Times-for-the-Times Easter crossword

On behalf of Adrian Bailey:

Here’s the crossword to print off. Good luck!

If you’re a Times subscriber and want to do it online, the crossword uses the same grid as crossword 26,597 so you can use the grid for that crossword. Just remember that when you finish it’ll tell you that you got it wrong, so ignore that!

Thanks to all the contributors. It’s been an honour and a pleasure to be your editor. I’ve used/abused my position to change a few of the clues for various reasons.

The answers will be blogged on Tuesday; please no spoilers before then. Answers and hints will be removed! General comments, times taken, technical questions are welcome though.

The Easter puzzle has now been blogged – don’t scroll down if you haven’t had a chance to try it!

16 comments on “Times-for-the-Times Easter crossword”

  1. About 25 minutes, but it is a help to know one of the answers! Thank you Adrian.
  2. A pleasant little puzzle. Thank you Adrian for putting it together and thanks to the setters. I think that this shows that setting is harder than it looks.

    Edited at 2017-04-16 12:37 pm (UTC)

  3. A big thank you to Adrian (and his team). Usual 30 minutes so you pitched it just right. Good fun and I learnt a new word.
  4. Just finished! Many thanks to Adrian and all setters. No timing, as was coming back to it all day – the last ones being quite tough (but, like all the best clues, entirely obvious once solved)! FOI my own, LOI 21ac – brilliant – solution so absurdly simple – once solved! A true Holmes-Watson lightbulb moment for me.
    Happy Easter to all.
  5. Hmmm… finished in an average 30mins or so, but I’m looking forward to understanding the parsings of one or two. Many thanks to Adrian and all other setters! Happy Easter to all, Janie x
  6. Finished in about 40 mins with two new words noted.

    Much credit to Adrian for taking on the task and keeping us amused when the world is sadly less amusing than it might be.

  7. Really enjoyed the challenge. Just a little over 50 minutes which, for me, is not bad. COD 24 ac. Looking forward to the blog.
  8. Thanks Adrian and fellow contributors. Some cracking clues. Knowing the answer to one already helped, but still about 27 minutes, so a good test. Looking forward to the blog explaining 2 I am still puzzled about.

    Edited at 2017-04-18 08:31 pm (UTC)

  9. Thanks to the editor and all the setters, great to have something extra to do on Easter Sunday after the ST turned out to be a fairly straightforward affair. I enjoyed the surfaces at 1ac and 6ac. COD to 23ac. All done in about 45mins but not entirely sure of all the parsing so I look forward to the blog.

    Edited at 2017-04-17 01:00 pm (UTC)

  10. Thanks for this! Having fallen ill on a Bank Holiday, it’s nice to have something to do (especially as I’ve stalled on the Guardian’s rather complicated Easter Special…)
  11. Well done to all involved. On the whole I think this would’ve passed muster as a daily puzzle. A couple of minor quibbles were more than compensated for by some really clever clues, including 1ac, 21ac and 3dn.

    And the level of difficulty seems to be spot on target, although personally I struggled badly in the Cape York corner.

  12. OK ,Vinyl1, I guess I can hold on that long-thanks for responding so promptly!
  13. Apologies – I came late to this after a busy weekend. Many thanks and kudos to all! If time permits and when people fess up to their clues I’ll be more specific.

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