After a run of tricky Wednesdays, this gave some respite, with rather a lot of Quick Cryptic standard clues, I thought. Only one anagram, which is unusual, and no hidden word. It didn’t take me very long, I expect some quick times from our experts. 1a, 1d and 10d went in early, and my LOI UNDIES gets my CoD award.
Across | |
1 | Conservative adviser in small oval rowing boat (7) |
CORACLE – C (Conservative) ORACLE (adviser). An easy FOI. | |
5 | Gallery built by posh woman possessing a lot of vitality (6) |
UFFIZI – U (posh, upmarket) FI (woman, Fiona perhps) insert FIZ(Z) = a lot of vitality. | |
8 | Finally settled in French Society, formerly in diplomatic corps (9) |
ENSCONCED – EN (in, French) S (society) CD (corps diplomatique, CD as on diplomatic number plates) insert ONCE (formerly). | |
9 | Expression of surprise about old politician’s pizzazz (5) |
OOMPH – into OH ! (expression of surprise) insert O, MP. | |
11 | Stir up river, one of several in England (5) |
ROUSE – R (river) OUSE (one of several such rivers in England). | |
12 | Faulty road manoeuvre finished male ox (9) |
OVERSTEER – OVER (finished) STEER (male ox). | |
13 | Breed of sheep daughter kept in her Highland town (8) |
HERDWICK – HER, WICK (town in north of Scotland), insert D for daughter. A breed of sheep I’d heard of from watching BBC Countryfile. | |
15 | Hooded cloak displayed by Catholic dignitary in love (6) |
DOMINO – DOM (as in Dom Perignon, perhaps) IN O. Vaguely remembered seeing this before as a sort of cloak. | |
17 | Medic, one the French find submissive (6) |
DOCILE – DOC (medic) I (one) LE (the in French). | |
19 | Admirer of lilac originally in bloom (8) |
FOLLOWER – initial letters of Of Lilac inside FLOWER. | |
22 | Convivial, though apt for cudgelling? (9) |
CLUBBABLE – double definition, one whimsical. | |
23 | Fragrant smell drivers hold in memory (5) |
AROMA – ROM (sort of memory) inside AA (drivers, Automobile Association). | |
24 | Old coins marketed by Italians primarily (5) |
SOLDI – SOLD (marketed) I(talians). I was more familiar with SOLIDI / plural of SOLIDUS, but SOLDI is an early Italian rather than Latin version. | |
25 | George’s car scheme involving head of industry (9) |
AUTOPILOT – AUTO (car) PLOT (scheme) insert I (head of industry). I knew the autopilot was often called George by aviators but not why, so I looked it up. As is often the case, there are two possible explanations. Either by RAF pilots after King George VI, in WWII, or after one George De Beeson, an American who patented such a device in 1931. Take your pick. | |
26 | Overdramatic, bringing the old guns back! (6) |
STAGEY – all reversed, YE (old the) GATS (guns). | |
27 | Daily customer to begin with, one with a list? (7) |
CLEANER – C (customer originally) LEANER (one with a list). |
Down | |
1 | Prepare for action — tidy up after card game? (5,3,5) |
CLEAR THE DECKS – double definition, one a cliché, one prosaic. | |
2 | Saver, one who regrets concealing key (7) |
RESCUER – RUER (one who regrets) having ESC (key) inserted. | |
3 | Fragrant spice clubs think the world of (5) |
CLOVE – C for clubs, LOVE for think the world of. | |
4 | Intrude, initially encountering natural resistance in bus (8) |
ENCROACH – E N (first letters of Encountering Natural) then R inside COACH. | |
5 | This clothing is resurrected, do we infer? (6) |
UNDIES – witty &lit; if something un-dies, it could be said to be resurrected. | |
6 | Pays to look up resting-place for supporters? (9) |
FOOTSTOOL – FOOTS (pays), TO, LO reversed. | |
7 | Zulus, one crossing briefly Orange River (7) |
ZAMBEZI – Z Z (two zulus) I (one; insert AMBE(R) for orange briefly. At first I was was thinking, IMPI, leading to LIMPOPO, but that was the wrong river. | |
10 | Entertain male teacher, one looking after the port (7,6) |
HARBOUR MASTER – HARBOUR = entertain, (e.g. harbour thoughts), MASTER a male teacher. | |
14 | Fit crooner protecting energy and good health (9) |
WELLBEING – WELL (fit) BING (Crosby, crooner) insert E (energy). | |
16 | Home help misconstruing extremely dire sitcom (8) |
DOMESTIC – an anagram at last. (DE SITCOM)* where DE are the extremes of dire. | |
18 | Left in car, finally digest a little verse (7) |
COUPLET – COUPE (car) insert L for left, add T end of digest. | |
20 | Court girl turning up in such a warm garment? (7) |
WOOLLEN – WOO (court) NELL (girl) reversed. | |
21 | A bishop past accepting current monastic office (6) |
ABBACY – A, B(ishop) BY (past) insert AC (alternating current). | |
23 | Remove son from trial: that’s sufficient (5) |
AMPLE – remove S from SAMPLE. |
Whatever, I limped home in 31 minutes it’s my LOI 15ac DOMINO which l knew not, but am sure Dan Brown did.
FOI 1ac CORACLE a gimme!
COD 5dn UNDIES also liked 5ac UFFIZI and 13ac HERDWICK
WOD 22ac CLUBBABLE which I am not anymore.
Time a reasonable 31 minutes considering my age and diminishing faculties. I am still just about ‘with it’!
Edited at 2021-12-15 02:56 am (UTC)
1a and 1d in the first minute got off to a good start.
OOMPH was in the QC yesterday?
Sounds like I’m not the only one not to know HERDWICK, but the cluing was generous. Almost too generous, leading me to look for a trick that wasn’t there.
