So, my eighth New Year of blogging arrives and I’m still here doing the Wednesday duty. A lot has happened, globally and personally, since 2014. But I’m keeping the little grey cells active. This puzzle was no disappointment, a steady twenty minutes and nothing too scary, although 1d seemed a bit questionable to me. No less than three homophone clues for us today and a couple of meaty anagrams at 1d and 8d should get you well into it.
Across | |
1 | Food brought up from the mouth (5) |
BREAD – “from the mouth” = “sounds like” BRED = brought up. | |
4 | A very quiet artist is a learner being examined by supervisor? (9) |
APPRAISAL – A, PP (very quiet) RA (artist) IS A L(earner). | |
9 | Put back controls, seemingly unbelievable (9) |
REINSTALL – REINS = controls, TALL as in a tall story. | |
10 | Sarah’s boy is a Bill (5) |
ISAAC – Isaac was the son of Sarah and Abraham in the Bible. IS A AC (bill). | |
11 | Arguments going the wrong way I’d avoided in organisations (3-3) |
SET-UPS – DISPUTES = arguments, reverse it SETUPSID and delete ID. | |
12 | Claim of fairy alone, not one seen as “queenly” (8) |
IMPERIAL – I’M PERI = claim of fairy (peri being the original Persian word for a fairy) AL(ONE). | |
14 | Regard admissions of debt as flippant (9) |
FACETIOUS – FACET = regard, IOUS = admissions of debt. | |
16 | Wild animal behaving with love to the end (5) |
DINGO – DOING = behaving, move the O to the end. | |
17 | Loud day of religious rejoicing — no hesitation to provide a banquet (5) |
FEAST – F (loud) EASTER loses ER… hesitation. | |
19 | Time to demand church to form working group (4,5) |
21 | One toughening up an item for the pew, we hear (8) |
ANNEALER – sounds like A KNEELER for kneeling in church. | |
22 | Leaving home to be entertained by wine supply expert (6) |
BOFFIN – OFF (leaving home) inside BIN (where you keep wine). | |
25 | PM shown as pagan type when passing on measure (5) |
HEATH – HEATHEN loses EN a measure. | |
26 | Good girl battling against male’s ultimate fiascos? (9) |
GLASSWARE – G(ood) LASS (girl) WAR (battling) E (end of male). Apart from meaning an ignominious failure, a fiasco is also a glass wine bottle such as those used for Chianti. | |
27 | Girl falling short is sort to trouble pedants (9) |
RIGORISTS – (L)RIG) = girl falling (reversed) short, then (IS SORT)*. | |
28 | Give weary maiden backing to achieve a good grade (5) |
MERIT – Reverse TIRE M = weary maiden. |
Down | |
1 | Bad forefather is recollected in family group? (5,2,1,7) |
BIRDS OF A FEATHER – (BAD FOREFATHER IS)*. A bit strange, I thought ‘birds of a feather’ meant people of similar character or interests, and my ‘family group’ certainly are not. or is not. | |
2 | What may come from the dictator? (5) |
EDICT – hidden as above. | |
3 | Damper spot had to be blasted (7) |
4 | Sailors said to follow a classical hero (4) |
AJAX – A, JAX sounds like Jacks = sailors. | |
5 | Chum with misstep involved in a sort of cover-up (10) |
PALIMPSEST – PAL (chum) (MISSTEP)*. A palimpsest is a manuscript where the parchment or skin has been erased and re-used. | |
6 | Something deemed medicinal I understand and must swallow (7) |
ANISEED – I SEE (I understand) goes inside AND. Aniseed has medicinal effects, digestive or anti-flatulence, as well as its distinctive flavour as used in Pastis, ouzo etc. | |
7 | Trader in railway location, one down the line from Victoria (9) |
STATIONER – STATION (raliway location) ER (Her Majesty as a decendant ‘one down the line’ of Queen Victoria. | |
8 | College man on TV right to pull apart council admin, say (5,10) |
13 | Nerve needed by head of board when acquiring fuel (7,3) |
BOTTLED GAS – BOTTLE (nerve) DG (director-general, head of board) AS (when). | |
15 | Oppressed group of workers (excellent/no good?) in endless reorganisation (5,4) |
CHAIN GANG – AI (excellent) NG (no good) inserted into CHANG(E) = endless reorganisation. | |
18 | Short school period to accommodate every one individually — so I work less? (7) |
TEACHER – TER(M) = short school period, insert EACH. | |
20 | Rubbish in lean period halved, a good deal being kept (7) |
FLOTSAM – FAM(INE) = lean period halved, insert LOTS. | |
23 | Style is something flashy, reportedly (5) |
FLAIR – sounds like FLARE. | |
24 | Deep fish (4) |
BASS – double definition, deep as in bass note, bass a kind of fish. |
I enjoyed this one for the manageable challenge. I took 27a as an anagram of all of (GIR IS SORT) but your parsing is more precise. And in 7d I took “one down the line from Victoria” to be Edward VII, who I thought would still be ER.
