Hello from Austin, Texas this week, which is a nice place to be, at least if you like tacos and being swelteringly hot a lot. 6pm is a very civilised time for the Times puzzles to go live though, which must be the main draw for a lot of people…
Definitions underlined, (ABC)* indicating anagram of ABC, {} deletions and [] other indicators.
1 One may make a record cover for listeners (6)
RAPPER – homophone of WRAPPER
4 The setter tucked into pieces on dog’s dish (4,4)
CHOW MEIN – I “tucked into” MEN [(chess)pieces] on CHOW [dog]
10 Dance ace eclipsed by chief star (5,4)
BOSSA NOVA – A(ce) “eclipsed” by BOSS NOVA
11 River bank encircles European city (5)
TRIER – R(iver) “encircled” by TIER. LOI
12 Let go of peach or biscuit or banger (11)
FIRECRACKER – FIRE [let go of] CRACKER [peach OR biscuit]
14 Leaves 25 per cent off rent (3)
15 Perhaps bills of swans seen in river (7)
17 New dog’s taken off lead to play casually (6)
19 Rodent or sloth accepting painful condition (6)
AGOUTI – AI “accepting” GOUT
21 Strike back before number making complaint (7)
MALARIA – reversed LAM before ARIA [(musical) number]
23 How overcrowding very annoyingly starts in cells (3)
OVA – O{vercrowding} V{ery} A{nnoyingly}
24 Ring, one given good knock by extremely heavy or refined hand (11)
26 African back from Zoot Suit Riots (5)
TUTSI – {zoo}T + (SUIT*)
27 Heard of maybe Bohemian couple’s last move (9)
CHECKMATE – homophone of CZECH + MATE [couple]
29 Violently sticks egg inside cuckoo nest on tree (8)
BAYONETS – O, inside (NEST*) on BAY
30 Region suffering neglect (6)
1 Knocked back wine plugged by European expert (8)
REBUFFED – RED “plugged” by E(uropean) BUFF
2 Blogger hasn’t time for puzzle (5)
3 Occasionally bestial character in Antigone, perhaps (3)
ETA – {b}E{s}T{i}A{l}; the last character of Antigone when written in the Greek alphabet
5 Dissolute rake, donning layer, is to pay heed (7)
HEARKEN – (RAKE*) “donning” HEN [layer (of eggs)]
6 Patient person ignoring current, trendier gossip here? (5,6)
7 Gold coin pocketed by top royal correspondent (9)
EPISTOLER – PISTOLE “pocketed” by E.R.
8 French opera with finale from Messiaen (6)
NORMAN – NORMA [by Bellini] + {messaie}N
9 The majority of extra alcohol is spirit (6)
13 This may be because criminal, with fake emotion, takes in judge (11)
CONJUNCTION – CON [criminal] + UNCTION [fake emotion], “taking in” J(udge)
16 Each year, group of bigwigs hosts a ceremony (9)
PAGEANTRY – P(er) A(nnum), GENTRY “hosts” A
18 Many changing cutting edge broadcast for satellite (8)
GANYMEDE – (MANY*) “cutting” (EDGE*)
20 Suffering one back spasm is wrong (7)
ILLICIT – ILL [suffering] + I + reversed TIC
21 Novelist from France’s main housing trouble (6)
MAILER – MER [France’s main, as in “French word for sea”] “housing” AIL [trouble]
22 Last bit of smoke I see rising in steamy place (3,3)
HOT TUB – BUTT [last bit of smoke] + OH! [I see!], all reversed
25 Art institution‘s communications palaver (5)
PRADO – P(ublic) R(elations) ADO
28 It stores gallons, say under a thousand (3)
KEG – E(xempli) G(ratia) under K [a thousand]
I tend to rather look down on rodents, though actually two of my very favourite animals (capybaras and marmots) are rodents
I did have a MER at 2 down – is it possible the setter is razzing us? I wonder if he knew this was going to be a Friday puzzle….
