A fairly straightforward 10 minute solve with rather more double meaning clues than usual – 6 in all.
As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions and substitutions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]. I usually omit all reference to positional indicators unless there is a specific point that requires clarification.
Across | |
1 | Trick turning over gigantic pastries? (9) |
STRATAGEM : MEGA ((gigantic) + TARTS (pastries) reversed [turning over] | |
6 | A quiet wood (3) |
ASH : A, SH (quiet) | |
8 | Wheel around old ship (7) |
COASTER : CASTER (wheel) contains [around] O (old) | |
9 | In parturition, a tale of birth (5) |
NATAL : Hidden [in] {parturitio}N A TAL{e} | |
10 | First of hurdlers entering slowest heat, surprisingly, be the best (5,3,4) |
STEAL THE SHOW : H{urdlers} [first] contained by [entering] anagram [surprisingly] of SLOWEST HEAT | |
12 | Spare cash initially wasted, minor problem (6) |
SCRAPE : Anagram [wasted] of SPARE C{ash} [initially] | |
13 | Doctor in cape, fighting (6) |
COMBAT : MB (doctor) contained by [in] COAT (cape) | |
16 | Awfully smart, set for a degree (6,2,4) |
MASTER OF ARTS : Anagram [awfully] of SMART SET FOR A | |
19 | Holiday back in Geneva, electrifying (5) |
LEAVE : Reversed [back] and hidden [in] {Gen}EVA EL{ectrifying} | |
20 | Confiscated by club, the awful knife (7) |
MACHETE : Anagram [awful] of THE, contained [confiscated] by MACE (club) | |
22 | Very good one! (3) |
ACE : Two meanings, the second as in playing cards | |
23 | Device no writer put in line (3,6) |
TIN OPENER : NO + PEN (writer) contained by [put in] TIER (line) |
Down | |
1 | Send packing container (4) |
SACK : Two meanings | |
2 | Incumbent of parish welcoming a source of energy (7) |
REACTOR : RECTOR (incumbent of parish) containing [welcoming] A | |
3 | Add measure of alcohol (3) |
TOT : Two meanings | |
4 | Dance, finding last of money in jar (6) |
GYRATE : {mone}Y (last) contained by [in] GRATE (jar) | |
5 | Maine’s not, unfortunately — this state? (9) |
MINNESOTA : Anagram [unfortunately] of MAINE’S NOT | |
6 | Letter, a ticklish thing (5) |
AITCH : A, ITCH (ticklish thing) | |
7 | Idiot with success concealing dreadful flaw (7) |
HALFWIT : HIT (success) containing [concealing] anagram [dreadful] of FLAW | |
11 | Turkish leader taken in by a gift, currently (2,7) |
AT PRESENT : T{urkish} [leader] contained [taken in] by A + PRESENT (gift) | |
12 | Fly endlessly around African country — and another one? (7) |
SOMALIA : SOA{r} (fly) [endlessly] containing [around] MALI (African country) | |
14 | Bird in icy north (7) |
BITTERN : BITTER (icy), N (north) | |
15 | Ordinary public land (6) |
COMMON : Two meanings | |
17 | Heading for stairs, step in room (5) |
SPACE : S{tairs} [heading], PACE (step) | |
18 | Bottom, come up (4) |
REAR : Two meanings | |
21 | Catch officer (3) |
COP : Two meanings |
I guess at 42:29 I made it almost 5 times as difficult 🙂
I don’t equate sack with send packing, more like send away.
COD stratagem.
Rather liked the surface for 6 across
Thanks setter and Jackkt
I’m sure I’ve seem Stratagem before, only last time it referred to huge prostitutes!
Thanks to Jack for the blog
Edited at 2020-08-03 08:32 am (UTC)
Missed my target, not a great start to the week.
TIME 5:31
Hopefully I’ll have more luck with 15×15 which I see has a fairly low Snitch rating today.
Thanks to Jack and well played Mara
From reading the above it appears it must have been me rather than the puzzle itself as nothing seemed too difficult upon review. But, for whatever reason, it just wasn’t happening today and I didn’t seem to be on the right wavelength for the definitions. 1ac “Stratagem”, 4dn “Gyrate” and 8ac “Coaster” come to mind.
I think Jackkt is spot on about the number of double meaning clues which I often find tricky (although I can’t really use it as an excuse). Other than that I will blame it on Monday morning and half listening to the radio at the same time!
FOI – 3dn “Tot”
COD – 10ac “Steal the Show”
Thanks as usual.
Not just you. I usually get there in 25 but 7 unfinished clues today in NW and SE.
I find clues like 13ac particularly difficult when a word from left field is merged with one in the clue. Can’t remember what these are called. There were several today.
A tough but fair start to the week. Johnny
like others I was misled by SCRAPE, but fortunately jar=grate has been in the 15×15 very recently.
pleased with the helpful wordplay to spell STRATAGEM correctly- I will have to remember mega tarts!!
Thanks blogger and Mara
LOI Sack
COD Stratagem
Time about 18 minutes
Thanks Mara and Jack, especially for getting us out of a SCRAPE!
Not so easy for the slowies.
Solved Reactor and Coaster eventually. Got stratagem fairly early but couldn’t parse, ditto Somalia.
FOI At present and Common and Ash and Natal.
LOI Combat (should have been easy)
Helpful blog as ever.
I too had a problem parsing SCRAPE and GYRATE and I didn’t really get the ‘send’ meaning of SACK.
However, I really appreciated STEAL THE SHOW, MASTER OF ARTS and TIN OPENER and my COD goes to AITCH for its comic value.
Thanks to Mara and to Jack for the concise blog.
9:22, with SACK being the last of a little set of clues that were holding out until I realised I wasn’t looking for a specific dance with a Y in it, and got GYRATE.
FOI – 6ac ASH
LOI – 17dn SPACE
Is this the standard way of saying the letter “H”? I would normally pronounce it with an “h” in front, and would therefore have expected something to do with London or the “east end” in the clueing if this was not included.
Probably overthinking but wondered if anyone else had considered this.
Aitch is correct. However it is usually pronounced haitch in the north west of England and probably elsewhere. Where it is the heighth letter of the halphabet. 😀 Johnny
COD STRATAGEM-may be a old chestnut I suppose, but I do not recall it.