I needed about an hour for this one but I’m not exactly sure why as most of it was quite straightforward.
As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions and substitutions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]
Across | |
1 | Female celebrity put up with leers somehow outside government department (10) |
SUPERMODEL – Anagram [somehow] of UP LEERS containing [outside] MOD (government department – Ministry of Defence) | |
6 | Bloke is vulgar, heartless (4) |
CHAP – CH{e}AP (vulgar) [heartless] | |
8 | Legally gets hold of this person’s cash (8) |
IMPOUNDS – I’M (this person’s), POUNDS (cash). Hm. Yesterday we had “this person’s” clueing I’VE (in ‘alewives’) and today it stands for I’M. Am I alone in finding both a little odd? “This person” usually refers to somebody else i.e. in the third person (no pun intended) whereas “I” is in the first person and indicates the speaker. I suppose there are examples of people referring to themselves in the third person (Mrs Thatcher: The lady’s not for turning) but as I have said, it seems a bit odd. | |
9 | Slight sign of affection after firm provides a bit of money (6) |
COPECK – CO (firm), PECK (slight sign of affection). 1/100th of a Russian rouble. Not a spelling I’m familiar with but it’s valid along with kopek, kopeck and copek. | |
10 | Member of hobbit family / captured (4) |
TOOK – In The Hobbit the Tooks are Bilbo’s mother’s family, vaguely remembered from reading the book years ago. It wasn’t bad as a story for children, but if only Tolkien had stopped there…! | |
11 | Meeting zone used very regularly when abroad (10) |
RENDEZVOUS – Anagram [when abroad] of ZONE USED V{e}R{y} [regularly] | |
12 | Suffering financially? That’s obvious, being given the sack (9) |
OVERTAXED – OVERT (obvious), AXED (given the sack) | |
14 | Support hospital organisations? Not the second time (5) |
TRUSS – TRUS{t}S (hospital organisations) [not the second time]. Hospital trusts are the main providers of secondary care within the National Health Service. | |
17 | Having crossed river, bed down in rubbish (5) |
DROSS – DOSS (bed down) containing [having crossed] R (river) | |
19 | Brainy bits produced by church dissenter, the Parisian (9) |
CEREBELLA – CE (church), REBEL (dissenter) LA (the, Parisian) | |
22 | Briefly hold mammal spinning round quite briskly (10) |
ALLEGRETTO – ALLEG{e} (hold) [briefly], OTTER (mammal) reversed [spinning round]. I’m not entirely convinced that ‘hold’ and ‘allege’ are synonymous but my thesaurus links them via ‘maintain’ so I suppose there must be a crossover of meaning somewhere. | |
23 | Rugby player acceptable without hesitation (4) |
PROP – PROP{er} (acceptable) [without hesitation]. A shortened form of ‘prop forward’. | |
24 | Chaste woman loves talking, putting lots off (6) |
VESTAL – Hidden [putting lots off] in {lo}VES TAL{king}. A shortened form of ‘Vestal Virgin’. | |
25 | Kill rodents — but there’s one left inside home (8) |
DOMICILE – DO (kill), MICE (rodents) with I (one) + L (left) contained [inside]. Apart from ‘party’, ‘do’ is more usually clued as ‘swindle’ but ‘kill’ is also valid. | |
26 | Drink and energy-containing nuts (4) |
MEAD – MAD (nuts) containing E (energy). Slang terms for madness seem to be causing some dissent in the ranks lately so that I’m not even sure we’re allowed to use the word ‘mad’ any more, let alone ‘nuts’. My view for what it’s worth (probably very little) is that as long as such terms are presented in the abstract and aren’t being applied with malice towards individuals then there’s no reason why they should not appear in crossword puzzles. | |
27 | Services, long ago held for local dignitaries (10) |
