Most of this puzzle was fine by me, but some of it seemed, well, odd. Hard to put a finger on how, but I thought there were some obtuse definitions (like 13a, 16a) and bits of wordplay (11a, 4d) that raised an eyebrow. Maybe I just didn’t appreciate the subtleties.
Anyway it took half an hour and there were some jolly good clues too, like 15d, 16d and 23d.
Anyway it took half an hour and there were some jolly good clues too, like 15d, 16d and 23d.
Across | |
1 | Peers slam old report that’s recycled (5,8) |
LORDS TEMPORAL – Goodness me, is it the same setter each time or do we have an outbreak of coincidence? Two very recent appearances of Lords Spiritual, and now their less clerical chums. (SLAM OLD REPORT)*. | |
8 | Nothing took effect in late news report (4) |
OBIT – O (nothing) BIT (took effect), abbr. for obituary. | |
9 | Spirit level in a mine brought to one working (10) |
APPARITION – A, PAR (level) put into PIT (mine), I (one) ON (working). | |
10 | Gardens conveyed in painting — Appian’s first (8) |
ARBORETA – BORE (conveyed) inside ART (painting) then A for Appian. | |
11 | Noble philosopher denying Trinity at the end (6) |
ARISTO – ARISTOTLE loses his “Trinity” of last three letters. I’m not keen on Trinity for a trio of letters, but it has to be. | |
13 | Note in Rule Ten wrong about competition at court (4,6) |
LAWN TENNIS – LAW TEN insert N for note = LAWN TEN, then SIN (wrong) reversed. | |
16 | Wrongdoer renouncing evil — that’s pointless (4) |
VAIN – VILLAIN is our wrongdoer, he loses ILL = evil. I can see a pointless attempt is a vain attempt, or more usually, in vain. | |
17 | Land granted that is held between two forces (4) |
FIEF – I.E. for ‘that is’ (ID EST) between F and F. | |
18 | Little son carrying weight (10) |
SMATTERING – S (son) MATTERING (carrying weight). | |
20 | One leaving whole sheep’s heart in dish (6) |
ENTREE – whole = ENTIRE, leave out the I and put in E being the ‘heart’ of shEep. | |
22 | Traveller involved primarily in china and metal (8) |
CHROMIUM – china = CHUM, insert ROM meaning traveller and I being first letter of involved. A Rom is apparently a male member of the Romani ethnic group, Roma being plural; (the female is a ROMNI in that language.) | |
24 | Instrument getting fish on line (6,4) |
STRING BASS – STRING = line, BASS a kind of fish. | |
26 | Stone work filling in wall (4) |
OPAL – OP = work, AL the filling w AL l. | |
27 | Good Scottish man to avoid French island cruise? (6,7) |
GUIDED MISSILE – GUID Scottish for good, ED a man, MISS to avoid, ILE French for island. |
Down | |
1 | Sailor introduced to African as believer in free will (11) |
LIBERTARIAN – TAR our sailor goes inside LIBERIAN an African. | |
2 | Spanish runner clutches at relationship (5) |
RATIO – RIO (Spanish for river) has AT inserted. | |
3 | Dumpy, small, unfortunate: close to collapse inside (9) |
SHAPELESS – S (small) HAPLESS (unfortunate) insert E (last letter of collapse). | |
4 | Lover that was hardly hunky offers excuse (7) |
EXPLAIN – EX (lover that was) PLAIN (hardly hunky, in a vague sort of way). | |
5 | Old man should cover chest in something warm (5) |
PARKA – PA cover an ARK). | |
6 | Hound someone to set situation straight? (9) |
RETRIEVER – double definition, dog, fixer. | |
7 | Learner driver on two wheels for convenience? (3) |
LOO – L for learner, O O for two wheels. My FOI. | |
12 | Measure in sections bending rule time and time again (11) |
TRIANGULATE – my LOI, took me a while to see it was an anagram, not ending in T AGE. (RULE T T AGAIN)*. Does triangulate really mean measure in sections? A difficult word to define in a few words. | |
14 | Queen playing Free Bird in six counties? (9) |
NEFERTITI – (FREE)* TIT all inside NI for Northern Ireland. | |
15 | Ridicules flowers bought at the weekend? (9) |
SATIRISES – IRISES bought on a Saturday, SAT IRISES, ha ha. | |
19 | Welcome account — one saying little about India (7) |
ACCLAIM – AC (account) CLAM (one saying little) insert I for India. | |
21 | Powerful symbol used regularly in mezangelle (5) |
EAGLE – alternate letters of m E z A n G e L l E. I looked up mezangelle to see if it was a thing, it is, but I am none the wiser from reading about it. | |
23 | Husband to Mathilde perhaps housing old south sea islander (5) |
MAORI – Mathilde might be a French lady, if so her husband is son mari in French, insert an O for old. | |
25 | Physicist at last uncovered huge gravitational force (3) |
TUG – T (end letter of physicist) UG (hUGe uncovered). |
Is a retriever a hound?
