A fairly straightforward puzzle that took me 35 minutes to solve. Everything more I have to say about it is in the blog, so here it is…
As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]
Across | |
1 | Iron anklet finally brought in for one’s security (6) |
SAFETY – FE (iron) + {ankle}T [finally] in SAY (for one – for example) | |
4 | Monitor arranged play-pens (8) |
SPYPLANE – Anagram [arranged] of PLAYPENS. Maybe I’m missing something but the definition here seems decidedly loose. | |
10 | Suggest true love doesn’t run smooth around November (9) |
VOLUNTEER – Anagram [doesn’t run smooth] of TRUE LOVE containing [around] N (November – in the NATO alphabet) | |
11 | Assign full set of religious texts? (5) |
ALLOT – ALL (full), OT (set of religious texts – Old Testament) | |
12 | Hazard visitors will move tail-ender forward before one end to game (11) |
GUESSTIMATE – GUESTS (visitors) with its last letter moved up the ranks [tail-ender forward], I (one), MATE (end to game – chess) | |
14 | Prohibition sees cop retiring (3) |
BAN – NAB (cop) reversed [retiring] | |
15 | Understanding blame attached to harbour (7) |
RAPPORT – RAP (blame), PORT (harbour) | |
17 | A lot of criticism about a source of television interference (6) |
STATIC – STIC{k} (criticism) [a lot of] containing [about] A + T{elevision} [source of] | |
19 | Kidnapping ending in distress, of course (6) |
SNATCH – {distres}S [ending], NATCH (of course – naturally) | |
21 | Top setter’s hard attitude with posh lass (4,3) |
HAIR GEL – H (hard), AIR (attitude), GEL (posh lass). A somewhat cryptic definition. | |
23 | A positive outcome, losing one’s beard (3) |
AWN – A, W{i}N (positive outcome) [losing one] | |
24 | Show of embarrassment, seeing how poor people live? (4-2-5) |
HAND-TO-MOUTH – Putting a hand to one’s mouth is a gesture sometimes made on realising one has said something embarrassing. | |
26 | Regret monarch’s being besieged by heads of Merchant Navy (5) |
MOURN – OUR (monarch’s, as in the Royal “We”) inside [being besieged by] M{erchant} N{avy} [heads] | |
27 | Ostentatious sob recalled as something generating red eyes? (9) |
FLASHBULB – FLASH (ostentatious), BLUB (sob) reversed [recalled]. In photography red eye is a reflection from the blood vessels of a person’s retina, seen on a colour photograph taken with a flash. | |
29 | Hotel regularly accommodating a divine (8) |
HEAVENLY – H (hotel – in the NATO alphabet again), then EVENLY (regularly) containing [accommodating] A | |
30 | Fairly dim idiot concealing bad cut (6) |
TWILIT – TWIT (idiot) containing [concealing] IL{l} (bad) [cut]. Comments about repetition in clues will have to wait for another day. |
Down | |
1 | Rescue curtailed: a European country losing man in barbarous attack? (8) |
SAVAGERY – SAV{e} (rescue) [curtailed], A, GER{man}Y (European country) [losing man] | |
2 | Sports body going to college in London? Not so (5) |
FALSE – FA (sports body – Football Association), LSE (college in London – the London School of Economics) | |
3 | Metal part of fork trimmed (3) |
TIN – TIN{e} (part of fork) [trimmed] | |
5 | Maybe iodine isn’t found in variety of sapphire (7) |
PERHAPS – Anagram [variety] of SAPPH{i}RE [Iodine isn’t found] | |
6 | Trashed male Puritan, one offering vision of heaven (11) |
PLANETARIUM – Anagram [trashed] of MALE PURITAN | |
7 | Politician upset writer embraced by a BBC chief, improvising (2-7) |
AD-LIBBING – A, then LIB (politician) + NIB (writer [upset]) contained [embraced] by DG (BBC chief – Director General) | |
8 | Current navigational device not accommodating first polar direction (6) |
EXTANT – {s}EXTANT (navigation device) without [not accommodating first polar direction – S]. “First” is needed here to specify which of the two poles – S or N – in “sextant” is to be removed. | |
9 | Live to support son — disregarding daughter? (6) |
SEXIST – S (son), EXIST (live). Another somewhat cryptic definition, and by example, making it very loose. | |
13 | Part of team kit not entirely given makeover in swindle (5-6) |
SHORT-CHANGE – SHORT{s} (part of team kit) [not entirely], CHANGE (makeover) | |
16 | Alpine sun transformed narrow piece of land (9) |
PENINSULA – Anagram [transformed] of ALPINE SUN. I was ready to query “narrow” here, but Collins has it. I wouldn’t have thought the Iberian peninsula qualifies as “narrow”. | |
18 | Peak support involving husband and lots of characters (8) |
ALPHABET – ALP (peak), H (husband), ABET (support) | |
20 | Bananas: food without energy? That’s a nuisance (7) |
HANDFUL – HAND (bananas), FU{e}L (food) [without energy] | |
21 | Time to interrupt that chap (an assassin) (3,3) |
HIT MAN – T (time) inside [to interrupt] HIM (that chap), AN | |
22 | Cordiality on leaving some time after conflict (6) |
WARMTH – WAR (conflict), M{on}TH (some time) [on leaving] | |
25 | America adopting universal line regarding customs? (5) |
USUAL – USA (America) containing [adopting] U (universal), L (line) | |
28 | Hot team in card game making cut (3) |
HEW – H (hot), E W (team in card game – bridge) |
I failed to parse 26ac MOURN but after Jack’s explanation find the logic somewhat hard to follow.
Edited at 2016-12-06 01:18 am (UTC)
I don’t think new solvers would find this that easy; there is a lot going on here that old hands will write in easily, but would definitely prove difficult for beginners.
Thanks setter and Jack.
How quaint the idea of a flashbulb now seems. I just about remember my father using them for family portraits when I was very young. They made quite an event of it, and I seem to remember a rather alarming, exciting smell of burning (or is that my imagination?).
….. those were your retinas (sorry, cannot see to type since those family portraits in the 1960s).
Edited at 2016-12-06 08:46 am (UTC)
No problem with SPYPLANE. Jack, you must remember Gary Powers and the Lockheed U2 spy plane incident over Russia?
Strange to think younger folk don’t have experience of FLASHBULBS and the awful red-eyed photo
Edited at 2016-12-06 10:51 am (UTC)
Yes quite a Mondayish puzzle but none the worse for that. FOI HAND-TO-MOUTH LOI SEXTANT COD SEXIST
A relatively untroubled passge through this in 25′, but was struck afterwards by how many answers could allude to the incoming POTUS. With the notable exceptions of WARMTH, HEAVENLY and SAFETY, we have SAVAGERY, HAIR GEL, MOURN, SNATCH, SEXIST, HITMAN, BAN, STATIC, SHORT CHANGE, FALSE, AD LIBBING, and may all be HAND TO MOUTH and TWILIT pretty soon. Maybe just the setter’s unconscious mind, or my imagination. Thanks to setter and jack.
Thanks for the parsing, especially for the “our” of MOURN, which I hadn’t twigged even after writing it in. I suppose I’m not very royal.
I hesitated over MOURN, and I don’t think the “monarch’s” device works well. Spent a while staring at 4ac, convinced that I was looking for some sort of lizard. LOI FLASHBULB.
Thanks to Jack and setter.