MAYORESSES – MASSES (services) with YORE (long ago) contained [held] |
Down | |
1 | Son isn’t outlaw — shows such piety (9) |
SAINTHOOD – S (son), AIN’T (isn’t), HOOD (outlaw) | |
2 | Infant and old man face the camera full of love (7) |
PAPOOSE – PA, (old man), POSE (face the camera) containing [full of] 0 (love). I imagine there may be more dissent in the ranks over this one. | |
3 | Guy has spoken about island on the lord’s territory? (8) |
MANORIAL – MAN (guy), ORAL (spoken) containing [about] I (island). My last one in. For ages I could only see ‘Montreal’ to fit the checkers and then I thought of ‘Lord of the Manor’. | |
4 | Resident I’d style eccentric, lacking concern (15) |
DISINTERESTEDLY – Anagram [eccentric] of RESIDENT I’D STYLE | |
5 | Philosopher reading maybe in a secure compartment (6) |
LOCKER – LOCKE (philosopher), R (reading maybe). ‘Reading’ as a school subject is traditionally one of ‘the three Rs’ but in fact it’s the only genuine one (cf writing and arithmetic). | |
6 | Island capital always given low grades (4,5) |
CAPE VERDE – CAP (capital), EVER (always), D+E (low grades) | |
7 | A pleasure trip, we hear, comes as an added extra (7) |
ACCRUES – A + CCRUES sounds like [we hear] “a cruise” (a pleasure trip) | |
13 | Reclined, maybe, clutching muscle, and given proper treatment (9) |
RESPECTED – RESTED (reclined, maybe) containing [clutching] PEC (muscle) | |
15 | Port‘s edge (9) |
SHARPNESS – Two meanings. One of the most inland ports in the UK, SHARPNESS is on the River Severn in Gloucestershire. | |
16 | One keen to change, about to confront past (8) |
REFORMER – RE (about), FORMER (past) | |
18 | Little right with priest meeting temptress — take off duty! (7) |
RELIEVE – R (little right), ELI (priest), EVE (temptress). Rather bad press for Eve here, I think, as she was led astray by the serpent so was only a temptress by proxy. | |
20 | Stories about old bishop? They may be articulated (7) |
LORRIES – LIES (stories) containing [about] O (old) + RR (bishop – Right Reverend) | |
21 | Middle-distance runner beginning to puff, upset? Examination needed (6) |
PRELIM – MILER (middle-distance runner) + P{uff} [beginning] reversed [upset] |
I have no problem with I’M and I’VE for ‘this person’, as the deictics of a crossword presupposes a kind of sermonising context in which the setter is I and the solver YOU.
I’ve clearly missed the discussions re madness/insanity etc., but the plethora of words for such an imputed state (in others, of course!) reflect the reality of life as it is lived, and language as it used, so I can’t see a problem.
Not sure I’ve ever heard of SHARPNESS the port.
Edited at 2018-07-24 01:48 am (UTC)
But a nod to you, U, for extending my vocabulary with “deictics”. I know of apodeictic from studying OT theology, but not the shortened form as a noun.
Dissenters will be sent to the Private Eye puzzle for punishment….
Anyway, I must confess (why?) that TOOK was my FOI. TRUSS was my LOI, as I hesitated a long, long time before deciding that 15d had to be SHARPNESS. COD to either ALLEGRETTO or DOMICILE.
George 9.18!? RU the setter?
Biffed 10ac TOOK my LOI – does it reference Tolkein’s own family? Never read Lord of the Rings. Enjoyed Lord of the Flies.
Bottom half in quickly and the 15 letter anagaram at 4dn DISINTERESTEDELY was my third one in.
Never heard of 15dn SHARPNESS.
COD none
WOD 1ac SUPERMODEL from the IKEA catwalk
14ac TRUSS I prefer ‘SUPPORT’
Madness – fine band
“This person is” and “I’m” seem to me equivalent. “That person” would be some other Guy.
I had to guess TOOK was the name of a Hobbitt family, and SHARPNESS was my LOI because I had absent-mindedly put in TRUST instead of TRUSS above.
