Times Quick Cryptic 1130 by Flamande

Posted on Categories Quick Cryptic

This puzzle took me 8 minutes so I’d say it’s at the easier end of the spectrum, but it still has a few trickier clues that may stretch the brain a little more.

As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions and substitutions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]

1 Edith relaxing with sons: they seek pleasure (9)
HEDONISTS – Anagram [relaxing] of EDITH SONS. I’m not entirely convinced by ‘relaxing’ as anagrind, but it’s on the Chambers list.
6 Black and silver container (3)
BAG – B (black), AG (silver)
8 Battalion having no time for course of therapy (7)
REGIMEN – REGIMEN{t} (battalion) [having no time]. I believe that in strict military terminology a battalion is only part of a regiment, but in more general terms both words are used figuratively for a large group of people, and that’s what’s required for this clue to work.
9 East European turns to run off with partner (5)
ELOPE – E (East) + POLE (European) reversed [turns]
10 Sat for photo, showing composure? Not I (5)
POSED – PO{i}SED (showing composure) [not I]
12 Drunk spotted reeling in front of Edward (6)
WASTED – SAW (spotted) reversed [reeling], TED (Edward)
14 Regal figure organised prison concert (6,7)
PRINCE CONSORT – Anagram [organised] of PRISON CONCERT
16 Traveller in coach, returning first class (6)
SUPERB – REP (traveller as in  ‘commercial traveller’) contained by [in] BUS (coach) all reversed [returning]
17 Old Wren turned out to be a possessive type (5)
OWNER – O (old), anagram [turned out] of WREN. A rather good misdirection here in the definition.
19 Leave work during strike (3,2)
HOP IT – OP (work) contained by [during] HIT (strike)
20 Area bound by a border, nothing out of the ordinary (7)
AVERAGE – A (area) contained [bound] by A VERGE (a border)
22 Heads for this outlying rocky peak (3)
TOR –  T{his} O{utlying} R{ocky} [heads]. ‘Rocky’ could have been part of the definition but it’s needed for the wordplay and double usage is usually to be avoided .
23 Complete makeover incorporating new naval flag (3,6)
RED ENSIGN – REDESIGN (complete makeover) containing [incorporating] N (new)
1 Hope to engage sailors with very good dance at sea (8)
HORNPIPE – HOPE contains [to engage] RN (sailors) + PI (very good). The hornpipe dance has been associated with sailors for a couple of centuries though wasn’t originally, but even if performed by sailors they don’t necessarily have to be ‘at sea’ at the time.
2 Closely follow / pointer, perhaps (3)
DOG – Two definitions, the second by example, hence ‘perhaps’
3 No bananas for homeless person (5)
NOMAD – NO, MAD (bananas)
4 Advertisement from Kentish golf course committee? (8,5)
SANDWICH BOARD – SANDWICH (Kentish golf course), BOARD (committee). Apparently the British Open is  often hosted by at least one of the courses in Sandwich but that fact was lost on me so the reference to golf was irrelevent. Just as well I knew the name of the town and where it is located.
5 Member of extended family keeps walking (7)
STEPSON – A straight definition and a slightly whimsical one that requires the alternative spacing, STEPS ON
6 Got very upset and stopped working (5,4)
BROKE DOWN – Two meanings
7 Some big reward got bigger (4)
GREW – Hidden [some] in {bi}G REW{ard}
11 Sporty type in winter’s half-skimpy pullover (3,6)
SKI JUMPER – SKI{mpy} [half], JUMPER (pullover)
13 Fish: medic eats tons (8)
STURGEON – SURGEON (medic) contains [eats] T (tons). Caviar comes from virgin sturgeon…
15 Sound happy crossing street in English city (7)
CHESTER – CHEER (sound happy) containing [crossing] ST (street)
17 A few lines about Greek theatre (5)
ODEON – ODE (a few lines – of poetry), ON (about). Wiki says: The original Odeons were the popular amphitheatres of ancient Greece. The name Odeon had been appropriated by cinemas in France and Italy in the 1920s, but the impresario Oscar Deutsch made it his own in the UK. His publicity team claimed Odeon stood for “Oscar Deutsch Entertains Our Nation”.
18 Short note: check it (4)
CHIT – CH (check), IT
21 Noted boxer among finalists (3)
ALI – Contained by [among] {fin}ALI{sts}

