An enjoyable holiday Friday solve with lots of fun literary/GK-type content which always floats my boat. I think my favourites were the fun reverse cryptic clues at 20ac and my COD 7dn but it was all very congenial.
Hope you’ve all got your stockings hung up and find what you want in them on Christmas morning – it’ll be coal again for me, this year as every year. Merry Xmas to one and all and see you on the other side!
Definitions underlined, (ABC)* indicating anagram of ABC, {} deletions and [] other indicators.
1 Due to merge bizarrely with Legal & General (2,6)
DE GAULLE – (DUE + LEGAL*) to find a famous general
9 Knock down leader of legion roughly on march (8)
DEMOLISH – L{egion), ISH on DEMO
10 Noise you heard: communications with one rowing (6)
UPROAR – U + P.R. + OAR [one that rows]
11 Rubbish on-line about cruel figure in Labour (6,4)
NEMEAN LION – (ON-LINE*) “about” MEAN. Heracles’ first labour
12 Predator caught fabulous bird (4)
13 Obscure allusion picked up, getting harder to pick up (10)
DIMINUENDO – DIM + homophone of INNUENDO. Quieter and quieter
16 Writer has month to pen a work half-heartedly (7)
NABOKOV – NOV “penning” A BO{o}K
17 Rush to box quietly with learner in bout (7)
SPLURGE – SURGE “boxing” (P + L)
20 Sign of eating too much toast suggested by this? (6,4)
22 Politician dropping round, engaging a cup-bearer, say (4)
TRAY – T{o}RY “engaging” A
23 European skill behind film — it enhances sounds (3,7)
25 River keeping cool for convenience (6)
URINAL – URAL “keeping” IN
26 Free from charge after inconclusive unfair accusation (8)
LIBERATE – RATE [charge] after LIBE{l}
27 Queen’s partner’s stored knowledge is a minimal sham (8)
TOKENISM – TOM [male cat, hence a queen’s partner] “storing” KEN IS. A bit of a strange literal for TOKENISM but I guess it’s a fair description
2 Being high, high up, I hear, without oxygen (8)
EUPHORIA – (UP I HEAR*) “without” O
3 Answer to go down badly after Mike’s explosive threat (6,4)
ATOMIC BOMB – A TO + BOMB [go down badly] after MIC
4 Poet’s wretched trouble with a single romance yarn (5,5)
5 Cheese put on a crossword setter’s Japanese dish (7)
EDAMAME – EDAM on top of A ME
6 Novel English magazine’s contents cut back (4)
EMMA – E + reversed AMM{o}
7 Follower, what lady showing a lot of leg may have? (6)
MINION – a lady showing leg may have a MINI ON
8 Part of pin’s head turned up covered in glitter (8)
SHINBONE – reversed NOB “covered in” SHINE. Pin as in leg
14 Drink accompanying food with nothing in it (3,3,4)
NIP AND TUCK – NIP [drink] AND [accompanying] TUCK [food]
15 Jittery neurotic around a time for gas explosion (10)
16 Grace perhaps follows bad end for outlaw (3,5)
NED KELLY – (Grace) KELLY following (END*)
18 Boy right to crack jokes in finery (4,4)
GLAD RAGS – LAD R “cracking” GAGS
19 Dog‘s way to get in trouble with the RSPCA? (7)
WHIPPET – if you WHIP your PET you will be in trouble with animal lovers
21 Strip and rip off a French female’s clothing (6)
UNROBE – ROB [rip off] “clothed” by UNE [a, French, female]
24 State what usually keeps being reflected (4)
UTAH – hidden reversed in {w}HAT U{sually}
Some of the difficulty was self-inflicted as I had EUPHORIC at 2dn through not playing close enough attention to the anagrist.
Edited at 2021-12-24 10:42 am (UTC)
Thanks setter and blogger, Merry Christmas to all.
