Times Crossword Club problems again

Just a reminder that we have a continuing post about these problems here.

I appreciate that it’s very frustrating not to be able to get at the puzzles, but I can’t condone putting scanned copies of the print versions on this site – it’s a breach of copyright. If they are put up in comments, I will remove them.

Later today I’ll put up a list of the best puzzles I can find that are available legitimately.

3 comments on “Times Crossword Club problems again”

  1. Thank you for the sites.
    I didn’t wish to cause you to break copyright but as the Times has offered – and doubtless will again – free access to the xword club, I didn’t think that this would be a problem.
    Just remember how “tough” it is for those of us with no access to the paper!!
      1. As far as I can tell, every single one of these sites intentionally makes its puzzles freely available. If you honestly believe otherwise, please be specific about the case where you believe copyright is being breached.

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