Definitions in italics underlined. Answers in bold caps. I’m afraid I’ve forgotten how to render the clues in that pretty blue colour so you’ll have to make do with B&W.
1. Tiny contribution I’d placed in bowl over by clock (6,4)
WIDOWS MITE. ID in WOWS=bowled over. SMITE=clock. Story from the NT about the small donation by a poor widow representing a much greater share of her goods than the larger amounts given by richer people.
6. Arena, somewhere you go round in reverse (4)
OVAL. LAV O reversed. Famed cricket ground in South London which even I know.
10. Stern and bow of ship going in one sudden movement (7)
ASCETIC. ACE=one containing S=first letter (bow) of SHIP with TIC=sudden movement.
11. Cause of malfunction of foreign government changing leader (7)
GREMLIN. Change the K in Kremlin.
12. One who’s retiring to keep hotel by remote country dwelling (9)
FARMHOUSE. FAR=remote. MOUSE=one who’s retiring containing H[otel].
13. Closing bars best at Henley, perhaps, when whiskey’s run out (5)
OUTRO. If you remove the W (NATO alphabet whiskey) from OUTROW=beat the other boat at Henley Royal Regatta, you get the music term. The members of the Leander Club would not be happy if the bars were closed and the Pimms ceased to flow, never mind the whiskey.
14. One swallowed an orange juice after returning hot (5)
JONAH. AN OJ reversed with H. An OT story this time – in which he is swallowed by a whale.
15. One might get bite in water tank, following one earlier (9)
FISHERMAN. F 1 with Sherman=tank. WWII US tank named after William Tecumseh Sherman, Civil War Union general. Liked this one a lot.
17. Drink from tap’s to sell (4,5)
MILK STOUT. MILKS=taps. TOUT= to sell. I had to circle back to solve this one because I’d initially got the wrong first word in 18d.
20. I’m surprised to find a Communist being driven with Poles (5)
OARED. As in – Oh, a Red!
21. Misbehave in a court — in a court! (3,2)
ACT UP. A – CT – UP.
23. Sail in front of dishonest judge, interrupting what he’s telling?
FLYING JIB. It’s a kind of fore-sail. LYING=dishonest. J=judge. Contained in (interrupting) FIB=what he’s telling. Neat one.
25. Joint protection from men on board, with movement for peace (7)
KNEECAP. K=king and N=knight on a chessboard with anagram (movement) of PEACE.
26. Bun to have when consuming most of a pop (7)
TEACAKE. TAKE=have containing (consuming) EAC[h]=a pop.
27. Queen alter The Colour of Money for radio (4)
DIDO. Sounds like (for radio) dye dough. Queen of Carthage jilted by Aeneas. Our classics reference.
28. Trinket taken from jug — gift we might pick up (10)
KNICKKNACK. KNICK sounds like (we might pick up) nick=jug. KNACK=gift.
1. Landing place with fifty percent changing hands (5)
WHARF. W[ith] HALF changing L to R.
2. Bones initially needed in experiment to do with teaching (9)
DOCTRINAL. DOC=bones. TRIAL=experiment containing N[eeded] initially.
3. Chap set a switch incorrectly; pay attention in future! (5,4,5)
WATCH THIS SPACE. Anagram (incorrectly) of CHAP SET A SWITCH.
4. The implication is one would let in old Scottish lord (7)
MACDUFF. Our Shakespearean clue and the one I don’t understand. Macduff is the Thane of Fife, born by caesarean section. His wife and children are murdered by Macbeth (“the Thane of Fife had a wife”). In the final reckoning between the two, Macbeth believes the witches’ prophecy that he can’t be killed by “a man of woman born”, not knowing about the caesarean which apparently didn’t count as a proper birth. He says “lay on Macduff” and is beheaded. Um, any ideas? I know I’m going to feel stupid. On edit: I thought of a duff Mac but rejected it as unlikely. Thanks to BletchleyReject (maybe they should have had him/her after all) et al infra as confirmed by setter/editor.
5. Vicious female gets sir wound up (7)
TIGRESS. Anagram (wound up) of GETS SIR.
7. Servant present finally after so long in Rome (5)
VALET. VALE=goodbye in Latin. [presen]T (finally).
8. Dream location maybe, where you only get green lights? (4,2,3)
LAND OF NOD. Where you go when you sleep. Or the OT place East of Eden which always gives you the OK.
9. Bug I planted on advocate to be avenged ( 3,4,3,4)
GET ONES OWN BACK. BUG=get to. ONE=I. SOWN=planted. BACK=advocate.
14. Heaving bag into the sea after approval from Hans? (3-6)
JAM-PACKED. JA=German approval. PACK=bag contained in MED=sea.