19 comments on “Times Quick Cryptic 1130 by Flamande”

  1. I now realize that I biffed RED ENSIGN. I had a feeling that SANDWICH is in Kent–certainly wanted it to be–and a couple of checkers helped; no idea what golf was doing in the clue. 4:52.
  2. Fast time today. Agree with jack re REGIMEN, was looking for the pedantic catch, which wasn’t there. Am not sure that The Times should still use old terminology for misunderstood mental health issues, seems to happen quite a lot.
    1. I agree, re the use of slang terms for sufferers of mental illness and disturbance. Not only outdated, but disrespectful. Sal
  3. Done online for a change, but tripped up by my bad typing leaving me with HOP OT for 19a and an initial ELPOE for 9a making me scratch my head over 6d for a while until I spotted that typo. Still respectably under average time, but I think I’ll stick to doing it on paper. The last time I saw a hornpipe danced was at a Sea Shanty festival in Holland.

    Edited at 2018-07-09 07:07 am (UTC)

  4. … because the Kevometer is reading only 1.5!! Way-hey!

    I enjoyed that, with COD shared between OWNER and RED ENSIGN. Thank you, Flamande.

    Jack – why is “check” CH? Is it a chess abbreviation? Thanks for the blog, though I’m now going to have “virgin sturgeon needs no urging” on my brain for the rest of the day and I didn’t even click your link!


    1. Yes, Templar, ch is check in chess shorthand although rather surprisingly I couldn’t find it as such in the Oxford dictionaries I have to hand. But it’s in common usage and listed in Collins and Chambers.

      Other common abbreviations under CH / ch are chapter, chestnut (re horses), church (of course), chain (measurement), chief, Companion of Honour, Custom House and Switzerland.

      Edited at 2018-07-09 08:43 am (UTC)

      1. Wow, what a list. Thanks. I would never have got any of those except Church and Chapter.


  5. A gentle but enjoyable start to the week, completing this in 10.25. The only real hold up was working out the parsing of 23a.
    Thanks for the blog
  6. Nice puzzle, Flamande. Thanks.
    My time was longer than I anticipated whilst solving – just over 2 Kevins.
    LOI was 16a which held me up a bit. Red Ensign was my COD.
  7. A quick time for me today in 9:25 making a handful of sub 10 min solves. Wrote in 23ac RED ENSIGN and parsed on completion so missed the clever clue construction. Had to revisit 17dn ODEON once I had alll the checkers and my LOI was 1dn HORNPIPE which I DNK and just went with the word play. Particularly enjoyed today’s offering from Flamande…on wavelength despite my WASTED teenage son waking me up in the small hours.

    Edited at 2018-07-09 10:06 am (UTC)

  8. A very Mondayish offering. ODEON was the only clue I skipped to wait for checkers and OWNER soon gave me the necessary O. 4:15
  9. Living in the area and liking golf, 4d was my FOI. After that I made pretty good progress and finished with Superb in about 19 minutes. I did not think this was that easy but I thought it was a well balanced puzzle with help for any potential unknowns.
    Once I’d finished this I glanced at today’s 15×15 and have nearly finished it. A few tricky ones left to decode. David
  10. Next year, The Open will be at Royal Portrush in Northern Ireland.It will be held about three months after we leave the EU. An early test for our border controls!
  11. Nice puzzle. Started with HEDONISTS and finished with AVERAGE. Liked SANDWICH BOARD for which I was delayed by putting SE at the start. 8:02. Thanks Flamande and Jack.
  12. Wish I’d timed this for a PB…my Costa untouched until completed. FOI 1a. LOI 17d. COD 4d as an amusing picture. I suppose I’ll need to retrieve the 15×15 from the recycling box and try that! Nice blog and some entertaining comments for a nice puzzle.
  13. Completed this earlier today, but couldn’t post until now. A welcome return to normality after Friday’s horror show, with only loi Odeon holding things up a little. Even so, 16mins is fast by my standard, so no complaints from me. Particularly enjoyed the simple but effective surface in 19ac, Hop it, which therefore gets my CoD vote. Invariant
  14. Wish I’d timed this for a PB…my Costa untouched until completed. FOI 1a. LOI 17d. COD 4d as an amusing picture. I suppose I’ll need to retrieve the 15×15 from the recycling box and try that! Nice blog and some entertaining comments for a nice puzzle.

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