A pleasant romp through QC land with Tracy today finished just inside 9 minutes.
Definitions are underlined.
Across | |
1 | Rescue brute, grabbing end of tail (7) |
SALVAGE – brute (SAVAGE) holding tai(L). | |
5 | Band‘s mega hit Motown initially put out (4) |
SASH – mega hit (S)m(ASH) without (M)otown. | |
7 | Villain‘s accent, not British (5) |
ROGUE – accent b(ROGUE) without British (B). | |
8 | Resentment of private picked up (7) |
RANCOUR – homophone of ranker. | |
10 | Down the back of one’s neck, mostly (3) |
NAP – back of one’s neck mostly (NAP)e. Nap of the cloth as in a snooker table. | |
11 | Restrains labourers holding strike (9) |
HANDCUFFS – labourers (HANDS) holding strike (CUFF). The noun seems more usual but the verb works here. | |
13 | To expel almost all of gang is hard (6) |
BANISH – almost all of gang (BAN)d, is (IS), hard (H). | |
14 | Quite right for salesperson to come back (6) |
PROPER – for (PRO), salesperson – rep – to come back (PER). | |
17 | A daughter calling for recognition (9) |
ADMISSION – a (A), daughter (D), calling (MISSION). On a mission to save the World. | |
19 | Extremely palatable, a vegetable (3) |
PEA – (P)alatabl(E), a (A). | |
20 | Not all stand by doctor, a radical (7) |
DRASTIC – not all of stand (STIC)k beside doctor (DR) and a (A). | |
22 | Dog belonging to Alec, or Giles (5) |
CORGI – belonging to Ale(C OR GI)les. | |
23 | Finish second best (4) |
STOP – second (S), best (TOP). | |
24 | Complicated tests on hat (7) |
STETSON – anagram (complicated) of TESTS ON. |
Down | |
1 | Bound to get on diving platform (11) |
SPRINGBOARD – bound (SPRING), get on (BOARD). | |
2 | Type of delivery members nail (3,4) |
LEG SPIN – members (LEGS), nail (PIN). A delivery in cricket. | |
3 | Gemstones my hat! Set’s fake! (9) |
AMETHYSTS – anagram (fake) of MY HAT SETS. | |
4 | English bishop with task to perform (6) |
ERRAND – English (E), bishop (RR – Right Reverend). | |
5 | Son at home gives offence (3) |
SIN – son (S), at home (IN). | |
6 | Mock small company very loudly (5) |
SCOFF – small (S), company (CO), very loudly (FF). | |
9 | Advance booking condition (11) |
RESERVATION – double definition. Could a triple have been worked in here e.g. ‘Booking condition concern’? | |
12 | Appalling, the French record (9) |
CHRONICLE – appalling (CHRONIC), the French (LE). | |
15 | Ancient document with syrup spread across a page (7) |
PAPYRUS – anagram (spread) of SYRUP across a page (A P). I thought it was just the paper but Colins also has a document written on papyrus which doesn’t surprise. | |
16 | Endless talk about throwing event (6) |
DISCUS – endless talk (DISCUS)s. | |
18 | Had in mind low temperature (5) |
MEANT – low (MEAN), temperature (T). | |
21 | Gratuity — mine sent over (3) |
TIP – mine – pit – over/upwards (TIP). |
That one puts a baby down for a nap doesn’t mean that down=nap.
Thanks to Chris
FOI SALVAGE, LOI SASH, COD CHRONICLE, time 09:17 for 1.7K and a Decent Day.
Many thanks Mara and Chris.
Edited at 2021-09-28 07:32 am (UTC)
Otherwise must have been a decent effort to be close to Kevin
On the trickier side but started in the NE and worked clockwise as the checkers appeared
Enjoyed it
Thanks all
About 15 mins, solved on train. Got much better since the last time I solved on the Waterloo line (Mar 2020)
Very slow to get FOI, which was AMETHYSTS. I agree with Templar; a synonym followed by an operation is tough for the QC, LOI DISCUS. Although DRASTIC had me head scratching for a long time.
