First in was DECAHEDRON and last was CONTEMPORISING.
If any of my explanations don’t make sense then feel free to ask for further elucidation.
I’ll be on a short break in Paris when this blog hits the screens so might not be able to field comments straight away.
The technical stuff:
Clues are in blue with the definition undelined. Anagram indicators are in bold italics.
DD: Double definition
CD: Cryptic definition
DDCDH: DD/CD hybrid where a straight definition is combined with a cryptic hint.
&Lit: “all in one” where the entire clue is both definition and wordplay.
(fodder)* denotes an anagram of the letters in the brackets.
Rounded brackets are also used to add further clarity
Squiggly brackets {} indicate parts of a word not used
Deletions are struck out
Square brackets [] expand an abbreviation or shortening like CO[mpany]
Across |
1 |
Solid shape of Cheddar one chopped up (10) |
DECAHEDRON – (cheddar one)* |
6 |
Bring East and West together maybe to achieve financial viability (4,4,4) |
14 |
Footballers, grumblers abandoning hotel (7) |
WINGERS – WHINGERS with H[otel] removed |
15 |
Share accommodation with husband, not much company to begin with (7) |
COHABIT – H[usband], A Bit, all after CO[mpany] |
16 |
Warning light at the back of church room (7) |
CHAMBER – AMBER after CH[urch] |
17 |
Rain sees gathering retreating (4) |
TEEM – MEET reversed |
18 |
Wreath with unusual name covering notice (6) |
ANADEM – (name)* around AD[vertisement] |
20 |
Writer penning a miserable article somewhere in California (8) |
PASADENA – PEN around A SAD, A |
24 |
Hate the sound of revenge? No, resolved to be realistic (4,4,4,2,3,6) |
HAVE ONES FEET ON THE GROUND – (hate the sound of revenge no)*. Disclaimer: I haven’t checked the anagram fodder. |
25 |
More irritable artist close to portrait row (7) |
RATTIER – R[oyal] A[cademician], {portrai}T, TIER |
26 |
Trophy one had to hold small yellow spittoon (8) |
CUSPIDOR – CUP I’D around S[mall], OR (yellow in heraldry) |
27 |
Bright and bouncy? Not yours truly in the morning! (6) |
29 |
Bit of a state (4,2,3,5) |
31 |
Agreement opposing religious document (8) |
34 |
Quietly showing initiative, providing legal statement (8) |
PLEADING – P[iano], LEADING. I think this works with “providing” being either a link word (my Chambers app indicates that pleadings, plural, are the statements of parties in a lawsuit) or part of the (verbal) definition. |
36 |
Health problem — is it sore throat possibly? (14) |
OSTEOARTHRITIS – (is it sore throat)*. Disclaimer: I haven’t checked the anagram fodder. |
39 |
Author‘s old set of books in prominent position (6) |
CAPOTE – O[ld] T[estament] in CAPE |
41 |
Insects in season win out against arachnids (8) |
43 |
What farmer harvests — fellow getting top award? (7) |
MANGOLD – MAN, GOLD. A variety of beet cultivated as cattle food. |
46 |
A saint isn’t a saint to blurt out ”I hold traditional Catholic belief” (23) |
TRANSUBSTANTIATIONALIST – (a saint isn’t a saint to blurt)*. Disclaimer: I haven’t checked the anagram fodder. Funny word. It looks like it should be trans-sub… rather than trans-ub or tran-sub. Someone who believes that, in the consecration of the elements of the Eucharist, the bread and wine actually turn into Christ’s body and blood. |
47 |
I took food, having arrived earlier, turning waste away? (8) |
EMACIATE – I ATE after a reversal of CAME |
48 |
Music-maker spilled oil in French wine (6) |
VIOLIN – (oil)* in VIN. I did check the anagram fodder for this one. |
49 |
Important Indian seen as unharmonious on reflection (4) |
RAJA – AJAR reversed. AJAR can mean jarring / out of tune as well as slightly open, which makes sense, although it’s noted as archaic in my Chambers app. |
53 |
Getting rid of time to celebrate (7) |
