Add a few names, a fair few abbreviations and the odd composer then mix cleverly.
9 minutes for this enjoyable QC with a mind-blank on the two longer downs – 6 and 9.
All questions welcomed.
1. Scottish citizen‘s misguided gag in Wales (10)
GLASWEGIAN – anagram (misguided) of GAG IN WALES.
7. Make insistent demands on section of media (5)
PRESS – double definition.
8. Your compiler’s beyond taking on old painting technique (7)
IMPASTO – Orpheus was a musician poet and prophet but not a painter, it seems. Your compiler’s (IM), beyond (PAST), old (O). Impasto comes up pretty often – a technique of painting thickly so the brush/palette knife leaves a mark.
10. Teach girl badly, being exceptionally drowsy (9)
LETHARGIC – anagram (badly) of TEACH GIRL.
12. Tedious routine involving stags in autumn? (3)
RUT – double definition.
13. Very cold, as a vicious dog might be! (6)
BITING – double definition.
15. Popular ship’s officer, one serving time, perhaps (6)
INMATE – popular (IN), ship’s officer (MATE).
16. Teashop vessel used in our neighbourhood (3)
URN – in o(UR N)eighbourhood. Perhaps the ‘teashop’ is a little generous but this is a QC.
17. Send down girl who’s out of practice in speaking? (9)
RUSTICATE – homophone (in speaking) of girl (KATE) and out of practice (RUSTY) giving us RUSTY KATE – COD for this smile.
20. Contempt shown by inspector, attorney caught in wrongdoing (7)
DISDAIN – inspector (DI – Detective Inspector), attorney (DA – District Attorney) caught inside wrongdoing (SIN).
22. Anger about chartered accountant’s girl (5)
ERICA – anger (IRE – about – backwards), chartered accountant (CA).
23. Smooth chap identifying a European songbird? (4,6)
SAND MARTIN – smooth (SAND), chap (MARTIN).
1. Large recess in fireplace place, so to speak (5)
GREAT – homophone (so to speak) of GRATE.
2. A British composer, one who’s on the wagon (9)
ABSTAINER – a (A), British (B), composer (STAINER – Sir John 1849-1901).
3. Twist organ a bird uses to fly across river (5)
WRING – organ a bird uses to fly (WING – an organ is any part of the body that has a particular function) across river (R).
4. Doctor getting to grips with youth leader’s severe pain (3)
GYP – doctor (GP) gripping (Y)outh. I’m familiar with gyp – a term used by a friend of mine.
5. American visiting courts in EU country (7)
AUSTRIA – American (US) visiting (inside) courts (ATRIA).
6. Period certain to get us enthralled (10)
SPELLBOUND – period (SPELL) certain (BOUND). I think the ‘us’ casued me delay here as I couldn’t see how to fit it in. Necessary filler for the surface, I think.
9. Excel as strategist away on common (10)
OUTGENERAL – away (OUT), common (GENERAL). My blank moment came about by not seeing all the first three words as the definition.
11. Happy to shelter in Europe, perhaps (9)
CONTINENT – happy (CONTENT) to shelter in (IN).
14. Sporting a suit in African republic (7)
TUNISIA – anagram (sporting) of A SUIT IN.
18. Woman in Iowa supporting male offspring (5)
SONIA – Iowa (IO) supporting male offspring (SON).
19. Stranger taking a rest at end of garden (5)
ALIEN – a (A), rest (LIE), garde(N).
21. Help finish off Italian opera (3)
AID – take the finishing letter off Italian opera (AID)a.
