Emergency Blog. No time for full explanations but if anything needs more detail please ask. I found this one particularly hard for some reason. I actually stopped the clock twice and took breaks.
Solving time: 20 minutes over three sessions.
As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions and substitutions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]. I usually omit all reference to positional indicators unless there is a specific point that requires clarification.
Across | |
1 | Mooch about, indulged from time to time (4) |
IDLE | |
I{n}D{u}L{g}E{d} [from time to time] | |
4 | Get a grip! (8) |
DD | |
8 | I teach PT badly. Sorry! (8) |
Anagram [badly] of I TEACH PT | |
9 | Get rid of hut in garden (4) |
SHED | |
DD | |
10 | Right by snake, another wild creature (4) |
BOAR | |
BOA (snake), R (right). Our customary porcine reference from this setter. | |
11 | Detective inspectors try to show revulsion (8) |
DI’S (detective inspectors), TASTE (try) | |
12 | Curious child, but likely to succeed? (4,2) |
ODD (curious), SON (child) | |
14 | Latin dictionary limiting charge (6) |
Hidden in [limiting] {Lat}IN DICT{ionary} | |
16 | Bachelor lounged about in club (8) |
B (bachelor), anagram [about] of LOUNGED | |
18 | Look, it’s the Speaker’s dog! (4) |
PEEK | |
Sounds like [the Speaker’s] “peke” (dog) | |
19 | Head knocking bishop out on one occasion (4) |
ONCE | |
{b}ONCE (head) [knocking bishop out] | |
20 | Where one might find pate de foie gras without much difficulty? (2,1,5) |
DD | |
22 | Noblewoman‘s fiddle, item of value must be returned (8) |
CON (fiddle), then ASSET (item of value) reversed [returned] | |
23 | Endeavour to protect old Conservative (4) |
TORY | |
TRY (endeavour) containing [to protect] O (old) |
Down | |
2 | No servant recalled duke, a very special chap (7) |
NO + MAID (servant) returned [recalled], D (duke) | |
3 | Either one can go for anaesthetic (5) |
E{i}THER [one can go] | |
4 | Kitty in retro blouse? (3) |
POT | |
TOP (blouse) [in retro] | |
5 | Crises one mishandled in slump (9) |
Anagram [mishandled] of CRISES ONE | |
6 | Save one’s partner? (7) |
DD | |
7 | Reporters accommodation is delightful (5) |
Sounds like [reporter’s] “suite” [accommodation] | |
11 | Hairy doctor argued with son (9) |
Anagram [doctor] of ARGUED SON | |
13 | Count up Es in street — most distressing! (7) |
ADD E’S (count up Es) contained by [in] ST (street) | |
15 | Instigator captured in massacre at orphanage (7) |
Hidden [captured] in {massa}CRE AT OR{phanage} | |
17 | Language game needs new beginning (5) |
Bingo (game) needs new beginning to become LINGO | |
18 | Story about one’s guide (5) |
PLOT (story) contains [about] I (one) | |
21 | Fathead occasionally ignored, I see (3) |
AHA | |
{f}A{t}H{e}A{d} [occasionally ignored] |
FOI – 10ac “Boar”
LOI – 18ac “Peek”
COD – 12ac “Odds on” – although I seem to be seeing this a lot recently.
Thanks as usual – and especially for providing the emergency blog!
All fair enough, looking back, no obscure vocab or GK. Lots of misdirection though.
Loved ODDS ON. Very macabre surface for CREATOR I thought! The other hidden INDICT also took a long time to jump out at me.
Approx. twice the time I would normally take. Thanks for stepping in Jack.
Edited at 2021-09-15 12:42 pm (UTC)
Edited at 2021-09-15 12:51 pm (UTC)
Noted porcine BOAR.
I completed LHS first – mostly slow going, nothing ON A PLATE, apart from the likes of TORY and ETHER.
Thanks to Jack, as ever. Not many comments today.
Solved over lunch and found the QC quite chewy. FOI IDLE and LOI PURCHASE. I struggled mostly in the NW corner with DIAMOND, PATHETIC, POT and ODDS ON all being late solves. 14:43 which is pretty slow for an Oink QC.
Edited at 2021-09-15 01:29 pm (UTC)
Thanks Oink and Jack (especially for explaining 2D).
Edited at 2021-09-15 01:37 pm (UTC)
Finished in 13.01 with LOI DIAMOND and COD to ODDS ON
Thanks for filling in Jack, it’s greatly appreciated
From reading some of the comments above, I’ve also tended to think of Oink as being on the easier side of the QC setters. However, I’ve noticed recently they’ve been getting slightly more difficult and today’s was definitely the hardest that I can remember.
Maybe they’ve just been lulling us into a false sense of security with their “porcine” references and somewhat straightforward clues and have decided to take the gloves off somewhat.
Here is the stream of my solve: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1149099154?t=580s.
PS. This is not a day to look for a consoling 15×15 solve…
Edited at 2021-09-15 03:02 pm (UTC)
As for the biggie, well after a couple of very good days, I came a total cropper today! I never check the snitch — I don’t want to be influenced before I even start.
FOI Boar
LOI Husband
COD Pathetic (which sums up my crosswording day really!)
Thanks Oink for the witty clues and Jack for stepping into the breach
I feel sure we have had Odd-son / Odds-on quite recently?
Many thanks to Jack for the emergency blog. If nothing else I shall remember today as a 1.1 Jack day, which in itself is Memorable.
Edited at 2021-09-15 05:22 pm (UTC)
Sorry about the blog – it’s partly my fault. If you go to the Twitch stream, you’ll see me egging Jeremy on to solve the ultra-difficult 15 x 15, which he finally finished in an hour and a half. But did I ask him where the Quickie blog was? Nope, didn’t even think of it.
In summary, found this hard work today, but each time I feared I had ground to a halt another breakthrough occurred and I was very pleased to finish in what was a good-ish time for me.
Many y thanks to Oink and jackkt.
I went bottom-up! So FOI 21dn AHA
And LOI 1ac IDLE
WOD 10ac BOAR Oink! Oink!
Well done Jack and thanks Oink.
Put in SWEET but didn’t get the dd
Tough for an Oink — especially the anagrams
Edited at 2021-09-16 10:57 am (UTC)