54 |
One area to the east of one country and another (7) |
NIGERIA – I A[rea] after NIGER |
56 |
In a very cold region with no hint of sun? Yes and no! (7) |
IBERIAN – I wasn’t really sure how much of this clue to underline. I started out with all of it but plumped for just the “no!” at the end. The rest, obvs, is |
57 |
One who may be up for a job in the medical profession (6,6) |
58 |
Put in the correct position in resting place, cheered up (10) |
Down |
1 |
Bird with irritation when grasped by performer (9) |
DOWITCHER – W[ith] ITCH in DOER. It’s a sandpiper |
2 |
Rare voices not messed about with in music school? (13) |
CONSERVATOIRE – (rare voices not)*. A French work colleague was both puzzled and impressed when I told her we were having a conservatoire built onto the back of the house. |
3 |
German philosopher, no good — a baddie (4) |
4 |
Criminal in dirtiest gang is collapsing (14) |
DISINTEGRATING – (in dirtiest gang)* |
5 |
Monster some sailor caught (3) |
ORC – hidden |
7 |
First maiden to be chucked off dance platform (4) |
AMBO – |
8 |
Family of lover no longer having grip (10) |
9 |
Winks from Conservative arts donor in rising scandal (8) |
NICTATES – C[onservative], TATE in SIN reversed |
10 |
Great fights erupting — an unwelcome experience in the theatre (5,6) |
STAGE FRIGHT – (great fights)* |
11 |
Medic in time certain to find an opening (9) |
EMBRASURE – M[edicinae] B[accalaureus] in ERA SURE |
12 |
Weed in derelict area (4) |
TARE – hidden. I didn’t know this meaning. |
13 |
Fizzy drink in cold picnic baskets (8) |
19 |
Weighed down by imperfection, journalist left the country (8) |
21 |
Party child loses footing — one to fall over? (6) |
22 |
What’s said to be pleasant meadow for a refreshing drink? (5,3) |
ROSIE LEE – Sounds like ROSY LEA. CRS for tea. |
23 |
Poem about tiny people, members of a tribe (8) |
EDOMITES – ODE reversed, MITE |
28 |
Study music speed increasing, getting with it? (14) |
CONTEMPORISING – Slight panic when I thought I’d need to bring to mind one of those pesky Italian music notation words (accelerando in this case or stringendo), but in fact it’s CON (study), TEMPO RISING |
29 |
Size of a large conurbation? There’s an upper limit (8) |
CAPACITY – A CITY with CAP above it. |
30 |
Legal entitlement this person in senate renegotiated (8) |
EASEMENT – ME in (senate)* |
32 |
Writer, Italian heretic who brooks no opposition? (13) |
AUTHORITARIAN – AUTHOR, IT[alian] ARIAN. I always panic when I see HERETIC in a clue as I think I don’t know any, but then it’s usually ARIAN. |
33 |
Voice of a Liberal in loud row (8) |
FALSETTO -A L[iberal] in F[orte] SET-TO. |
35 |
Hatred of English assessment — a time I get kept in by lecturer? (11) |
DETESTATION – E[nglish] TEST A T[ime] I in DON |
37 |
Method at bottom of ladder that may be needed to go up (6) |
RUNWAY – WAY under RUN (stocking ladder) |
38 |
Writer cheers invigorating person with five notes (10) |
PENTATONIC – PEN, TA, TONIC (which can be a person as well as a thing). |
40 |
Flier to wait, having lost heart as orbital traveller (9) |
42 |
This curtailed each criminal’s activity (8) |
44 |
Investigator came down and stepped on to platform? (9) |
45 |
Knight escapes from a Welsh town diminished (8) |
ABRIDGED – A BRIDGEND without N for knight (chess) |
50 |
Lowly worker mostly impudent when turning up (4) |
SERF – FRES{h} reversed |
51 |
Nigerian leads off immigrant grabbed by officer (4) |
IGBO – initial letters |
52 |
Minimal money about to be given to hospital department (4) |
CENT – C[irca], E[ar], N[ose and] T[hroat] |
55 |
Song is heard in this Scottish town (3) |
AYR – sounds like AIR (probably not if that’s where you’re from) |
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