Times Jumbo 746 (Mar 15)

Posted on Categories Jumbo Cryptic
Solving time 35:32

OK, it ended up being Tuesday morning, but I got there in the end! Good puzzle, a lot of clever definitions and more than the usual share of &lits.


1 0,RANGE,BLOSSOM – Chambers describes it as “the white blossom of the orange tree, often worn by brides”.
15 READING – Wilde was sent to Reading Gaol in 1895 for “gross indecency”.
16 AU,STRALIA DAY (A diary last)* – 26th January, from the date that the first shipload of convicts arrived in 1788.
26 NU(CLEAR,WAS)T,E – excellent &lit clue.
31 FLORENCE (elf crone)* – the nurse, not the bird!
36 LEWD – DWEL(l) reversed.
39 PRIM,OGENITOR – “rot in ego” reversed.
53 O(FAMIN(e))D


1 OSTRACISM – “MS I cart so”, all reversed.
2 AC(CU)SE,R – i.e. CU in case* + R, and another good &lit.
5 OUTMAN(amount*),OEUVRE
7 MEEK – always difficult to spot (for me anyway), this is WEEK with the first letter turned upside down.
10 ACADEMY AWARD – (way drama acted)*, without the T. Another good &lit clue.
20 LAUD,AN,UM – Coleridge was in good company – others who used it include Byron, Shelley, Keats, Longfellow, Dickens, Poe and George Washington!
28 LIFEBOAT – “by float” is how Spooner might have said it.
37 VIDEO NASTY – hidden in “proVIDE ON A STYlised”.
52 PUSS – double def. Tortoiseshell is a breed of cat, and puss and clock are also both slang words for the face.

3 comments on “Times Jumbo 746 (Mar 15)”

  1. grateful for explanation of 47 d.
    I don’t have the answer as haven’t been able to get into the site for three months.
    adrian Cobb
    1. The clue was “Awkward attempt to win by retreat”. The answer is WOODEN (awkward), given by WOO (attempt to win) + DEN (retreat).

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