1. Peculiarity in icy dairy, sons recollected (12)
IDIOSYNCRASY – Anagram (recollected) of ICY DAIRY SONS.
8. Bum died in prison cell (5)
CADGE – died (D) in prison cell (CAGE). Bum/cadge a lift/cigarette.
9. Remaining seaport bombed (2,5)
TO SPARE – anagram (bombed) of SEAPORT.
10. Manage continuous series of performances (3)
RUN – double definition – manage/a run of good times at the QC.
11. Beginning to grumble about head teacher (9)
GOVERNESS – (G)rumble, about (OVER), head (NESS – cape- Foulness).
13. Holding dog with no lead (5)
14. Circle the globe with Italian (5)
ORBIT – globe (ORB), Italian (IT).
16. Paid driver to point out coniferous tree, we’re told (9)
CHAUFFEUR – homophone (we’re told) of show fir.
17. Poem in secret language Charlie ignored (3)
ODE – c(ODE).
19. Everyone following remarkably bent game (7)
NETBALL – everyone (ALL) following an anagram (remarkably) of BENT.
21. Veteran serviceman without his wings (5)
22. Take off after arriving from here, paradoxically? (7,5)
LANDING STRIP – take off (STRIP) after arriving (LANDING).
1. At home, aggressive dog makes one suffer (5)
INCUR – at home (IN), aggressive dog (CUR).
2. Individuals entering country, Asian nation (9)
INDONESIA – individuals (ONES) entering country (INDIA).
3. Then, a goldfish flying! Conjuror’s trickery (7,2,4)
SLEIGHT OF HAND – anagram (flying) of THEN A GOLDFISH.
4. Local, unsophisticated around town at first (6)
NATIVE – unsophisticated (NAIVE) around (T)own.
5. River gods rose unexpectedly in film (9,4)
RESERVOIR DOGS – anagram (unexpectedly) of RIVER GODS ROSE.
6. Health resort featured in newspaper (3)
SPA – in new(SPA)per.
7. Cracked bidets in accommodation (6)
BEDSIT – anagram (cracked) of BIDETS.
12. Dress up bride more elaborately (9)
EMBROIDER – anagram (elaborately) of BRIDE MORE.
13. Climb a trail (6)
ASCENT – a (A), trail (SCENT).
15. Capital composer (6)
BERLIN – double definition.
18. Check out organ at college (3,2)
EYE UP – organ (EYE), at college (UP).
20. Drink drop of liquid, right away (3)
TEA – (TEA)r.
Last few reservoir dogs, idiosncrasy and berlin.
Cod cadge.
On a course this week so solving hampered.
Edited at 2019-10-08 05:12 am (UTC)
This whole business with the font is getting ridiculous, causing confusion twice within a couple of days.
FOI INCUR, LOI RESERVOIR DOGS (I hate random film names), COD shared between CADGE and OLDIE. I see Jack still hasn’t found his varifocals for the font issues – what a bummer.
Thanks Tracy and Chris.
Edited at 2019-10-08 09:05 am (UTC)
Enjoyable puzzle from Tracy, no dramas.
COD SLEIGHT OF HAND – I don’t often nominate an anagram, but this conjured up such a fine image !
I agree with Templar re random films names and how to spell idiosyncrasy, which went in straightaway, but with a final c. The perils of biffing! Spa sorted that out. I also biffed Sleight of hand, but really enjoyed the clue on giving it a bit more attention post-solve.
FOI Idiosyncrasy
LOI Governess
COD Sleight of hand – see Phil’s comment 😊
I initially mispelt 1a making SPA a bit tricky so I had to go back to the anagram fodder and write it all out before coming up with the correct spelling. I left the composer to the end due to my lack of musical knowledge so was relieved when BERLIN popped into my head without too long a delay. Finished in 9.09
Thanks for the blog
FOI:1a (but had to correct a C to an S when SPA came along!)
LOI: 8a
COD: 3d …. but really like 22a too.