Solving time: 28 minutes. This was an easy puzzle but blogging it was much harder work.
As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions and substitutions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]. I usually omit all reference to positional indicators unless there is a specific point that requires clarification.
Across | |
1 | Fellow politicians going round boundaries of Atlas range (7) |
COMPASS : CO-MP’S (fellow politicians) containing [going round] A{tla}S [boundaries] | |
5 | Earnest South American touring eastern port (7) |
SERIOUS : S (south) + US (American) containing [touring] E (eastern) + RIO (port) | |
9 | Management originally supplying musicians for a king in haste (9) |
HUSBANDRY : S{uppplying} [originally] + BAND (musicians) replaces [for] the first R (a king) in the word HU{r}RY (haste) | |
10 | Prickly shrub, one accommodated by Remus’s brother (5) |
BRIER : I (one) contained [accommodated] by BR’ER (Remus’s brother). This is a reference to the Uncle Remus Stories by Joel Chandler Harris (1848-1908) in which most of the charactes were titled ‘Br’er’, short for ‘brother’. Br’er Rabbit was the main one. Disney made these into a film called Song Of The South (1946) containing some great songs enjoyed in my childhood innocence, but it’s all very controvorsial stuff now so unlikely ever to be seen on TV again. | |
11 | Most of message received about high-class cosmetic (5) |
ROUGE : ROGE{r} (message received) [most of…] containing [about] U (high-class) | |
12 | Many go ashore, united in this idyllic place (9) |
LOTUSLAND : U (united) contained by [in] LOTS LAND (many go ashore). It sounds a nice place but I didn’t actually know the reference. Collins has it as: 1. Greek mythology, the land of the lotus-eaters.2. an idyllic place of contentment and ease. | |
14 | Hard finance can supply a Quebecois, perhaps (6,8) |
FRENCH CANADIAN : Anagram [supply] of HARD FINANCE CAN | |
17 | Rating part of Mass, calls back to cover front of altar (8,6) |
ORDINARY SEAMAN : ORDINARY (part of Mass), then NAMES (calls) reversed [back] containing [to cover] A{ltar} [front]. Again I turned to Collins for enlightenment: ordinary – the unvarying parts of a Roman Catholic service, esp. those which form a sung Mass. | |
21 | Like some rock male member initially explained in exam (9) |
MARMOREAL : M (male), ARM (member), then E{xplained} [initially] contained by [in] ORAL (exam). Like marble. | |
23 | Elizabethan navigator finally turned libertine (5) |
DRAKE : {turne}D [finally], RAKE (libertine) | |
24 | Get up close to one, not early! (5) |
ELATE : {on}E [close], LATE (not early) | |
25 | In which properly dressed soldiers are lamenting breaking up (9) |
ALIGNMENT : Anagram [breaking up] of LAMENTING | |
26 | Misfortune revealed by our education supplement, initially? (7) |
SETBACK : TES (our education supplement, initially – Times Educational Supplement) is reversed [BACK]. One of those self-referencing clues where the reversal indicator is in the answer. | |
27 | Ageing English lord residing at first in cathedral city (7) |
ELDERLY : E (English), LD (lord), then R {esiding} [at first] contained by [in] ELY (cathedral city) |
Down | |
1 | “Stick together” – something eg colonel may say on phone? (6) |
COHERE : Not a soundalike clue as ‘may say on the phone’ might suggest, but if you read it it as “C.O. HERE” where C.O. stands for Commanding Officer you’ll get the idea. | |
2 | Entertainer in Paris that’s restricted by mother’s resistance (7) |
MASQUER : QUE (in Paris ‘that’) is contained [restricted] by MA’S (mother’s) + R (resistance). This is a person who takes part in a masquerade or a masque. It can also be spelt ‘masker’. | |
3 | A brave man disheartened about a Mycenaean king (9) |
AGAMEMNON : A, GAME (brave). M{a}N [disheartened], ON (about) | |
4 | Ride this ultimately – and go off heroin? (6,5) |
SADDLE HORSE : {thi}S [ultimately], ADDLE (go off), HORSE (heroin). ‘Ride’ here is a noun meaning a horse for riding. | |
5 | European leader banished from island? Heavens! (3) |
SKY : SKY{e} (island) [European leader banished] | |
6 | Puzzle concerning rising press employee (5) |
REBUS : RE (concerning), SUB (press employee – sub-editor) reversed [rising] | |
7 | Rejection of a bank arrangement primarily means independent paper folding (7) |
ORIGAMI : A + GIRO (bank arrangement) reversed [rejection of…], then M{eans} + I {ndependent} [primarily] | |
8 | Walk purposefully over books in grating? (8) |
STRIDENT : STRIDE (walk purposefully], NT (books – New Testament) | |
13 | Star in Nepal travelling across certain mountains (11) |
TRANSALPINE : Anagram [travelling] of STAR IN NEPAL | |
15 | Gave up being promiscuous? (9) |
ABANDONED :Two meanings | |
16 | Stupid to procced without the Marines? (8) |
GORMLESS : GO (proceed), RM-LESS (without the (Royal) Marines). There is a misprint in the third word of the clue. | |
18 | Lethargic porter dropping round at end of shift (7) |
DORMANT : DO{o}RMAN (porter) [dropping round – O], {shif}T [end] | |
19 | Layman in a primeval city imbibing milky infusion … (7) |
AMATEUR : A + UR (primeval city) containing [imbibing] MATE (milky infusion). Collins has: Maté 1. an evergreen tree cultivated in South America for its leaves, which contain caffeine, 2. a stimulating milky beverage made from the dried leaves of this tree. | |
20 | … one in a box dispatched by public transport? (6) |
SENTRY : SENT (dispatched), RY (public transport) | |
22 | Last letter from girl in borders of Oklahoma (5) |
OMEGA : MEG (girl) contained by [in] O{klahom}A [borders] | |
25 | Diver from area to north of this country (3) |
AUK : A (area), UK (this country). It’s a bird. |
So 40 minutes.
