A good puzzle, over which I puzzled for 11 minutes. Never seemed to really get going but enjoyed it never the less.
FOI 8ac, LOI and WOD 16ac, COD 17dn – thanks Joker.
1. Great success concerning voucher (6)
COUPON – great success (COUP), concerning (ON).
5. Cluster round king for morning meal (6)
BRUNCH – cluster (BUNCH) around king (R).
8. Instrument popular with wine around (8)
CLARINET – popular (IN) with wine (CLARET) around it.
9. Stuff beginning to rot in river at Cambridge (4)
CRAM – (R)ot inside river at Cambridge (CAM).
10. Hazel’s maybe about to hit for six? (4)
STUN – Hazel’s (NUTS) backwards.
11. Work, eastern treat that’s funny – The Mikado? (8)
OPERETTA – work (OP), eastern (E), anagram (that’s funny) of TREAT.
12. Petrol has this running at once (6)
OCTANE – anagram (running) of AT ONCE.
14. Returning insect is eaten by another helplessly (6)
FEEBLY – returning insect (BEE) backwards inside (eaten by) another insect (FLY).
16. Whitechapel killer in empty factory finding trifles (8)
FRIPPERY – WOD – Whitechapel killer (RIPPER) inside (F)actor(Y).
18. Ceremonial mass held by father (4)
POMP – mass (M) held by father (POP).
20. Mineral providing some chemicals (4)
MICA – took a while to remember this mineral – inside (providing some) che(MICA)ls.
21. Depressingly little put into do-it-yourself (8)
DISMALLY – little (SMALL) inside DIY.
23. Make a case for three successive letters to finish (6)
DEFEND – unusual clue (to me anyway) – three successive letters (DEF) to finish (END).
24. Grant, say, protecting an island songbird (6)
CANARY – COD – currently top of the championship! Grant, say (CARY) around an (AN). Hmm – Canary Islands surely?
2. Young bird allowed to follow wingless fowl (5)
OWLET – allowed (LET) to follow f(OW)l.
3. A rapacious creature, I managed hospital area under parking (7)
PIRANHA – I (I), managed (RAN), hospital (H) and area (A) all under parking (P).
4. Sister with new uniform, head of nurses (3)
NUN – new (N), uniform (U), (N)urses.
5. Swimming style has fat go quickly (9)
BUTTERFLY – fat (BUTTER), go quickly (FLY) as in time.
6. Relative is foul when last two letters never arrive (5)
UNCLE – I believe this is (UNCLE)ar – as in a foul anchor – without the last two letters. Others with greater experience have pointed out that a more obvious explanation is foul=(UNCLE)an.
7. Property of informal talk on telephone (7)
CHATTEL – informal talk (CHAT) on telephone (TEL).
11. Old writer expired not achieving closure (4-5)
OPEN-ENDED – old (O), writer (PEN), expired (ENDED).
13. Bright red vehicle belonging to me (7)
CARMINE – vehicle (CAR), belonging to me (MINE). Not your everyday colour.
15. Give a reason for changing axle pin (7)
EXPLAIN – anagram (changing) of AXLE PIN.
17. Walk around Lake District? (5)
PLACE – walk (PACE) around lake (L). COD – the surface is so good that I took some time to separate Lake and District.
19. Damage on outside of round large tooth (5)
MOLAR – damage (MAR) around round (O) and large (L).
22. Bag search regularly reveals it (3)
SAC – regularly in (S)e(A)r(C)h.
Time: 7:43.
A saucier clueing ‘…protecting a new bird’ ?
30 Minute Mark: 12 answered
60 Minute Mark: 24 answered
Time before use of aids time: 38 minutes.
Total Answered: 24 of 26
I was so close to completing this in under my 60-minute target. I started off really well, but it was 10a and 11a that had me stumped.
I was particularly pleased with my efforts on 16a, 18a, 21a, 23a and 13d, as I answered these all by working out each part of the clue.
13a CARMINE: I thought that the last four letters would be MINE (belonging to me). 3-lettered vehicle could have only been a few options. When I thought of adding CAR to MINE, it sounded as if it could be right, though I was not aware of a colour called CARMINE. A quick check in the dictionary of the word carmine indicated a bright red colour. So, I entered that as my answer.