Altogether, a lot more enjoyable than today’s Quickie, where I was bamboozled by (shock, horror) a modern cultural reference to a (ugh!) sitcom. That still, I suppose, doesn’t explain how I got that one right and cocked up on another.
V-dog, it was 26a that much took you, I think…
I finished this in 27 minutes, giving a much needed boost to my failing confidence.
EPISTOLER seemed a likely answer at 7dn but I wasn’t entirely sure that it existed. It meant that PISTOLE had to be a gold coin, and although I knew of the word vaguely I wasn’t sure it was.
My other MER was HEARKEN which I would have spelt HARKEN. Collins says my spelling is ‘esp. American’ but the Oxfords have it as just an alternative spelling. I’ve always connected it with ‘hark’ as in Hark, the Herald Angels Sing and in that form it can’t take an E so I would never have thought to put one in HARKEN.
I note we have OVA twice, once in BOSSA NOVA.
I was pleased to remember NOODLE in its musical context.
I failed to parse CHOW MEIN. Having taken ME as ‘the setter’, IN was left dangling.
Edited at 2022-04-22 05:14 am (UTC)
I’m another who started writing in Harken and had too many squares. What a mess.
Otherwise neat and tidy in 30 mins pre-brekker.
Nice one. Thanks setter and V.
I did wonder whether the setter was having a sly dig at bloggers, with poster and poser both in the clue. Surely not!
I did like the last bit of smoke for BUTT, and for once was not fooled by the grammar device for CONJUNCTION.
LOI Epistoler
COD Pageantry
LOI TRIER – gratifying to find that in the end, I was thinking along the same lines (TIBER, LVT) as our blogger ….maybe there’s hope for me yet. Thanks V and setter.
I’m glad I’m in good company in being fixated on TIBER for so long.
Thank you, V, for the ‘pieces’ in CHOW MEIN. Failed to see that.
I always thought the sloth was an AI AI.
Also, I only knew UNCTION as the religious rite of anointing with oil, especially as in ‘extreme unction’.
COD to both CONJUNCTION and HOT TUB. Nice use of ‘end of smoke’,as Verlaine has also said.
Edited at 2022-04-22 08:41 am (UTC)
Enjoyable and just about the right level of challenge. Nice one, setter. Thanks, v.
Lazily found letters to fit 7dn without either being sure of the meaning or resolving the wordplay. Emintaler for gold coin anyone? Has a certain ring to it. Otherwise an enjoyable steady solve.
Thanks to the setter and to V for the blog and to Bolton for causing me to spend the day with Petula Clark.
Favourite was BOSSA NOVA. I think of it as a song too, though the version that always comes to mind is the Eddie Gormé hit. Maybe bubble-gum pop, but I still love it. I agree the reference in “Downtown” isn’t far behind. Two earworms for tonight anyway.
Thanks to Verlaine and setter
Wasn’t Al Grossman’s wife on the cover of “Bringing It All Back Home”?
TIME 13:46
Really slow start — just 18% of the grid filled in after 10 mins, but an interlude entertaining the gas engineer settled the grey cells — the second two-thirds being entirely different to the first third.
I was another TIBER initially, thinking of EPISTOL[AE]R resolved that issue, then spent ages thinking what the rodent might be. AI for sloth is a new one on me.
Edited at 2022-04-22 11:28 am (UTC)
Edited at 2022-04-22 06:31 pm (UTC)
Pleasing end to the week. Thx setter and blogger.
Didn’t manage to get to the crossie til this afternoon as madame’s pooter went on the blink this morning and I couldn’t get a copy out.
I liked TUTSI and CALLIGRAPHY most.
Thanks V and setter for the challenge.
Edited at 2022-04-22 04:28 pm (UTC)
Hope you are soon out of Texas and back in civilisation, V.
Thanks all
Rent does not mean tear. Rent means tore or torn. Tear is rend.