Times Cryptic Jumbo 1459: “When The Moon Is A Ghostly Galleon, Tossed Upon Cloudy Seas…”

I liked the GK-ish aspects of this, such as 9dn, 12dn, 32dn, 37dn, 14ac, and our friend the poet of course, surely the second best Alfred among all poets. Cluing wise I liked 39ac, and there were lots of “groaners” in the double definitions, which are excellent if you like that sort of thing, and who doesn’t; COD though to 44ac and the splendid image of a Cockney Fitzcarraldo being hauled up mountainsides in a tin tub. Many thanks to the setter and sorry that blogging this last weekend seems to have slipped my mind!

1 Liberal’s comic — phoney person who leaves the less well-off behind? (6,7)

8 Sign of unity between partners in business, say (9)
AMPERSAND – cryptic def, referring to what you’ll find in, e.g., “Marks & Spencer”

13 Dog rescuers on the road carrying equipment (5)
AKITA – A(utomobile) A(ssociation) “carrying” KIT

14 All decline perversely to accept large invention of physicist (7,4)

15 Celebrate outside with jazzy music (5)
SWING – SING “outside” W

16 Spiritual band? (3,6)
DOG COLLAR – cryptic def for the “band” around a cleric’s neck

17 Danger when last character comes forward presenting dagger (4)
KRIS – take RISK [danger] and move the last character to the front

18 A job had for one leaving the fold (8)
APOSTATE – A POST ATE [a | job | had]

20 Least known artist ahead of others (6)
RAREST – R(oyal) A(cademician) ahead of REST

21 Given a chance to do business favourably where customers come in? (2,3,6,5)
ON THE GROUND FLOOR – double def

24 Computer software has changed, right? We are mad (9)

26 Loveless city wanting end to crime — it’s hairy (7)
BRISTLE – BRIST{o}L + {crim}E

27 Beliefs of left-winger disrupting firm (5)
CREDO – RED “disrupting” CO(mpany)

29 Once again tackling study with relish? (12)

31 Woman, 51, wanting man? Lady losing heart should be taking care (10)

33 Academic Scotsman maybe joining club in European country (10)

35 Elements of opera, ballet or pantomime? (4,3,5)
SONG AND DANCE – an element of opera is SONG, an element of ballet is DANCE, put them together to get a to-do

38 Poet giving answers to binary question (5)
NOYES – NO + YES. The Highwayman is a good poem but I fear Noyes’ name may mostly be living on in crosswords these days.

39 Role of singer that comes in last bit of Idomeneo (7)
SECONDO – the last bit of “Idomeneo” is its SECOND O

40 Happy one, a politician mostly the combative type (9)

42 High-level words of wisdom for disciples (6,2,3,5)
SERMON ON THE MOUNT – cryptic def

44 What sounds like Cockney’s ascent of mountain in a little bath! (6)
EYECUP – homophone of ‘IKE UP

47 One praising international community — record is excellent ultimately (8)
EULOGIST – E.U. LOG IS {excellen}T

49 Some aliens of Universe to go around in these? (4)
UFOS – hidden reversed in {alien}S OF U{niverse}, semi-&lit

50 No cure sadly — time to offer support (9)

52 Noise of family beginning to gather (5)
CLANG – CLAN + G{ather}

53 Needless description of someone left in the lurch? (8-3)
UNCALLED-FOR – double def. If nobody CALLS FOR you, you’ve been stood up

54 Wind to go suddenly, backing east (5)
TRADE – reversed DART + E(ast)

55 Possible colour of water, surprisingly subtle, hiding fish (5,4)

56 Troublemaker and others come down in street — sort of control needed (4-9)

1 Flags code of behaviour (9)
STANDARDS – double def

2 First of children to hang around, one holding on to mum maybe? (7)
CLINGER – C{hildren} + LINGER

3 Terribly sad poet, alone, powerless, not sure what to do (2,1,5,3)

4 Old king engaging divine cook (6)
CODDLE – COLE “engaging” D(octor of) D(ivinity)

5 I travel around north European country, heading off in state of bliss? (9)
IGNORANCE – I + GO “around” N(orth) + {f}RANCE