Edited at 2018-07-24 03:45 am (UTC)
Edited at 2018-07-24 01:21 pm (UTC)
I’ve a feeling TOOK like this has come up before, but there’s no easy way to search the blog for that one. Anyone recall?
COD ACCRUES, which made me smile
You can put two or more words into a TftT search. I searched on ‘took hobbit’ to find it.
Enjoyed 1d SAINTHOOD a lot once I’d got it.
One of those puzzles that seems easier once you’ve finished, and wonder what all the trouble was about.
Are all supermodels female? No chance for me then.
Mostly I liked: dossing in rubbish, drinking Mead and articulating stories about the old bishop.
Thanks setter and J.
VESTAL was my other late entry, a brilliant hidden. Did anyone else notice that the other (more?) obvious fit for the checkers was MENTAL? Not, I think, proper term for a chaste woman, no matter how chatty.
Myopically missing the hyphen in 26a’s “energy-containing” made it hard to solve without a bit of Yodaspeak, but I did it. Clever this person is.
I never could get past page 1 even of The Hobbit (let alone LotR), and gave up on the (three!) films with the first half hour discussing the menu. Did well to get TOOK, I thought.
23.37, but I can easily work out where the time went.
I’ve since seen the film myself but I still haven’t seen a better review.
St. Agnes already has the position of Patron Saint of Goats – St. Baa-baara didn’t quite cut it – neither did I.
On a point of order CAPE VERDE isn’t an island, it’s a nation made up of ten separate islands.
Delayed today by biffing SHEERNESS. Thanks jack and setter.
I suspect that Sonny Boy Williamson knew as much about Hobbits as me, and THAT’S very little indeed. Thanks Jack for confirming my only biff of the day.
LOI VESTAL (well hidden indeed, but I’ve got to start spotting these more quickly before November). Together with TRUSS, I needed 3 minutes to round off what should have been sub 10 minutes, but turned into 11:12 accompanied by muttering of a very coarse nature.
I concur regarding Cape Verde, though it’s a minor blip.
Reading is indeed the only “genuine r” so I would have been miffed if the philosopher had been writing.
The apostrophe in “this person’s” is critical as it leads to either “I’m” or “I’ve”.
I had no trouble with SHARPNESS which is an inland port on the Bristol Channel, and my COD.
My only problem with SHARPNESS is that my brain usually confuses it with SHEERNESS, which wasn’t an issue here.
As an aside, I recently visited the Tolkien exhibition at the Bodleian Library in Oxford, which was well worth it. Prompted by the TOOK, I mention it here because among the carefully-preserved documents, such as the original hand-drawn maps of Middle Earth, and interesting correspondence relating to LotR (including a fan letter from a 17-year old Terence Pratchett), there are some Times crosswords from the 1930s, solved by the man himself. Unsurprisingly, JRR was a very proficient solver, and filled in the grid using semi-Elvish letters in different coloured inks, before adding elaborate doodles in any gaps on the page.
If I had to find some nit to pick it might be the definition of VESTAL as ‘chaste woman’; sure, the Vestal Virgins were chaste, but that’s down to their virginity, not to their affiliation to the deity Vesta.
Lovely puzzle, lovely blog. Thank you, both.
Edited at 2018-07-24 12:21 pm (UTC)
I am not averse to a challenge, having tackled the monster reads of European and Russian literature in my youth, including the gripping (not) L’Etre et le Neant, but I find I am unable to cope with the myriad cute life-forms presented by Tolkien.
Time: all correct in 45 mins.
Thank you to setter and blogger.
Edited at 2018-07-24 01:10 pm (UTC)
As for Tolkein and LOTR – way too long and dull for a child, and I never understand why people consider it a book for adults.
Edited at 2018-07-24 02:35 pm (UTC)
Edited at 2018-07-24 05:26 pm (UTC)
Fingers crossed on SHARPNESS. Mild irritation that hobbity stuff is considered required knowledge, as if it was literature or something.