I needed 9 minutes for this and having written the blog it all seemed pretty straightforward but others may disagree and all opinions are welcome.
As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions and substitutions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]
Across | |
1 | Inexpensive carpet only initially has pile (5) |
CHEAP – C{arpet} [only initially], HEAP (pile) | |
4 | Won over church with weapons (7) |
CHARMED – CH (church), ARMED (with weapons) | |
8 | Son harbours desire to be a theatre worker? (7) |
SURGEON – SON contains [harbours] URGE (desire). I imagine most regular QC solvers are used to it being that type of theatre by now. | |
9 | Composer’s unfortunate sloth (5) |
HOLST – Anagram [unfortunate] of SLOTH. English composer 1874-1934 most famous for The Planets. | |
10 | Leave for each embassy (10) |
PERMISSION – PER (for each), MISSION (embassy) | |
14 | Newspaper customer is university lecturer (6) |
READER – Two meanings | |
15 | Bemoan lieutenant having the last word inside (6) |
LAMENT – LT (lieutenant) contains [having…inside] AMEN (the last word) | |
17 | Spoiler of fun is clear in unfortunate tweet (3,7) |
WET BLANKET – BLANK (clear) contained by [in] anagram [unfortunate] of TWEET | |
20 | Island with wood is perfect (5) |
IDEAL – I (island), DEAL (wood) | |
22 | Delicate scrap of fabric placed in folder (7) |
FRAGILE – RAG (scrap of fabric) contained by [placed in] FILE (folder) | |
23 | Criminal group with course of action on which to embark (7) |
GANGWAY – GANG (criminal group), WAY (course of action). Gangs don’t have to be criminals of course so there’s a hint of DBE here. | |
24 | A number of heavy objects uncovered (5) |
EIGHT – {w}EIGHT{y} (of heavy objects) [uncovered]. |
Down | |
1 | Clubs request a lot of beer? (4) |
CASK – C (clubs – cards), ASK (request) | |
2 | Gem’s not the first for noble (4) |
EARL – {p}EARL (gem) [not the first]. Not literally a gem, I think, but figuratively it passes muster. | |
3 | Bit some food, bit by bit (9) |
PIECEMEAL – PIECE (bit), MEAL (some food) | |
4 | Key chaps in charge over picture house (6) |
CINEMA – A (key) + MEN (chaps) + IC (in charge) reversed [over] | |
5 | A southern hard wood (3) |
ASH – A, S (southern), H (hard – pencil lead) | |
6 | Short man plunges into water in tropical isles (8) |
MALDIVES – MAL{e} (man) [short], DIVES (plunges into water) | |
7 | Explode one day outside public school (8) |
DETONATE – DATE (one day) contains [outside] ETON (public school). We know it’s a college but it’s still classed as a public school. | |
11 | Position on board is grounds for divorce? (9) |
STALEMATE – A straight definition with reference to chess, and a rather odd cryptic hint! | |
12 | Doctor admitting cause of death (8) |
DROWNING – DR (doctor), OWNING (admitting) | |
13 | Severely criticise the working group of famous people (8) |
PANTHEON – PAN (severely criticise), THE, ON (working). Originally used to describe Gods, this is now applied to people who are famous, admired or distinguished in some other way. | |
16 | Perhaps getting cold and disdainful (6) |
SNIFFY – Two meanings, the first vaguely cryptic | |
18 | No time in Hertfordshire town to call (4) |
RING – (t)RING (Hertfordshire town) [no time]. TRING came up only last Wednesday in the15x15 puzzle. It’s 11 miles to the south of where I live. | |
19 | Opening race perhaps fails to start (4) |
VENT – {e}VENT (race perhaps) [fails to start] | |
21 | Clown at heart is depressed (3) |
LOW – {c}LOW{n} [at heart] |
I didn’t think some of the rest was that easy, either. We’ll see what the less experienced solvers say.
Anyone know why?
My time was 12:18 after all that. David
I thought STALEMATE was very good and gets my COD; is it a chestnut, old hands?
Edited at 2019-03-18 09:27 am (UTC)
Martin Hill
Thanks for the blog
My thanks to setter and blogger.
As I worked around this practically unhindered in a generally clockwise direction, I had FRAGILE in before considering SNIFFY, so alternatives didn’t occur to me.
TIME 3:07
Was speeding along but got horribly snared in the nw by earl which took a while to parse, misspelling piecemeal which held up loi surgeon.
Cod charmed.
My lame excuse is that I am bog-eyed after spending most of the day staring at a screen trying to get the best deal on a mobile phone and sim card having found my missing mobile at the bottom of our garden pond. It took quite a while of dismissing more likely places before I used some logic and finally rolled up my sleeves and explored the muddy bottom. That will teach me not to put it in my top pocket while cleaning the pump! John M.
Stalemate was rather lovely, I have to say .
Edited at 2019-03-18 06:47 pm (UTC)
Here’s an entry in Collins dictionary:
lo – exclamation
look! see! (now often in the phrase lo and behold)