Edited at 2021-12-24 05:06 am (UTC)
The NEMEAN LION is damnably obscure here in Meldrewvia. And I shinned 8dn missing the connection to the pin-code.
(LOI) 1dn EUPHORIA — a plant that utilises Boron
I eat far too much but I do not have a DOUBLE CHIN!
Edited at 2021-12-24 05:16 am (UTC)
Favourites were the association of Grace with NED KELLY and working out the def and then the parsing of TOKENISM.
Merry Christmas to everyone
Ignorance is my only excuse.
This rhymester whose verses are shoddy
Sends best wishes to those
Who solve and compose
Merry Crosswords to everybody
Last one was MINION, that whole corner needing me to get the LION before solving. But DE GAULLE was very nearly last, there seeming to be too many words in the clue for the Latin phrase it had to be.
EDAMAMRE I’ve bought many times (there’s some in my fridge right now) without ever really seeing how it was (they were?) spelt. Good to nail that down, then.
I appreciated DOUBLE CHIN. It’s also why I keep a beard.
* De Gaulle keeper. A genuine, very old Christmas cracker. May all your Christmas crackers be – um – better.
Edited at 2021-12-24 08:57 am (UTC)
I tried reading LORNA DOONE once, didn’t get far.
Liked MINION, not much of a contest between SHE and EMMA, did not parse LOI EUPHORIA.
18’18”, thanks verlaine and setter.
I’m descended from the Lorna Doone author, RD Blackmore. I’ve never read it either.
Loved the Herculean thing once I saw it. CODs to 1ac, 11ac and 14ac. 7d and 25ac came a close second.
Thank you V as ever and very cryptic setter. Merry Christmas to everyone. Chin chin.
Thanks, v.
Edited at 2021-12-24 09:29 am (UTC)
I took 48m all told, so I didn’t find it easy, but I didn’t get properly stuck anywhere, either, just dotted around and continued revisiting the tougher ones as I got more and more crossers until it was done. I think it was when I put NEMEAN LION in that I realised there might be some above-average vocab in play.
COD 20a, though I was clearly a bit dopey as my first thought was, “Oh! That would be a good clue for CHIN CHIN; what a shame it’s not the answer…”
A very satisfying puzzle with some good clues. I particuarly liked those to DE GAULLE, NEMEAN LION, DIMINUENDO, MINION and UNROBE
The quality of the clues makes it the best puzzle of the week in my opinion.
Edited at 2021-12-24 11:13 am (UTC)
Bah humbug
The twelve labours of Hercules are an interesting case study in the concept of general knowledge. Almost everybody can probably name one or two of them, but almost nobody will know them all. Where to draw the line? This is of course an impossible question to answer, so we can take comfort in the knowledge that we will never run out of things to argue about.
Happy Christmas all.
This seemed more straightforward than some of the others this week, three quarters going in without too much bother, though I did miss the ‘chin chin’ reference in DOUBLE CHIN.
Familiar with LORNA DOONE more from mid-70s TV adaptation (my Mum was very into such dramas) than the book.
NE corner gave the most pause, before the first three checkers of 11a NEMEAN LION gave that lovely pdm before SHINBONE, DIMINUENDO and finally MINION went in.
Merry Christmas one and all!
Thanks to Verlaine and the setter. A merry Christmas to one and all.
I biffed EMMA (not literally of course), but it was enough to finally give me the ‘mean’ part of my LOI, which I’d vaguely heard of. Asked to name the labours, I would probably confidently answer “Augean Stables” and then dry up totally.
TIME 13:45
Best wishes for Christmas to all setters, bloggers, and regular solvers
My only complete solve of the week, it took an hour or so. I thought this was a very satisfying solve since there were few write ins for me. COD MINION only got after all the checkers were in. A real “doh”, forehead smacking moment.
How is Tom a partner for Queen? TOKENISM was my LOI.
Thanks for that Verlaine. In 60 years I’ve never come across the term before and I’d never have guessed it.
Thanks V and Merry Christmas to all.