I liked this a lot, with its very correct quotas of interesting vocabulary, artsy GK, and humorous constructions. COD to 12ac as the idea of a boatload of Father Christmases very much appealed. Thank you setter!
Done and dusted inside of 10 minutes; video evidence at https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1476097154, from the 10 minute mark. Please excuse the increasingly wild and straggly beard, I’ve lost the power cord for my trimmer.
Definitions underlined in italics, (ABC)* indicating anagram of ABC, {} deletions and [] other indicators.
Across | |
1 | Health ought not to be taken wholly for granted (8) |
ALTHOUGH – {he}ALTH OUGH{t}, “not to be taken wholly” | |
5 | Exercise in order to be cheerful? (4-2) |
CHIN-UP – double def; if you tell someone “chin up!” you are ordering them to be cheerful | |
10 | Going places, free at last? (5) |
LOOSE – LOOS [places for “going”] + {fre}E, &lit | |
11 | Post articles, including place for Creole dish (9) |
JAMBALAYA – JAMB [post] + A and A “including” LAY [place] | |
12 | Old naval commander’s spoken of Christmas holiday at sea? (5,4) |
SANTA CRUZ – homophone of the delightful concept that is a SANTA CRUISE | |
13 | Raffles maybe run once in newspaper, going back (5) |
THIEF – HIE [run, once] in reversed FT. Raffles was E.W. Hornung’s gentlemanly literary cracksman. | |
14 | Passage ancient poet largely avoided in recitation (7) |
OVIDUCT – OVI{d} + homophone of DUCKED | |
16 | A necessity to be originally called a dame (4-2) |
NEED-BE – NEE [originally called] + DBE [Dame Commander] | |
19 | Little plastic models (6) |
21 | Australian peach brandy factory employee? (7) |
BOTTLER – a bottler is an excellent fellow, or suchlike, Down Under; and an important job in a brandy factory | |
23 | More trouble as head’s dismissed (5) |
OTHER – {b}OTHER | |
25 | With cold, not on various drugs: drink from this (9) |
COFFEEPOT – with C(old), OFF [not on] + E, E and POT | |
27 | Conflict that was ended by The Sun (3,3,3) |
SIX DAY WAR – began on Mon June 5, 1967, and was all over by the Sun (June 11). | |
28 | Mammal’s four limbs it oddly passed over (5) |
ORIBI – {f}O{u}R {l}I{m}B{s} I{t} | |
29 | People moving, and people opposing, keeping bats caged (6) |
NOMADS – NO’S [people opposing] “caging” MAD [bats] | |
30 | For diversion, try C-list celebrity show (8) |
Down | |
1 | Every American satellite passing over Pole, it’s implied (8) |
ALLUSION – ALL U.S. IO [satellite of Jupiter] + N [pole] | |
2 | Old player that you’d not want in your side finally vetoed by president (9) |
THORNDIKE – THORN [that you’d not want in your side] + {vetoe}D + IKE. Sybil, with whom in mind for the title role George Bernard Shaw wrote Saint Joan. | |
3 | East Ender perhaps who aspires to appear on a musical show (5) |
OPERA – ‘OPER [Cockney unaspirated aspirant] on A | |
4 | Asian state prison turning over an informer (7) |
GUJARAT – reversed JUG + A RAT | |
6 | Sign of life in bather swimming before lunch? (9) |
HEARTBEAT – (BATHER*) before EAT | |
7 | Outlet for soldier’s natural aggression, as fighting is, primarily (5) |
NAAFI – N{atural} A{ggression} A{s} F{ighting} I{s} | |
8 | Irrational: a very loud English Trot going nowhere! (6) |
PIAFFE – PI: A FF E. On-the-spot dressage move | |
9 | Long-distance runner to stagger after cutting leg (6) |
AMAZON – AMAZ{e} + ON [leg] | |
15 | Evidently give not enough away, being so secretive? (9) |
UNDERHAND – if you under-hand out something, you don’t give enough away | |
17 | Writer’s function and aim (9) |
BALLPOINT – BALL [(social) function] + POINT [aim] | |
18 | Yankee repairman quietly turning over deck (8) |
PRETTIFY -Y FITTER P, all reversed | |
20 | Parrots raising racket across wide area (6) |
MACAWS – reversed SCAM “across” W A | |
21 | Motion’s opponents won’t face rebuke (2,3,2) |
BE FOR IT – and the opponents of a motion will be against, not “for” it | |
22 | Continue to hoard old pennies and shillings for favoured child (6) |
GODSON – GO ON, “hoarding” D S [as in LSD, pounds shillings pence] | |
24 | Dickensian scavenger, he lifted as much as possible? (5) |
HEXAM – HE + reversed MAX. Appears in Our Mutual Friend, right in chapter 1, messing about in boats on the Thames | |
26 | Cause of complaint from lycée? Endless one (1,4) |
E COLI – ÉCOL{e} + I |
I won’t bore you or embarrass myself further by listing the things I didn’t know here, but I take some consolation in that I managed to overcome most of those failings because with cryptic puzzle clues there is nearly always another way to the answer.