I thought this was quite tricky, with my FOI pea, half way down the grid. The downs seemed easier and paved the way to a just over 20 minute solve.
I ended up biffing drastic as it was the only thing that fit. I also didn’t know the snooker meaning of nap, thought it may be something to do with putting a baby down to sleep, and had nho of private= ranker.
So quite a tricky collection from Tracy today.
Thanks Tracy and Chris
Thank you to chrisw91 and Tracy
10 AC “nap” means “down” as in “having a sleep” eg “Be quiet Herbert! the baby has just gone down!”
Lexico: “Nap (2) The raised hairs or threads on the surface of fabric or suede leather, in terms of the direction in which they naturally lie.”
Lexico: “Down (2) 1.2 Fine, soft hair on the face or body of a person. 1.3 Short, soft hairs on some leaves, fruit, or seeds.”
I didn’t have a chance to comment on yesterday’s blog, but found Mara’s QC very enjoyable with a healthy mix of clues. Finished in the cruise between BTS-STN, approx 45 minutes.
I can’t believe how many people are querying NAP. You may “put down” a baby for a NAP, but that meaning just doesn’t fit the parsing of the clue. Enough already !
TIME 3:50
My LOI was errand. Didn’t know Right Reverend was a bishop’s title. With = and… Very sneaky!
Lots of good clues and surfaces I thought. My favourite was CHRONICLE.
DRASTIC and LEG SPIN took me too long and, like others, I forgot RR for Bishop so ERRAND was my last one in (and only when I couldn’t imagine a word beginning EBR). The anagrams went in fine but I still find ADMISSION a poor clue (please, no replies telling me how logical and good it was). MEANT and CHRONICLE were neat, though.
Well, I was into the SCC today (and feeling a bit thick since so many regulars had no issues). John M.
Edited at 2021-09-28 09:39 am (UTC)
Looked up ADMISSION. Lots of biffing today.
Thanks all, esp Chris.
Thank you, Chris, and Setter
I got “nap” = down, although I could see why some people are questioning it. My biggest query was “mean” = “low” — presuming that’s in the sense of that’s a “low” thing to do by being awful rather than anything mathematical or temperature related.
FOI — 5dn “Sin”
LOI — 4dn dnf
COD — 1dn “Springboard”
Thanks as usual!
FOI in 1 ac “salvage” followed by 1 d “springboard” which opened the puzzle up.
LOI 20 ac “drastic” which I got from the definition and parsed as I was entering the letters.
COD 5 ac “sash” — quite liked the surface.
Thanks to Chris and Mara.
My biggest holdups were 8a Rancour and 20A Drastic; both clear from the crossers but working out the parsing was beyond me. Stick = stand seems a stretch to me (though I suppose the linking works in Pontoon/Vingt-et-un), and although I know the term “other ranks” I am not familiar with ranker as a term in general, or to specifically mean the rank of private.
As for the linking Appalling = Chronic, I accept that it exists in some argots but I thought that to see it in a Times crossword was, shall we say, appalling …
Many thanks to Chris for the blog
COD: NAP (we didn’t think the clue was controversial at all)
Thanks Tracy and Chris.
Mrs Random couldn’t parse these clues either, but with her better vocabulary she finished in 39 minutes.
Thanks to Tracy and Chris
Naps— babies!?I I spy strangers!
FOI 21dn TIP
Edited at 2021-09-28 08:03 pm (UTC)
Nap went over my head (and down my nape) — I thought it would be Pan (down = reversal command) until FOI Springboard made me change it without revisiting the clue,
Thanks all
John George
Guessed rancour — never heard of ranker for private and didn’t get the homophone clue
Never heard of RR for Bishop
Chronic is not appalling- it is surely to do with time.
Missed out on three.
Thought this a bit unfair
So “down”, in that sense, doesn’t mean nap? Are we agreeing?
a. the raised fibres of velvet or similar cloth
b. the direction in which these fibres lie when smoothed down
2. any similar downy coating
3. Australian informal
blankets, bedding
Word forms: naps, napping or napped
4. (transitive)
to raise the nap of (cloth, esp velvet) by brushing or similar treatment