6 Use far too much bread? (5,3,4)
BREAK THE BANK – cryptic def

7 Rich Greek character has new kitchen device (7,3)
ROLLING PIN – ROLLING (in it) + PI + N(ew)

8 Church music ignoring scripture? Excuse me! (4)
AHEM – A{nt}HEM, ignoring the N(ew) T(estament)

9 Pre Napoleon’s win, a terrible historical conflict (13,3)

10 Cunning plans soldier finally employs (5)
RUSES – {soldie}R USES

11 Disturbed, thanks to being led by a soldier (7)
AGITATO – TA TO, being led by A G.I.

12 Old illustration of tragedy with Europe being torn apart (13)

19 See an object bringing detestation (8)

22 Record poem about cult hero (5)
FICHE – reversed IF (by Kipling) + CHE (Guevara)

23 Perform digital operation to cause somebody delight or embarrassment? (4,4,4,4)
MAKE ONE’S TOES CURL – double def with a frankly unsettling literal operation on the pedal digits

25 Lots without leader would embrace roguish state of disorder (7)
ANARCHY – {m}ANY “embracing” ARCH

28 Old lover with money, oddly cute and gone for ever (7)
EXTINCT – EX with TIN and C{u}T{e}

23 Anecdotes consisting of touching little episodes — about a hundred (13)
REMINISCENCES – RE [touching] + MINI SCENES “about” C

30 Big town faced with damage — lack of provisions (8)
SCARCITY – CITY “faced” with SCAR

32 King’s indication of approval perhaps for something in garden? (8-4)
SOLOMON’S-SEAL – double def with the literal image conjured up by the flower name

34 Party music, something that’s found very lacking (5)

36 Girl possibly destined to travel by bicycle and boat to deliver bomb (5,6)
DAISY CUTTER – DAISY (from the song “Daisy Bell (Bicycle Built for Two)” + CUTTER [boat]

37 Divine being descends from heaven in watery South American location (5,5)
ANGEL FALLS – double def with literal meaning of a place dear to every quizzer’s heart, the world’s highest uninterrupted waterfall, in Venezuela

40 Sad end of gnu and end of tiger sought by killer? (6,3)
GUNNED FOR – (END OF GNU + {tige}R*)

41 Play in which one type of theatre is meeting with grudge (9)
REPRESENT – REP is meeting with RESENT

43 Announcement about rental agreement (7)
RELEASE – RE LEASE [about | rental agreement]

45 Fellow at lunchtime maybe gets a bit of food (7)
CHAPATI – CHAP AT 1 (a civilised time for lunch)

46 Lots of heart binding saints (6)
SCORES – CORE “binding” together S and S

48 Energy and ambition having no place for a Russian author (5)

51 Top celebrity enthralling millions (4)
ACME – ACE “enthralling” M

4 comments on “Times Cryptic Jumbo 1459: “When The Moon Is A Ghostly Galleon, Tossed Upon Cloudy Seas…””

  1. A couple of DNKs, as usual: DANIELL CELL, SHAREWARE, SOLOMON’S SEAL. Can’t think of a candidate for COD.
  2. Quite a gentle one, I thought, with just my last 4 clues taking me over the 30 minute mark. LOI EYECUP. DNK DAISY CUTTER as a bomb but only as a cricket delivery. DNK the spelling of DAGUERREOTPYE but the anagram fodder and checkers helped. I liked AMPERSAND and IGNORANCE best.
  3. 38:50. I found this quite tricky, and it turns out I can’t spell PELOPONNESIAN. Why on earth I would have assumed that I could and not checked the anagrist carefully is beyond me.
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