Edited at 2022-01-05 01:17 am (UTC)
Reasonably straightforward puzzle, made harder by some tricky vocabulary — e.g dashpot, rigorist, palimpsest, and fiasco (in the sense required here). For me, “birds of a feather” passes muster. ‘Family” can mean not only a group of people related by blood but also any group of related things, e.g. sharing similar characteristics.
Thanks setter.
Thanks to setter and thanks and congrats to our blogger.
Enjoyable puzzle as usual, and I learnt something about fiascos. Thanks Pip and setter.
LOI GOVERNMENT. It took a while to realise the clue was an anagram, and thrown by the definition. I think of elected councillors as the local government, and the council admin as permanent employees not government. Same distinction as between a country’s government and its public service.
FOI 4dn AJAX – our Kitchen sink hero
LOI 12dn BOTTLED GAS from the Calor people
COD 21ac ANNEALER – Mr.Tough Guy who kept my mother busy embroidering
This took me 40 minutes with 5dn PALIMPSEST (a re-scrape) an ancient chestnut.
Paul in London, thanks for yesterday’s interesting note!
Edited at 2022-01-05 04:30 am (UTC)
28 minutes for the puzzle, so very much in the Snitchmeister’s sights now.
Edited at 2022-01-05 05:37 am (UTC)
I never did figure out the parsing of SET-UPS, so thanks for that, Pip, and congrats on your milestone.
It was interesting to see some mentions of PALIMPSEST as an unknown and likewise fiascos for GLASSWARE as both have come up before. Having said that I needed all the checkers to get PALIMPSEST and only remembered fiascos post solve.
I didn’t realise ANISEED has medicinal problems but was pleased to hear it as I love it. I’m off for a raki.
15d was recently clued by Dean Mayer in an ST cryptic as “Joined Labour Party” which I thought was wonderfully succinct.
I had never heard of the term fiasco in reference to wine bottles. I had a near fiasco, though, with a Chianti bottle back in the 70s. I was working for an airline at Gatwick and did a there-and-back work trip to Verona. I bought a bottle of Chianti from the little airport shop, complete with raffia. Friends came for dinner that evening but nobody present could pull the cork. I took the bottle to the pub next door and eventually someone in the public bar managed to pull it out.
Especially as we can’t visit easily.
After 30 mins I gave up on Rigorists. I was never going to untangle that it was an anagram, let alone the fodder.
Other MER at Regard=Facet?
Thanks setter and Pip.
LOI BOFFIN where I thought BIN was a bit loose as “wine supply”. I got the long anags quickly but then held up by REINSTALL, DASHPOT, PALIMPSEST.
I Quite liked 1d for a smooth surface.
Thank you and well done Pip.
To put the tin lid on it had a silly typo on the QC.
I though regard = FACE and wondered where the T came from before I thought of FACET. NHO that sense of fiasco. RIGORISTS seems a strange word.
And for some reason I would have spelt PALIMPSEST without the final S.
But I enjoyed CHAIN GANG and AJAX
Thanks setter and pip
Thanks to all on here for all the help – both bloggers and commenters. I don’t comment often but read every day and it gives me both education and entertainment.
I’m actually working my way backwards through the Times puzzles and the comments from the past are very amusing too. I just did a puzzle from April 2015 when Verlaine had a PB of 6.20 and commented that he thought it was inconceivable that he would ever be able to go sub-5! Those were the days…..and shows what practice can do.