Alabama AL Missouri MO Alaska AK Montana MT Arizona AZ Nebraska NE Arkansas AR Nevada NV
California CA New Hampshire NH Colorado CO New Jersey NJ Connecticut CT New Mexico NM
Delaware DE New York NY District of Columbia DC North Carolina NC Florida FL
North Dakota ND Georgia GA Ohio OH Hawaii HI Oklahoma OK Idaho ID Oregon OR Illinois IL
Pennsylvania PA Indiana IN Rhode Island RI Iowa IA South Carolina SC Kansas KS
South Dakota SD Kentucky KY Tennessee TN Louisiana LA Texas TX Maine ME Utah UT
Maryland MD Vermont VT Massachusetts MA Virginia VA Michigan MI Washington WA
Minnesota MN West Virginia WV Mississippi MS Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY
Edited at 2020-06-30 04:01 am (UTC)
Edited at 2020-06-30 03:55 am (UTC)
Collins has:
British and New Zealand slang
severe pain; torture
his arthritis gave him gyp
Proud that I worked out (‘parsed’?) 8a IMPASTO, having never heard of it, and I totally ground to a halt with LOI 9d OUTGENERAL, which was not in my vocabulary either. As a result no time given, but probably around the 25 minute mark, which was disappointing as I‘d made such a cracking start.
Favourite clue 1a GLASWEGIAN.
Edited at 2020-06-30 05:06 am (UTC)
Unfortunately I managed to invent the well known avian BALD MARTIN. Doesn’t look very likely when you look at it post-solve. Ugh!
9 and a half minutes with that clanger
Thanks all
Also didn’t twig atria for plural of atrium.
LOI outgeneral submitted with fingers crossed.
Cod biting.
Eventually 21 :04 so just outside my target. Thanks for the info on US state abbreviations .
FOI: glaswegian
COD: rusticate
LOI 9d (it seems this will be LOI for lots) took a long look and an alphabet trawl to find the rather clunky OUTGENERAL. 14:58 on the clock, so better than yesterday.
COD to RUSTICATE. I seem to be nominating homophones more orphan than before.
As for grate being a recess in a fireplace – I suppose the metal bars which comprise the grate do have to be recessed inside the fireplace itself – otherwise smoke would go up inside the room rather than the chimney. I suspect that our setter was distinguishing between grate and hearth (upon which the grate sits).
British and New Zealand slang
severe pain; torture
his arthritis gave him gyp
Edited at 2020-06-30 10:36 am (UTC)
I was quick this morning, but that wasn’t because it was particularly easy. A really nice puzzle in my opinion, so thank you Orpheus.
TIME 0.54K
FOI – 10ac lethargic
LOI – 8 ac impasto
COD – 17ac rusticate – lovely clue and raised a chuckle.
So, I followed the clue constructions trustingly and Orpheus helped me home in 11 minutes.
COD 17A Rusticate – my daughter is Kate and this made me smile.
Many thanks to Orpheus for a pleasant puzzle and Chris for the blog
A better time than of late too – at just over 14 minutes.
My COD goes to ALIEN for its simplicity.
Thanks to Orpheus and Chris – also to Jackkt for his interesting league table.
Not familiar with Stainer but guessed. Pleased to get RUSTICATED.
Liked Spellbound.
Thanks to all.
Thanks to chris
Brilliant table from Jack!
Thanks Chris and Orpheus
I really struggled on this and for the first 5 minutes had absolutely nothing filled in, resulting in me having to stop and come back later. In the end I completed just about everything in about 35 mins, but 9dn “Outgeneral” just stumped me so another DNF.
Some good clues though including 6dn “Spellbound”, 8ac “Impasto” and 17ac “Rusticate”, although I didn’t recognise “atria”= courts and didn’t think “gyp” was severe pain.
Also – not happy with general names in answers, even when they are fairly obvious.
FOI – 16ac “Urn”
COD – 17ac “Rusticate”
Thanks as usual.
FOI: Glaswegian
LOI: sand martin
COD: rusticate
Thanks to Chris for the blog
NHO OUTGENERAL, which defeated me – I wonder if I can work it into a conversation tomorrow. Too obscure for most of us I note.
Otherwise enjoyed, thanks all.
Good fun and slowly worked through but needed to look up synonyms for common for 9d LOI. 17a I haven’t heard since I could have been back in the 70’s!
Always pleased when I complete (albeit with help with LOI) an Orpheus! Circa 35 minutes.
Thanks all
John George
Thanks for the blog and the puzzle!
Thanks to Orpheus and Chris.