Time: 23 minutes
Music, Dvorak, Symphony 8, Dorati/LSO
Here we have another fairly standard Monday puzzle that will put up little resistance to skilled solvers. I just got hung up at the end for a bit in the dowel/echelon/wolfish/Leningrad section. This one will probably be in the low 60s on the SNITCH – I haven’t looked yet.
Across | |
1 | Irritable declaration of one in Casualty? (9) |
IMPATIENT – I’M PATIENT, a chestnut. | |
6 | Peg wants to succeed for the most part (5) |
DOWEL – DO WEL[l]. | |
9 | Meet clergyman eating ice cream? On the contrary (7) |
10 | Time to embrace revolutionary left’s rank (7) |
11 | Regret abusive Democrat must be removed (3) |
RUE – RU[d]E. | |
12 | Bent copper facing end of his employment (11) |
14 | Saw for example Conservative leading state (6) |
15 | One drawing is of Her Majesty on small boat (8) |
17 | He perhaps is in Tangiers working (5,3) |
INERT GAS – Anagram of TANGIERS, where He is helium. We have seen this trick before. | |
19 | Threaten island legislator with death (6) |
IMPEND – I + M.P. + END. | |
22 | Opinionated idiot can err horribly (11) |
23 | Soldiers moving south for dope (3) |
ASS – SAS with the first S moved. | |
25 | Nothing unreasonable about way one refuses to face reality (7) |
OSTRICH – O(ST)RICH, with the slang meaning of rich. | |
27 | Greed, a weakness holding soldiers back (7) |
AVARICE – A V(RA backwards)ICE. | |
28 | Subterfuge of old magistrate, jailing Penny once (5) |
DODGE – DO(D)GE. | |
29 | Bit by bit story spread (9) |
PIECEMEAL – PIECE + MEAL, where piece is a very peripheral synonym for story. |
Down | |
1 | Suffer among reactionary force of old (5) |
INCUR – IN + R.U.C. backwards, the old Royal Ulster Constabulary. | |
2 | Sarcastic chap cracking jokes? (7) |
PUNGENT – PUN GENT, where the question mark indicates that the clue is not much better than the chap. | |
3 | Pioneer’s guard dog crossing river (11) |
4 | Last two avoiding service still (4,2) |
EVEN SO – EVENSO[ng]. This was a really tough cryptic, most solvers will just biff the obvious answer. | |
5 | Everything in factory? (3,5) |
THE WORKS – Double definition. | |
6 | Stretcher bearer going the wrong way? What an idiot! (3) |
DOH – HOD backwards. | |
7 | Ravenous and unhappy, knocked up some food (7) |
WOLFISH – LOW backwards + FISH. | |
8 | Duke learning about city once besieged (9) |
LENINGRAD – Anagram of D + LEARNING. | |
13 | Meet painter, remarkably self-indulgent (11) |
14 | Best days for one in minority? (9) |
CHILDHOOD – Cryptic definition. | |
16 | Uncle’s place, where you can get dubious material, I hear (8) |
PAWNSHOP – Sounds like PORN SHOP, if you are a non-rhotic speaker. | |
18 | Left without Charlie, on a high (7) |
20 | Question old flame, an explosive type? (7) |
21 | Talk foolishly about current danger on the seas (6) |
24 | Time for a bit of magic (5) |
SPELL – Double definition. | |
26 | Cockney’s rent causing outrage? (3) |
IRE – [h]IRE. |
Edited at 2022-03-21 02:58 am (UTC)
But they INCUR my IRE, EVEN SO
An OSTRICH cannot fly
But you’ll understand my
I enjoyed this. I liked the way EX was clued in two different ways in 18d and 20d.
Thanks for EVEN SO. Couldn’t parse that. I once attended choral Evensong in Ely Cathedral; a lovely experience.
In 14ac I saw ‘saw’ and thought ‘proverb’ for a while.
I liked THE WORKS and INERT GAS. I’m getting better at spotting clues like 17ac.
COD to DISPOSITION. Some clever diversionary tactics there.
ps….also enjoy seeing what music you are listening to.
Edited at 2022-03-21 09:41 pm (UTC)
Can’t I use my wit as a pitchfork
And drive the brute off?
25 mins pre-brekker. I really like the Bent copper one.
MER at ‘reactionary’ as a reversal indicator.
Thanks setter and Vinyl.
Edited at 2022-03-21 08:00 am (UTC)
I have ticks against DOH, INERT GAS and PIECEMEAL. Very enjoyable.
Thanks vinyl and setter.
Nice puzzle. No dramas, but a reasonable challenge.
Thanks, v, good blog (I think this one might be 28243).
Returning to the puzzle, I didn’t have any trouble finishing off:
POI: Previously thought the definition was “besieged”, but immediately spotted LENINGRAD
LOI CONVENED – trouble was caused by inaccurate cursor placement – I had entered 1d as “IINCR”, making it impossible to solve.
Not the greatest start to the solving week – but at least it’s not a black mark, rescued by the nutritious interlude. Thanks V and setter
Edited at 2022-03-21 08:42 am (UTC)
As Rose says above, the anagrist for 17ac is just TANGIERS
Edited at 2022-03-21 10:11 am (UTC)
PUNGENT meaning sarcastic was new to me. I liked TRENDSETTER and DOCTRINAIRE, but COD for me was INERT GAS.
Thanks to vinyl and the setter.
Thanks to the setter and blogger.
Yet another curate’s egg.
Mostly pretty easy once got going, though admit to not knowing stretcher = brick so the finer points of that clue sailed well over my head.
Other than that, entertaining Monday fare. Thxsetter and blogger.
3m 37s, lots of biffing. And if there’s a word for ‘making up a word that doesn’t even work cryptically’, then I briefly did that for DICTIONAIRE.
LOI was Leningrad which I couldn’t see for the trees — embarrassing as I’ve been there many times (but may never go there again, I fear).
Thanks all