1 Announcement of Fellini’s farewell dinner? (4)
CHOW – sounds like ciao
3 Maverick landlord’s generous offering? (4,6)
FREE SPIRIT – gin, rum etc on the house
9 Holes up, being behind with story (4,3)
LIES LOW – LIE (story) SLOW (being behind)
11 Oil producer briefly visiting pub in S American capital (7)
BOLIVAR – OLIV[e] in BAR; Venezuela is up there for the title of world’s most needlessly stuffed up country; one Bolivar (its currency unit) is worth 0.00000218382 USD. NOT a place to visit if you value your life…
12 Faithfulness of surprisingly canny Scot (9)
13 Collector’s item inquisitive American rejected (5)
14 Sly nature of athlete’s sins found out (12)
STEALTHINESS – ATHLETES SINS*; quite cunning in the anagram indicating department, as the setter indicates that the letters in ‘athlete’s sins’ need to be found in an ‘out’ condition or state.
18 Crowd rushes to make accusation (5,7)
21 Milk consumed by irascible editor (5)
BLEED – hidden in [irasci]BLE ED[itor]
22 Release old con, almost at end of sentence (9)
EXTRICATE – EX TRIC[k] AT [sentenc]E
24 Doctor gone AWOL with ecstasy missing? That’s a mistake (3,4)
25 Relatives most cheerful when unconfined (7)
26 Eat together, using holiday money (5,5)
BREAK BREAD – BREAK (holiday) BREAD (money)
27 Note US city’s on way back (4)
ONER – reversal of RENO – divorce capital of the world
1 Unsolved mystery of GP returning without large bag? (4,4)
COLD CASE – L (large) in DOC (GP) reversed CASE (bag)
2 No dealer can supply this shrub (8)
4 Tree where Cicero perhaps has change of heart (5)
5 Just beginning to be harassed by incomer (9)
6 See Constable collection here? (6,7)
POLICE STATION – cryptic definition; simple but effective
7 US rider, one coming out of daydream (6)
REVERE – REVER[i]E; Paul – American silversmith and jockey
8 Attack someone who inflames your lust (4,2)
TURN ON – double definition; the latter a bit spicy for the Times
10 Chairman’s thoughts in volume not much consulted, I hear (6,3,4)
LITTLE RED BOOK – sounds like ‘little read book’, which is exactly what this tosh deserves
15 Innkeeper serving most of crowd at counter (9)
HOSTELLER – HOS[t] (crowd) TELLER (counter)
16 Article on Greek heretic, land reformer (8)
AGRARIAN – A GR ARIAN; Arius (thanks, Kevin) came up with one of the better known early Christian heresies, which typically had to do – unsurprisingly, really – with Jesus’ divinity. So, here HERETIC is adjectival. Still on the subject of syntax, as a noun, ‘agrarian’ means someone who supports a redistribution of landed property. So, presumably, someone who doesn’t have much in the first place.
17 Judge’s son enthralled by clowns and soldiers (8)
ASSESSOR – S (son) in ASSES (clowns) OR (Other Ranks)
19 Monopolise rating’s world (6)
ABSORB – AB’S ORB, where AB is an Able Seaman
20 Scrooge’s hat — top needs replacing (6)
23 Expensive bit of headgear? I’m going to nick one (5)
TIARA – I in TARA (common English word for goodbye – sometimes hyphenated, sometimes not)
Time: 25 minutes.
I knew the dissident theologian and sect.
Agrarianism has a very long history and is a much more interesting set of ideas than one might be led to believe by Ulaca’s dismissive remark, which seems cynical about both that philosophy and human nature in general.
Edited at 2022-01-31 04:35 am (UTC)
Just sayin’. No offense, y’all
I haven’t looked it up, but Simón BOLIVAR said something about trying to govern the areas in S. America he had freed from Spanish rule being like trying to plough the sea. Given the health of the currency named after him, looks like he may have been right.