I was thrown at 2dn by ‘old player’ as I had the T checker and nothing else at that stage to prevent the answer beginning with TREE. Old players are getting younger as Sybil was born in 1882, 30 years after the wooden one!
My confidence didn’t need this today having been trounced yesterday by the beast that appeared in The Guardian.
Edited at 2022-05-06 06:36 am (UTC)
Good puzzle. Had to come here to see how need-be worked.
Thanks, v.
25 mins pre-brekker. NeeDBE was LOI.
I liked it, but had to guess Hexam.
Thanks setter and V.
SIX DAY WAR and NAAFI were good but BOTTLER was a real peach.
Edited at 2022-05-06 11:08 am (UTC)
I was a bit hesitant to submit today with my LOI, NEED BE, unparsed, but I went with the old “what else could it be” approach. Interesting to learn that a BOTTLER is an excellent person in Oz, where here it refers to someone who has lost their nerve, and typically wouldn’t be considered excellent.
Edited at 2022-05-10 10:12 am (UTC)
TIME 15:07
NHO BOTTLER in that sense despite family in, and many visits to, Aus. Lots to like including SANTA CRUZ, STRICTLY and SIX DAY WAR.
Thanks V and setter.
OTHERwise there NEED BE no pause
And ALTHOUGH I deplore it
The birds can’t prevent the applause
This seems to be the Friday setter who likes to cosy up to Verlaine and tease the rest of us with a not-Quite pangram.
For tonight I’m gonna meet ma cher amio…
I lived in Sydney for 15 years but no-one I knew ever used the word BOTTLER.
JAMBALAYA? I’ve just spent a pleasant 3 minutes listening to EmmyLou Harris’ version from “Elite Hotel”. For that reason alone, 11ac has to be my COD.
Thank you, Verlaine, for E-COLI, NEED BE, BE FOR IT and LOOSE.
Edited at 2022-05-06 09:29 am (UTC)
Thanks to Verlaine and the setter
A classic Friday crossword, with unknowns fairly clued, what could be better?
BOTTLER was an unknown, but gettable from the checkers, and OVIDUCT was my LOI.
If I had any complaint at all, it would be that Christmas is the last time that Santa should be going on a cruise.
I liked ALLUSION for which I had only the O checker.
Last two in: STRICTLY — not something I watch – and PRETTIFY which took longer still to arrive at.
FOI Naafi
LOI Jambalaya
CODs Six Day War / Although
Edited at 2022-05-06 12:38 pm (UTC)
CHIN-UP = exercise? Why?
He died in 1588 so the ‘old’ might have been helpful (!). Surely he rates as an obscurity?
Edited at 2022-05-06 05:25 pm (UTC)
Edited at 2022-05-06 06:51 pm (UTC)
Edited at 2022-05-07 08:25 am (UTC)
Couldn’t parse NEED-BE; took ages to see BE FOR IT as a version of what I’ve always heard, “be in for it”; was thinking “brandy factory” should probably be split… and didn’t know the Aussie expression; didn’t know the navy bloke, or the Dickens character either. But joining the consensus that the wordplay was all fair and helpful.
DNK Hexam or piaffe and wasn’t totally convinced I was right with need be . Thx for the explanation. Time for zzzs.