I managed this in 26 minutes but there will be a lot of people beating my WITCH (see Crossword SNITCH on the sidebar, if this flummoxes you), methinks. What’s the Snitchmeister on, by the way? He will soon be challenging Gallers for the title of Australia’s brightest male Turing wannabe…
Which reminds me the Ashes starts tomorrow. Why do I feel panicky?
1 Sequence featuring in advert for brewing equipment (3-8)
TEA-STRAINER – TRAIN (sequence) in TEASER (advert)
7 Sweet potatoes, peeled (3)
PUD – [s]PUD[s]
9 Big jar picked up (5)
GREAT – sounds like ‘grate’
10 Muted, odd new pants acquired by fashionable people (5,4)
TONED DOWN – anagram* of ODD NEW in TON (Crosswordese trigger warning: ‘The ton’ [pronounced after the French fashion with a nasalised vowel and a silent n] was Britain’s high society during the late Regency and the reign of George IV; ‘ton’ is also common in Crosswordland for its related meaning of style or high fashion)
11 Dodgy retail stores fight for free computer programmes (9)
TRIALWARE – WAR in RETAIL* for some nerdy thing…
12 A long intro from Hendrix? (5)
AITCH – A ITCH for H[endrix’s] initial letter
13 Artist gatecrashes every exhibition, principally as a complaint (7)
EARACHE – RA (our Crosswordland artist – the Royal Academician from Burlington House) in EACH E[xhibition]
15 A lack of training? That’s not gonna happen! (4)
NOPE – NO PE; ‘nope’ and ‘yep’ are words I have a pet aversion to and will never use. What never? No never!
18 Boss of film company denied one Oscar (4)
STUD – STUD[io: 1 O(scar)]; boss for stud as on a shield or in Cruciverbalalia
20 Fluster in the end a little bit and struggle to manage (3,4)
RAT RACE – [fluste]R A TRACE
23 Duke eclipsing king and cardinal (5)
FIRST – R (rex > king) in FIST (duke: another cruciverbal synonym, much beloved by setters and discussed by aficionados)
24 Within minutes, idiot adviser rebuffed radio and the press etc (4,5)
MASS MEDIA – BOD (Biff of the Day): ASS (idiot) in MM (minutes) AIDE reversed
26 Tranquil, mainly secure island location in Africa (9)
SERENGETI – SEREN[e] GET (secure, as in secure a place at Harvard) I
27 Familiar issue beginning to encumber investigation (5)
PROBE – PROB (a familiar or informal way of saying problem, AKA issue) E[ncumber]
28 Container of eggs nearly knocked over (3)
TIN – reversal of NIT[s], together with ROE and OVA, Crosswordland’s favourite way to do eggs
29 Pie contains nuts, for example (4,2,5)
CASE IN POINT – PIE CONTAINS*; nice one, setter!
1 Learned soaring number in concert (8)
TOGETHER – GOT (learned) reversed ETHER (number > anaesthetic)
2 Workplaces had to be located with rest, oddly (8)
ATELIERS – ATE (had > ate) LIE (be located) R[e]S[t]
3 Child joining a large comprehensive (5)
4 Tight flips in the middle of great move (7)
ACTUATE – TAUT reversed in ACE
5 Wings of nylon filled with a strong material (7)
NANKEEN – A in N[ylo]N KEEN (strong, as in keen interest)
6 Terrace positioned externally ruined fancy entrance (3,6)
7 Pair winning almost immediately (6)
PRONTO – PR (pair) ON TO[p]
8 Heroin stashed in dirty vessel (6)
14 Guy takes a drink in a stupor (9)
CATATONIC – CAT (as in hep cat, or cool cat) A TONIC
16 Type of food in a tin, cooked without opening (8)
TANDOORI – DOOR (opening) in A TIN*; Tandoori is a method of cooking, but an extended sense is a type of food, as in Tandoori chicken
17 Dissolute young trainee mostly overwhelmed with depression (8)
19 Moderates needing restraint, being without power (7)
DAMPENS – P (power) in DAM (restraint) ENS (being; the plural ‘entia’ is useful for Scrabble players)
20 Society function hosted by European leader for composer (7)
ROSSINI – S (society) SIN (mathematical function; abbreviation for sine, which seems a bit unnecessary) in ROI (European leader)
21 Provide compensation for bad TV (6)
22 Trial a combination of having no booze and exercise (3,3)
DRY RUN – DRY (teetotal) RUN (exercise)
25 Wipe the floor with flash young boxer? (3,2)
MOP UP – MO (flash) PUP (young [canine] boxer)
Had a lot of trouble in the Kimberley region, but as is often the case, it looks easier in hindsight. Should have seen GREAT a lot earlier than I did.
High quality blog from the HKV today, thanks especially for explaining DAMPENS. Certain comments will be left to pass harmlessly outside off stump, but I will say I enjoyed the G&S reference.
I’m still not clear how FIRST is a cardinal though. A few other minor things I didn’t know, like ENS. I thought of PROBE the first time I read the clue but couldn’t see why PROB was familiar issue. But it’s totally fair. It comes up all the time in the negative “no prob”.