My best effort so far. So close to completing it.
The down clues gave me a toehold and then the acrosses all followed well enough – a well constructed puzzle, therefore, which was not too easy and where the clues needed both wordplay skills and the checkers, but which was very fair. I particularly liked 23A Defend, which has a clever clue-construction new to me. LOI was 10A Stun – it took me an alphabet trawl to find the word (fortunately there are surprisingly few words that go -T-N, and for once the answer wasn’t the name of crosswordland’s favourite school), and then a moment or two more to work out the parsing, but as with all good clues, it’s obvious when you get it.
Many thanks to Joker for remembering that is is a Quick Cryptic and giving us a fair, enjoyable puzzle not a wrestling match, and to Chris for the blog
There were no serious hold ups as I made my way clockwise around the grid before ending with OCTANE, one of many excellent surfaces. Plenty of COD contenders but DISMALLY just pipped FRIPPERY for me as it nicely sums up my DIY efforts. Finished in 8.17.
Thanks to Chris and Joker.
Edited at 2020-12-08 08:34 am (UTC)
A rare smooth solve for me, NW to SE more or less in order.
COD: 7d CHATTEL – may be a chestnut (although new to me) but it made me see a familiar word in a fresh and fun way
6:28 for 1.2K and by my standards a Very Good Day
LI were FRIPPERY and FEEBLY. Relieved to be back to a 14.55 – just within my target. Thanks to Joker and Chris. John M.
A really super puzzle with lots of excellent clues – shout out to FRIPPERY, DISMALLY, PIRANHA and FEEBLY.
FOI CLARINET, LOI OCTANE (didn’t spot the anagram, durrr), COD DEFEND (such a satisfying PDM) but with hot competition, time 1.8K for a Good Day.
Many thanks Joker and Chris.
Frippery was clever, had a sudden penny drop there.
FOI Nun. Biffed but couldn’t parse Defend. V clever too.
Easier than of late!
Edited at 2020-12-08 10:11 am (UTC)
My LOI was CARMINE, there was always a Carmine in a box of paints.
Thanks to Joker and Chris, and to the editor for getting the QC back to normal!
Yesterday for instance I came across “Qua” = “As” in another puzzle. Not sure if it’s Latin or something else, but I’ve made a mental note for the future. Of course, the problem is remembering them all!
Edited at 2020-12-08 11:41 am (UTC)
Quite agree. Luckily I’m of that generation, so that makes the puzzles that bit easier for me! But, fifty years ago I’m sure I was struggling and I imagine I was learning new words every day. Doesn’t happen that often now (SHAWM is one I remember recently, though I can’t remember what it means, but it’s sitting there in the wordstore waiting for another outing). I always assume that in 20 years time (assuming I’m still here) I will struggle as a new set of words, unfamiliar to me, comes into play. But what’s a setter to do? They can’t dumb it all down to find the lowest common set of words, and produce anodyne puzzles, so the younger ones will just have to grin and bear it 🙂 Unless we have a 20 year-old set on a Monday, a 30 yo on Tuesday, a 40 yo on Wednesday, a 50 yo on Thursday and a 60 yo on Friday. Then we can all have a good moan at some point :))
COD CHATTEL, but not a great many contenders
FOI – 1ac “Coupon”
LOI – 12ac “Octane”
COD – 16ac “Frippery”
Thanks as usual.
LOI OCTANE – failed to see that it was an anagram…., mistakenly had written OPERATTA, which held up UNCLE needlessly. Otherwise, a very good QC.
I was on the 7.45 this morning so arrived on time.
I would further encourage seasoned setters to use the QC as a warm up for the main event. The more the merrier!
FOI: brunch
LOI: mica
COD: dismally
Thanks for the blog Chris.
Its pleasing when a clue is solved from its pieces, I had that today with CLARINET and FRIPPERY. So a good mixture of biff & check, double defs, anagrams and constructors.
A nicely constructed puzzle, with nothing contentious to prod the ATDC (Anonymous “Too Difficult” Club”).
TIME 3:30
LOI – 18ac POMP
Thanks to Chris for the blog.