al).
Thanks for helpful blog, Chris.
COD: MOLASSES (very funny)
Thanks Chris and Orpheus.
It still required my full attention, especially LOI CROSS BENCHER where even with all the checkers, I needed a long think.
Did not parse HEATHER but it had to be. Thanks for that.
10:23 on the clock.
Following yesterday’s discussion, I’m now going to buy an Ah-So on Amazon.
TIME 4:57
SMATTERING and APPREHENSION for LOI – just couldn’t stop myself from attempting to parse “small amount of study initially” to mean “having importance”.
Agree with
merlin_55 above that there are several abbreviations that newer and younger solvers (a category in which I perhaps unwisely include myself) will struggle with; some I can potentially still see uses for (Ambassador = HE, Bishop = RR) but they’re so far and away from the experiences of anyone under, say, 40, that the only way they’ll be able to start Times Cryptics is by chancing across a blog such as this, which parses and explains all the clues in good detail.
But EP for record wd be obscure to the young.
Elderly Farts like me (71) have been doing crosswords since their youth. I started on ‘The Times’ from my seventeenth birthday, moving up from ‘The Telegraph’. By 40 I knew a good No. of Abbreviations – but they have be learnt one by one and then retained. The listings at the back of ‘Chambers’ and other dictionaries are useful but I would advise not to try and learn them wholesale. Accumulate the little beggars!
Main hold up was the NW, with 1ac “Smattering”, 3dn “Toad” and 4dn “Ransom” taking longer than they should. No excuse for 3dn, but after discounting “frog” my limited amphibian repertoire was struggling until I saw the obvious.
Never read Swallows and Amazons, but luckily knew the author. I used to enjoy a good Secret Seven in my day and Biggles.
Is a ransom “redemption money”? I never thought of the word being used in that context — I was thinking of fines and reparations and such like.
Liked 5dn “Nuthatch”, 6dn “Cross Bencher” and 12dn “Stricken”.
FOI — 1dn “Sheep”
LOI — 4dn “Ransom”
COD — 21ac “Heather”
Thanks as usual!
Edited at 2021-11-02 11:29 am (UTC)
COD – 13dn QUINCE with an honourable mention to 11ac MOLASSES
I found this QC very difficult, with some clues totally eluding me.
6d. I spent far too much time convinced that I was looking for an alcoholic drink. Lesson learned: If an answer totally eludes me for too long, consider the possibility that I am looking at the wrong end of the clue.
1a. Took me forever and a day to solve.
Can’t say I really enjoyed this one, and despite my wanting to wean myself off aids, I did have to refer to Chambers a couple of times, else it would have been a DNF.
Oh well, there’s always tomorrow, and, of course, today’s Daily Mail cryptic to complete. I am doing far better there than here today.
For 1 d I briefly found myself considering “shelp” before “sheep” for some reason.
COD 5 d “nuthatch”. I’ve seen the occasional one over the past few months, identified by Mrs P who knows about such things.
Thanks to Chris and Orpheus. Maybe a tougher puzzle tomorrow?
I used to love the Arthur Ransom books – infinitely preferable to most Enid Blyton in my view, although I did have a bit of a binge on the Mallory Towers books when I was about 10. It was nothing like the boarding convent school where I was at that time 😅
I made some jelly from Japanese quinces last week — not related to the furry apple-like fruit and milder too, but tasty on a warm scone 😋
FOI Sheep
LOI Smattering
COD Phew
Thanks Orpheus (and for the good joke in Saturday’s paper) and thanks too to Chris
Doesn’t seem to have bothered anyone else, so maybe I’m just dim?
1A Smattering a lovely word, very nice to see it and a cleverly deceptive clue too — I was initially wondering what a “small amount of study” might be called. The combination makes it both my COD and WOD.
Many thanks to Chris for the blog
There were a few easy ones but I didn’t enter Heather — not parsed — or Molasses — slow to see MO and lasses….
Enjoyed Nuthatch though — probably my favourite bird…it is the only bird that will climb up and down a tree — tree creepers only going up etc.
I digress- a huge DNF for me. (<50% complete)
Thanks all
John George
Today, I struggled with the top half of the grid, but the bottom half came to my rescue. My last few in were RANSOM, TOAD and EXPLAIN. I have never read Arthur Ransome and I’m still struggling to get my head around ‘homely aspect’ equalling PLAIN.
Mrs Random cruised home just under the SCC threshold, but as we record our times only to the nearest minute it will go down as 20 minutes. She is now in the kitchen tending to the pizza dough she made earlier, as that’s what’s for dinner this evening. All good, then!
Many thanks to Orpheus and chrisw91.
Edited at 2021-11-02 04:59 pm (UTC)
You may well be right that my memory is playing tricks — it won’t be the first time — but I still reckon it was part of some text that was displayed at the beginning of an M & W sketch. I’ve always associated it with their script writer at the time, Eddie Braben. Whatever, it gave me a laugh!
Edited at 2021-11-02 06:15 pm (UTC)
Might i suggest that if you cannot be nice , helpful or funny you go away