Thanks to ulaca and setter (from a proud Slow Coach Club member)
FOI 2dn OLEANDER I have no fear of shrubs
LOI. 23dn TIARA not my thing!
COD 6dn POLICE STATION! I paused for thought.
WOD 10dn LITTLE RED BOOK — the least read book in my study!
We are on the brink of CNY in Shanghai. All rather muted in anticipation of the year of the Tiger — much will change as it did in 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 and 2010.
Best of luck to one and all!
Edited at 2022-01-31 07:55 am (UTC)
On edit: 2022 is a Water Tiger Year. It occurs every 60 years. The last one was in 1962 and heralded The Cuban Missile Crisis. History seems to be repeating itself.
Edited at 2022-01-31 08:19 am (UTC)
Yes, I’d love to see your webinar as well. I’ve had a look around YouTube and Last Frontiers. You can be non-committal in your reply if you like, but are you by any chance the eminent Jeremy Wood?
Thanks again,
I am very pleased you enjoyed the piece on Bólivar! Many of the others are also well researched and presented.
I’m not sure that ‘monopolise’ and ‘absorb’ fit together exactly.
I looked twice at POLICE STATION, expecting something more to it.
I thought COLD CASE immediately at 1dn before any checkers were in place but it wasn’t until I wrote it down that I could see the wordplay to confirm it was correct.
Edited at 2022-01-31 05:23 am (UTC)
– Another LAYS LOW had to be corrected by checking the 2d anagrist
– OLEANDER took me 2 bites – 1st time struggled to fit in the characters, 2nd just looked from a distance and it was obvious
– LOI MEANIE took about 3 minutes of alpha-trawling and head-scratching
24:36 – thanks U and setter
Thank you, ulaca for EMBRYONIC and TIARA.
I regard myself as a slow coach so I’ve added an appropriate avatar.
That from Heaven, or near it,
Pourest thy full heart …
How lovely. 20 mins pre-brekker. No dramas — but an eyebrow raise at Oner. One ain’t been a note in the UK for 34 years. Would you Adam and Eve it?
Thanks setter and U.
24 minutes, though, so nothing held me up too much. BOLIVAR came up as a minor plot-point in a Poirot I watched last week, the very first of the David Suchet adaptations, The Adventure of the Clapham Cook, which was handy.
Edited at 2022-01-31 08:26 am (UTC)
*you could probably have a very good night out for a couple of quid back then, and all this was fields
I liked the anagrams, COLD CASE and EXTRICATE. Felt the same way as Jack re ABSORB.
Thanks U and gentle setter.
Not difficult but fun.
“Oner” relates purely to conkers, where I come from .. and “chow” is strictly US slang
The OED also says “This sense is supposed to be due to the use of the chow (‘the edible dog of China’) as food by poor Chinese.” … so maybe the word is best left in peace now, anyway!
The other(s): twom , no less, random letter substitutions, for MEANIE and ROWAN. Perhaps, at a squeeze, the change of heart in ROM(W)AN was simply to turn the letter upside down, but still…
Thanks U for EMBRYONIC: I couldnt see the anagram for looking.
Edited at 2022-01-31 10:17 am (UTC)
FOI Curio
LOI Reno
COD Own goal
We haven’t had a ONER note for a long time. Is this old usage?
COD to the clue for TIARA, the only one that took me a while to work out after I’d entered the obvious answer. The clues were rather good on the whole, even if they were easy to solve.
TA-RA=good-bye/I’m going steals/appropriates/NICKS a Roman “ONE”= capital I.
Edited at 2022-01-31 01:24 pm (UTC)
COD to LTTLE RED BOOK and a fun puzzle overall.
TIME 5:56
Much fun and a sub 15.
For the POLICE STATION I first tried POLICE ACADEMY in line with the artistic theme of the surface, but of course the crossing letters made me change my mind.
Edited at 2022-01-31 11:20 pm (UTC)
And that’s all I have to say about that.