COD to GEORGE, although in Flying High* the name was Otto. Honourable mention to UNDIES. And CLUBBABLE is a very strange word.
Thanks Pip and setter.
*Known as Airplane in the USA I believe.
On edit: Corrected spelling of UFFIZI. Like I said…
Edited at 2021-12-15 02:29 am (UTC)
For some reason, I think of women named FI as being ‘posh’ and having ‘a lot of vitality’. Don’t know why.
Thanks to Pip and setter
Otherwise it was easy enough that I had time while solving to reflect that all oxen are castrated males, so a “male ox” is either an impossibility or is over-specified, depending on how you view the resulting gender.
Edited at 2021-12-15 04:04 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-12-15 07:02 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-12-15 01:59 pm (UTC)
I’m thinking the more general sense of “ox” may have come first…
“ At one time, the term ox commonly was used as the singular noun for any domestic bovine.”
I was rather disappointed to discover I had a wrong answer at 7dn with ZAMBESI. I first heard of the word aged about 7 or 8 as the title of a popular song – I think the earliest hit version was by the trumpeter, Eddie Calvert, but it has been recorded by many people since. Anyway, it was spelt with an ‘S’ and that’s why I had it in my head and wrote it in instinctively. Wiki confirms that the river can be spelt both ways and Zulus = Z’S might just about work as a plural so I think in a competition it could be worth an appeal to the judges as an alternative answer.
Edited at 2021-12-15 06:02 am (UTC)
We have both WICK and SCONCE tonight, and I’m burning (mildly) scented candles to mask the smell of the building two doors down from mine that was gutted in a four-alarm fire early the other morning…
WELL-BEING, as I know very well, is hyphenated in Merriam-Webster, and I find that it is also in Lexico and Collins. I guess Chambers must say otherwise…?
My POI, which could also be Preposterous One In (the clue, that is) was UNDIES and LOI ENSCONCED, a word I’ve always liked, and enjoyed being (I also enjoy being lit).
Edited at 2021-12-15 06:53 am (UTC)
I, too, first came across the HERDWICK breed through watching Countryfile. I did know that George was the term used for AUTOPILOT but didn’t know the origin of the term, so thanks for that as well.
Didn’t we have OOMPH yesterday or the day before?
As far as I can see there is only one anagram: DOMESTIC.
COD: I agree with Pip. It has to be UNDIES.
After 20 mins pre-brekker I only had -O-INO left and no knowledge of catholic dignitaries or hooded cloaks. And with other ways to clue Domino and/or Dom, I thought this a bit shabby.
I think this is the many-first-letter-indicator setter again: originally, primarily, head of, to begin with, initially.
Thanks setter and Pip.
Edited at 2021-12-15 07:54 am (UTC)
I’ve been to Wick several times and it always seems weird to think of a coastal town as being in the ‘highlands’. It is though, technically.
I don’t think 5dn is &Lit, Pip. ‘Clothing’ is the definition, the rest is a second whimsical definition.
Edited at 2021-12-15 07:58 am (UTC)
10 minutes but hoodwinked by DOMINO where I went for donino having never heard if the cloak. Perhaps overexcited at what would have been a personal best.
Oddly enough I was thinking only the other day that we haven’t seen George for a good while, and, lo, he turns up. Serendipity.
I particularly liked FOOTSTOOL and CLUBBABLE, though, like Horryd, I don’t think I am any more. Saw two ZZs immediately so I didn’t have a problem with ZAMBEZI luckily.
Thanks Pip and setter.
Dom was no problem: I seem to have heard it a lot: Dom José da Silvestre in King Solomon’s Mines, which struck me as a child; Dom Perignon brandy; Dominican friars …
Nobody so far has mentioned that the idea for undies is not new. I saw it only the other day, but presumably not here.
Plenty to think over, and some clever clueing that led me entirely astray.
Thanks Pip and Setter
I don’t think that would have survived an appeal, though I think ZAMBESI stands a chance – I only saw the Z-Z version.
I also toyed brief with UNDYED though I think VAR would have ruled that offside – no homophone indicator.
Weird fact of the day: HERDWICKS are born black which put me in mind of this from Crimson Tide.
Only held up really by ABBACY which took a few moments to come to mind, though I did educatedly-guess DOMINO with all checkers and a reasonable certainty that a DOM is a top man in a monastery.
This really is more or less as fast as I can go, so hat tips to all those who regularly get below 10 mins. Problem with doing it on the ‘phone is that reading ahead to the next clue while typing the answer of the current clue is not possible…
FOI HERDWICK (at which point I thought it was a hard puzzle)
LOI DOMINO (the first half of the answer didn’t come readily)
TIME 8:34
I liked UFFIZI, CLUBBABLE and UNDIES (a wonderfully English word, somehow). Been a good week for puzzles so far, a dreadful one for typing.
Thanks to Pip and the setter.
Didn’t know that “George” was an autopilot and may not have seen “Abbacy” before, but luckily they didn’t hold me up.
A pity, because after a few very busy days recently, where the Time Crosswords have had to take a back seat (Shock! Horror! I know), I felt I was back in the groove.
Was becalmed in the NE Corner after a quick solving process until that point. Getting 10 d “harbour master” then lead to 15 ac “Domino”, which finally convinced me to look for another river.
CODs 5 ac “Uffizi” and 5 d “undies”.
Overall a bit grumpy but thanks to Pip and to setter.
Thanks setterand blogger.
Edited at 2021-12-15 07:19 pm (UTC)
We have ROUSE about words till we’re wheezy
UNDIES erving I think
Raise a COUPLET us drink
To our setter, who made this st UFFIZI
Edited at 2021-12-16 09:55 pm (UTC)