FOI 22dn OMEGA – the last shall be first.
LOI 4dn SADDLE HORSE – only saddle of lamb where I come from. I did once have horse at a Torino golf club, with Sr. Agnelli.
COD 8ac HUSBANDRY as per Kev.
WOD LOTUSLAND which has escaped me, thus far.
WOW 16dn GORMLESS Is there such a word as GORM? I too missed the typo in the clue – too small to notice on the print-out.
MER at 18dn DORMANT which is inactive – sleeping – suspended, whilst lethargic is sluggish or slow.
Edited at 2019-11-26 04:43 am (UTC)
Or she’d smuggled a lover into your pad?
What’s happened to ‘Madame Avatar’ and have you split up?
I still have no idea who she was.
Presumably in Turin it was horse by fiat…
You shall be known henceforth as A Time Lord.
I was surprised with the ‘milky infusion’ bit for MATE at 19d, and that this is one of the definitions in Collins. I thought yerba mate was meant to be drunk as an infusion without milk, although looking it up, I see that milk can be added. For what it’s worth, neither Chambers nor the OED mention ‘milky’ in their definitions. Anyway, some Prince or Princess of the Pampas – I’m sure this blog has one – will know.
Thanks to setter and blogger
For some reason, I’ve always loved that word.
And I saw the typo… and was editing a piece for my job just… twenty minutes ago.
Couldn’t parse the no in agamemnon but knew the spelling.
FOI sky
LOI cohere
COD setback.
I found this only intermittently biffable, some of the vocab. being not so familiar to me, or unknown in the case of LOTUSLAND. So bravo to keriothe for the warp speed solve, and to verlaine for achieving warp factor 2 (4:27)
Edited at 2019-11-26 07:54 am (UTC)
The typo just about sums it up. Loose.
Thanks setter and J.
V. surprised at briar vs brier problems, since BRIER is a fairly regular appearer, including as recently as August this year, complete with Uncle Remus mention …
I had heard of “Br’er Rabbit”, and I think even had one of the stories in a book as a child, but I have no recollection of the author’s name. A quick Amazon search suggests they’re not the most fashionable of children’s books these days.
The setters are going to have to switch to Disney film references if my occasional connections with the youth zeitgeist are anything to go by. (Frozen princess’ jumble sale? (4))
Edited at 2019-11-26 10:29 am (UTC)
Initially blubbing and more blubbing in Disney film (5)
Laughed? I nearly cried.
GORM is a bit like GRUNTLED, which doesn’t exist.
UR may be the obvious old city, but I can’t see how it is ‘primeval’, except in the sense of ‘instinctive’ for crossword solvers.
Thanks jack and setter.
Quite a soft one today, though very nice. ORDINARY was unknown to me – I’m a member of a Baptist church; we don’t go in for it – but slotted in easily enough. 7m 29s altogether.
I missed the typo but invented another one, misreading ‘Driver’ in 25d.
The chill ascends from feet to knees,
The fever sings in mental wires.
If to be warmed, then I must freeze
And quake in frigid purgatorial fires
Of which the flame is roses, and the smoke is briars.
Completely failed to parse ORDINARY SEAMAN and AGAMEMNON though they were my second and third in. I was born a Catholic but am mot familiar with ORDINARY in that sense. HUSBANDRY also biffed based entirely on seeing SBAND.
Forgotten MATE as an infusion.
Remembered BRIAR/BRIER mistakr from last time. Fortunately spotted the Brer ref early.
Didn’t know SADDLE HORSE but plain enough from checkers.
Edited at 2019-11-26 01:48 pm (UTC)
I scratched my head over Remus’s (not REBUS’s) brother but saw through it quickly enough. Romulus are a semi-pro football team in Birmingham incidentally. I had the Br’er Rabbit stories as a child – I particularly remember The Tar Baby.
I saw the misprint, but still had to biff GORMLESS, and also my LOI which was a DNK.
TIME 8:08
I had most of it done in just over 30 minutes with BRIAR ( a pipe?) corrected to BRIER after some thought.
I had two left 2d and 4d for a long time before I thought I must have made an error. HIERARCHY at 9a did not pass muster when properly reviewed. Having corrected that it still took ages to derive the unknown MASQUER and finally to saddle the horse at 4d. All correct in 55:41 is a great result for me. I may be back tomorrow as surely it will be too wet to play golf.
Considerably easier than the QC today and finished in 32 satisfying minutes. I actually wished it had taken longer given the delays on SE trains tonight.
Thanks for the immaculate blog, Jack.
I did see the typo – ex-editorial eyes were working here. Gormless – such a great word. I think I said that last time it appeared, too. Lotusland was a bit strange – I’ve only ever seen it as the Land of the Lotus Eaters.
Very little biffing – but all correct. All parsed bar one. As usual, I couldn’t see how the self-referencing clue worked at 26a. My brain just doesn’t work that way.
FOI Compass
LOI Setback
COD Marmoreal, because NHO but worked it out from wordplay
Time Just over an hour
Thanks setter and Jack, for the very clear and enlightening blog 😊