Edited at 2021-12-06 02:05 am (UTC)
cardinal (adj.)
“chief, pivotal,” early 14c., from Latin cardinalis “principal, chief, essential,” a figurative use, literally “pertaining to a hinge,” from cardo (genitive cardinis) “that on which something turns or depends; pole of the sky,” originally “door hinge,” which is of unknown origin.
FOI 2ac PUD Old fashioned rice-pud with grated nutmeg svp.
LOI 4dn ACTUATE IKEAN wizzardry!
COD 29ac CASE IN POINT nicely hidden ‘jumble’!
WOD 26ac SERENGETI – memories of flamingos
I stayed up for the Saudi F1. The biggest heart stopper since the swings and roundabouts of Wembley ’66 IMO. I crawled into bed at 4:15am – shaken and stirred. Hamilton was just amazing!
Edited at 2021-12-06 04:48 am (UTC)
Also failed to parse ENS in 19dn as I never heard of that meaning. If I needed to use ENS in Scrabble I would have justified it as the plural of printing term that comes up quite regularly here.
Edited at 2021-12-06 06:06 am (UTC)
“Winning” for ONTO and “move” for ACTUATE seemed oblique.
COD TOGETHER, for “soaring/number” or AITCH for “intro from Hendrix.” Rock on.
Favourite was PUD. Definitely not ‘Sweet’ – in my book, very non-U!
25 mins pre-brekker. I liked it. Lots of neat and clever stuff.
I can’t remember seeing being=ens before.
Thanks setter and U.
Edited at 2021-12-06 07:54 am (UTC)
NHO ens.
There’s a teensy omission today
ROI for French king
Is the missing thing
In 20 down, I dare say
Edited at 2021-12-06 08:47 am (UTC)
You vision became X-ray
But I’m not miffed at all
It’s a very fair call
So thanks – no, grazie mille!
Thanks for the blog Ulaca — I really needed it today, having biffed five answers (including LOI) and not having the will to parse them afterwards. Didn’t enjoy this very much.
COD TEA-STRAINER (but only thanks to Ulaca)
TIME 13:14
Today’s earworm: the majestic Africa by Toto, despite it containing the completely ridiculous suggestion that Kilimanjaro rises above the Serengeti, which it really doesn’t.
P.S. ulaca, I think I can identify the source of our shared nervousness about the Ashes, which is that we’ve both seen England play Test cricket recently. And in an ever-changing world, I am reassured by the old certainties, such as Glenn McGrath predicting it will end 5-0 to Australia, so all is well.
Edited at 2021-12-06 11:12 am (UTC)
5-0 is unlikely this time, thanks to us being in the middle of a La Nina. Still, one can hope.
I’m surprised that ENS is unfamiliar to so many. I thought it was a crossword chestnut but perhaps that’s just Mephisto and/or Azed.
Surely it’s (computer) program not programme? Not just an Americanism, but I always thought that was what it really should be.
Edited at 2021-12-06 11:57 am (UTC)
The day has been saved by someone bringing me a very nice bottle of BOLLINGER rosé which we have just consumed. Marvellous .
Thank you U and far too clever setter.
Bunging in ALEPH rather than the far simpler AITCH for the Hendrix clue held up PRONTO — easy once the problem was fixed.
TOGETHER took a while to spot as well — only word I could think of that would fit, and completely failed to parse.
The other two were much harder — so that’s what ACTUATE means then — and the slightly rubbishy DAMPENS which took some of the gloss of a decent xword.
No PROBs with PROBE — but think NO PROBS (problem) and NO TRUBS (trouble) are more common in the UK rather than the S-less form used by the setter?
– ENS in DAMPENS was a new one for me, I found it in Collins but in Lexico it’s just the plural of EN
– For ROSSINI couldn’t figure why SIN = function, now obvious
– Had no idea that nits (of that sort) were actually eggs
– FIST for “duke” – suspect I’ve seen that once before here, hopefully it will sink in this time
On the whole I felt off the pace, lots of easy-ish clues turned into protracted struggles, and eventually I found myself staring at N-N-E-N for many minutes, before throwing in the towel and using a missing-letters solver webpage to get the unknown NANKEEN. My medium-term goal of a full week of correct completions sure ain’t starting here. Thanks U and setter
Thanks to the setter (grrr) and especially to the blogger for the explanations.
I biffed DAMPERS and took a long time to see ACTUATE and FIRST. I liked TANDOORI and PUD, but then I always do.
Thanks to Ulaca and the setter.
Many years ago I corrected my young son’s spelling of his middle name, which he had written as “Jhon”.
He came back after a period of contemplation and said “if the aitch is silent, what difference does it make where it goes?”.
No problem with Dampens as the clue was quite clear. I also like Case in Point and 1dn Together. Anyone recognize my avatar?
Edited at 2021-12-06 06:08 pm (UTC)
However I did appreciate several clues e.g. the surface of 12 ac “aitch”, 26 ac “Serengeti” and 29 ac “case in point”.
Thanks to Ulaca for an entertaining blog and to setter.
Thank you, setter, for a very fair and enjoyable puzzle.
Edited at 2021-12-06 06:44 pm (UTC)