16. Ruin a jam after smashing a pot (9)
MARIJUANA. Anagram (after smashing) of RUIN A JAM with A
18. Does away with secure feature of delivery (3,4)
OFF SPIN. OFFS=does away with. PIN=secure. I started out with “top spin” but had to re-think when 17a didn’t work.
19. Pathologist’s outside, I see, after sample of enzyme (7)
TRYPTIC. P[athologis]T contained in TRY=sample and IC=I see. Of the enzyme trypsin which is something to do with digestion and may be related to the sleepy feeling you get after too much Thanksgiving or Christmas turkey – or is that another one?
22. Current minister to set about Republican (5)
TREND. R contained in TEND=minister to.
24. Rest? One may be needed during it (5)
BREAK. This is the one I see but I don’t see. A rest is a break and is also a pause in music notation when nothing is played, or what you tell someone to give you when they’re bothering you, or what? What am I missing? I completely dropped the snooker ball – in fact I never thought of it. Thanks again to BR et al infra.
Great puzzle. Lot of clues which needed some thought to get out. Took 71 minutes but happy to have made it.
Thanks to Olivia for filling in and to setter.
Edited at 2021-10-15 08:09 am (UTC)
Great blog Olivia, they should invent an extra day of the week so that you can be a regular. Excellent puzzle as well, not fully appreciated until reading through the blog.
Enjoy the weekend everyone. Start planning your visits to Australia, we’re re-joining the world on November 1!
Thanks for the blog Olivia. And thanks to the setter for a Good Friday challenge. 31:50
Good to see Olivia at the helm. whilst Lord Verlaine is being transported. We certainly need more Lady Verlaines!
LOI 6ac OVAL good clue!
WOD 17ac MILK STOUT – with fond memories of ‘The Snug’ at The Rovers Return’ with Ena Sharples, Minnie Caldwell and Martha Longhurst! Keep up Miss Tremble!
I think Corymbia is on the right track – however not a word missing – just a letter from the type setter. Is there an Editor in The House?
I forgot my time – 32 minutes. Jack – 31 minutes called it, ‘one of the easiest’; the Bolton Wanderer – 34 minutes called it ‘a stinker’! I’m lost!
Edited at 2021-10-15 09:54 am (UTC)
I blogged that day myself for many a year and often struggled to solve and publish before it was time to go to work. I set out at 06:00 in those days.
Edited at 2021-10-15 02:29 am (UTC)
You’re on fire today.
It did puzzle me when I revisited it tho – for a few seconds 🙂
” my shoes are letting in”
This could be termed ‘dialectic’, and we could have a logical argument about its validity.
I had bones =DICE, for 2d which killed off DOCTRINAL and didn’t understand any part of MILK STOUT. Several others not parsed, including KNICKKNACK which remained in pencil throughout, after a luck guess early on.
“Hans” was surprising as the canonical German. I work for a German company and don’t think I know any Hans’s. I thought of Hans Christian Andersen and got it via the Danish (also Ja)
I saw the “hands” device in WHARF straight away, but then desperately tried to get “poles” to mean NS in OARED. NHO an oar being called a pole, and surely surprised=OH, as written in the blog. Where did the ‘H’ go?
I think I’m the only blogger who usually fails to complete, but slowly getting there.
Reading comprehension C-, could do better.
Edited at 2021-10-15 10:39 am (UTC)
Re- Lord K’s disdainful comment:-
Mr. Merlin on today’s QC- “Only one completed this week. I don’t think I’m getting worse, as I am doing better on the 15×15, so it seems to me the QC is getting harder.”
These are not the words of a blogger!?
Edited at 2021-10-15 02:12 pm (UTC)
I enjoyed reading your blog, Olivia.
Thanks for the excellent blog.
I could e’en Dido of her grief beguile
30 mins pre-brekker (toast and honey).
Very clever. I had no trouble with Duff Mac (I have owned a few), nor needing the rest during a snooker break.
Maybe it was Too clever.
Thanks setter and Olivia.
And I solved at a reasonable pace
Though maybe MACDUFF
Was a bit of a fluff?
Will the setter explain? WATCH THIS SPACE!
WIDOW’s MITE was a rather generously-clued instant start, and for the first 10 or 12 answers I was guessing this to be sub-100 difficulty – then I started half-solving ‘em, then a quarter…
…sure felt really queasy putting in KNICKKNACK (can a word really have two consecutive Ks?). Had to correct TOP SPIN to OFF SPIN in order to get STOUT, then convinced myself that I’d learned in o-level biology about an enzyme called Dimethyl Tryptamine – turns out it’s a recreational psychedelic sometimes known as “businessman’s trip”.