Here’s hoping!
I do all my practice on-line.
I started by using the brilliant Snitch website – – as it grades the crosswords by difficulty. It goes back to October 2015 and I started by doing all the crosswords with a SNITCH rating of less than 70 as these were meant to be the easier ones and I didn’t want to spend an hour struggling on the really tough ones. You can click through to the crossword from that site assuming you are a Crossword Club member.
Once I’d done all of those, I went up to a SNITCH rating of 80 and so on until I had completed (almost) all of them. The idea being that the difficulty increases as you improve as I didn’t want to spend more than half an hour on each one.
I still haven’t done 70 of the most difficult ones with ratings above 150 as they’re still too tricky at the moment.
I’m now just using the Crossword Club search facility and putting in 26091 as an example of one I’ve just done from mid 2015.
Thanks a lot for the very detailed answer – going to go through that in detail and check out the suggestions…
…I need the practice (and fairly often have time on my hands + the inclination to do more solving).
Progress thereafter slowed progressively as I made my way through….
GLASSWARE = “fiasco” seemed a crazy definition but had to go in
RIGORISTS unknown to me but made sense
ANNEALER: luckily I happened to see a YouTube vid yesterday that included some annealing
Eventually found myself badly stuck in the NW, assuming that 11a had to be SET-TOS even though I( couldn’t parse it – finally corrected after I gave up trying to make any credible word out of the 3d anagram. This left me 4d which I entered as ATAS – not really believing it was correct. That old indiscipline creeping back….
…and anyway, as it transpired, I’d put PALEMPSIST for 5d, pretty sure it was correct (half-remembered word encountered here, I think, a few months ago).
Oh well, my 100% hit-rate return to the fray couldn’t last forever, thanks Pip and setter
No dramas.
THanks, pip.
Well done on your 8 year stint, Pip. I think you took over from Mctext? I remember we were Wednesday oppos, for a while
Fiascos in that context was new to me, and very nice.
Didn’t parse CHAIN GANG or figure out how the ‘er’ in STATIONER worked, but with both there was no other option. I also didn’t know the GLASSWARE meaning of ‘fiasco’, I couldn’t have told you what a DASHPOT IS, and I’ll probably never remember what a PALIMPSEST is, but they were all gettable.
FOI Bread
LOI Bottled gas
COD Appraisal
Thanks to the setter. Thanks and congratulations to Pip.
DNK GLASSWARE = fiasco; DASHPOT (interested to know its etymology) — seemed more likely than DOSHPAT; RIGORISTS
SET-UPS took ages to see.
TIME 12:02
Edited at 2022-01-05 12:41 pm (UTC)
Regard = facet if you are discussing say a facet of an argument?
Dashpot no problem if you ever worked on an SU carburettor, but I was a bit surprised to see it.
Fiasco=bottle OK. Botticelli’s name (really a nickname) = Little Bottle or Minor Fiasco, always worth a smile.
Edited at 2022-01-05 01:54 pm (UTC)
Couple of unknowns, rigorists was a new one to me as was the glassware. Bit puzzled by annealer for a time. I thought that was a Cockney doctor. Boom ,boom.
Thx setter and blogger
Held up a bit at the end, with the GLASSWARE sense of “fiasco” not entirely clear but dimly remembered and not seeing the Director General in BOTTLED GAS for a while.
Hesitated a while on DASHPOT because “pot” is already altogether in the anagrind.
Edited at 2022-01-05 04:52 pm (UTC)
Congratulations Pip on your 8 years at the Wednesday helm!
DNK DASHPOT or the bottle but did know PALIMPSEST.
Fiasco is an interesting word, same root as German and Scandinavian equivalents as well as flask. ‘Bric del Fiasc’ is the name of a very good Barolo, I now realise it must mean ‘Bottle Hill’.
I agree with others that regard/FACET is questionable. ‘In that regard’ is close but not quite close enough IMO.
Congratulations on the milestone Pip. I have a similar one coming up.
Anyway may I add my fulsome congratulations and thanks to all our wonderful bloggers and of course Mr K today. Your efforts really are appreciated
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