That gave me LOI FLYING JIB – the end of what felt like a thrill ride (or as near as it gets in the somewhat staid world of The Times cryptic. Whew! Thanks O and setter
Guessing keriothe was referring to chukka, Aussie commenters – please spare me the quokkas!
Many contenders for COD for me but as a former rower I’ll give it to the surprising carful of Eastern Europeans.
Thanks for an excellent blog Olivia, and to those who unpicked BREAK and revealed the true genesis of MACDUFF, both of which bamboozled me — and of course thanks to the top class setter.
As it happens yeast is able to change fructose to alcohol, but cannot affect lactose. The point of milk stout is that the added fructose adds sweetness, but no more alcohol, hence the ghastly taste, worse that non- and low-alcohol lagers IMHO.
And particular thanks to Olivia for a very entertaining blog.
I would have been quicker had I not opted, initially, for TOP SPIN in 18d. TOPS for “does away with” was very seductive.
In my sailing days, life was much easier if the race rules precluded the use of a jib or jibs.
As well as Surrey’s home ground in Kennington, there is the Kensington OVAL in Bridgetown, Barbados where the West Indies play Test cricket.
I tried in vain to parse/justify “acestic” at 10A. You stupid boy Jordan !
I couldn’t see how TREND worked at first, but needed it before the PDM of my LOI.
LOI DIDO (Queen was inactive (4))
COD KNICKKNACK (wot, no hyphen ?)
TIME 15:37
Great blog, Olivia – congrats. And I learnt what a pinch-hitter is! 🙂
Who’s there ?
It’s the Avon lady — when are you getting this doorbell sorted out ?
I’ll fetch me white coat!
I didn’t know what the Land of Nod was known for but didn’t really need to.
Add me to the TOO SPIN list.
The raincoat explanation for MACDUFF looks the most likely but it seems to be missing something.
Oddly enough, one of the things that made this easier was the preponderance of Js and Ks (and other high scoring letters) something that more often happens in MCS puzzles. If all you’ve got for crossing letters is Es and As (like TeAcAkE) the trawling can be harder.
I have a clouded memory of MILK STOUT prescribed for expectant mothers (possibly even on the NHS) back in the day.
Excellent blogging, Olivia.
If you have time the article on flying jibs in Wikipedia is an interesting read .. as I’m sure you know, a jib is “set flying” if it is not attached to the standing rigging ..
It was asked where the h went in the ‘oh a red’ clue. I can’t see an answer. It baffled me and still does: surely ‘o’ is an old-fashioned form of address? There’s no homophone indicator in the clue.
Had leg spin for a while, which mucked everything up (legs = legs it = runs away = does away was my thinking, very doubtful I know). For a long time I thought the drink was some sort of a split.
A sigh of relief when I glimpsed Olivia, on my way to check Mr. Snitch.
Edited at 2021-10-15 02:24 pm (UTC)
I’m not sure if I’ve slept (it’s 4am my time or something?) but it only took 6m41 to solve this puzzle regardless. I biffed in quite a few, most of which have been well trodden in comments elsewhere.
Onwards to London!
I would surmise that it was the setter who made the change from ‘wet’ to ‘cold’ off his own bat. A Mackintosh’s prime purpose is to keep out the ‘rain’ and secondarily the ‘cold’. Yes, it does both, however the latter is more 19dn. (I know!) My time was 14:54 and this was a pleasure – Jam-Packed with goodies – my COD
FOI Wharf
LOI Ascetic
COD Fisherman
NHO: WIDOW’S MITE; FLYING JIB (another ridiculous sail name);
Unparsed — OUTRO from definition without seeing OUTROW; KNEECAP from the chess pieces — didn’t parse the rest; EAC(h) in TEACAKE — didn’t get it; MACDUFF from definition — no idea what was going on here; BREAK — missed the snooker reference
POI — DIDO took a while to spot
LOI ASCETIC from checkers — I had A-something-TIC rather than ACE with an S in it.
Edited at 2021-10-15 01:18 pm (UTC)
The SE was my problem partly caused by two biffed mistakes: MILK SHAKE and AXE SPIN (not proud of this as a cricket man).
Did not parse MACDUFF. COD to DIDO.
MACDUFF was a guess as was WIDOWS MITE (NHO). Yes I had had probs in the NW too! I did like LAND OF NOD and KNICKKNACK.
The trouble with coming late to the party, is that everything has already been said. So I will just thank Olivia for the blog. Well done.
Despite the failure , really enjoyed the puzzle and loved macduff and wharf. Thx setter and blogger.
COD 24 d and LOI “break” which I couldn’t parse but by that time my neural circuitry was totally mac-duff.
Thanks to Olivia for a top notch explanatory blog and to setter for the workout (to put it mildly)