Edited at 2021-12-01 02:31 am (UTC)
CHROMIUM (LOI) and MAORI not fully parsed, but not much room for doubt.
Thanks setter and Pip.
*Edited to remove accidental reference to a Quickie clue. Whoops.
Edited at 2021-12-01 01:43 am (UTC)
LOI OBIT, which I suspect might be a chestnut. LIBERTARIAN was POI and a long trawl through African countries and possible philosophies eventually clicked. I tried MALIAN, and also MET for ‘introduced to’.
Coincidentally, I was reading a book on Etymology ( yesterday and came across the fact that Romany does not come from Roman but from ROM. That fact, along with my muttering about china=mate=friend yesterday made CHROMIUM parsable.
Edited at 2021-12-01 01:43 am (UTC)
Time: 60 minutes even.
I was slow at 65 mins but fared far better than yesterday’s horryd show.
The northern reaches of the central highlands proved tough, particularly 4dn EXPLAIN; hunky the opposite of plain!? EXWEEDY was more in line for Meldrew (a well hoed garden perhaps!)
FOI 1ac LORDS TEMPORAL well protested Pip! The editor is without VAR!
LOI 3dn SHAPELESS is that really dumpy? It should have connotations of small, innit? I was hoping for the more diddly — SQUATNESS!
12dn TRIANGULATE simply means to measure distance from three fixed points — GPS does it simultaneously these days.
Let’s hope the QC is nice’n’easy.
On edit: it wasn’t!
Edited at 2021-12-01 04:16 am (UTC)
I’m none the wiser after reading about ‘mezangelle’ either. Anyway, according to Wikipedia it is: “… a poetic-artistic language developed in the 1990s by Australian-based Internet artist Mez Breeze (Mary-Anne Breeze). It is recognized as a central contribution to Codework,[1] Electronic literature, Internet Art and digital writing in general.” As any fule kno.
Thanks, Pip, for explaining ‘Trinity’ at the end’, the extra N in LAWN TENNIS and the ROM in CHROMIUM, as well as VAIN.
Like vinyl, most of this went in fairly quickly but the last half dozen or so took a long time.
Edited at 2021-12-01 07:25 am (UTC)
Nifty start with OBIT, LAWN TENNIS, FIEF and NEFERTITI with those helpful first two checkers.
Slowed considerably with about a dozen clues filled before the enjoyable GUIDED MISSILE and SATIRISES went in.
The rest was a bit of a struggle having pencilled in both RETRIEVER and SMATTERING, before working out CHROMIUM and MAORI.
Didn’t see the anag for TRIANGULATE but it fit the last four checkers, VAIN went in before a few minutes puzzling over 11a. I didn’t think ARISTO’s parsing was up to much.
After working my way around for 18m and 60% of the grid, I felt I was at a bit of an impasse (also I was starving hungry), so paused and headed off to the kitchen. Preparing a pot of caldo verde, I put it on to simmer and returned to the 15×15 feeling some trepidation – but in the event, progress resumed fairly smartly with RATIO and ARBORETA. Stickiest part was the VAIN / ARISTO / TRIANGULATE area – and LOI the isolated ENTRÉE. Nothing unknown to me, so submitted after typo-check with confidence high.
Very satisfied to complete a 100-plus grid in under 30m (just!) – time for a steaming bowl of Portuguese goodness! Thanks Pip and setter (which I prefer over a RETRIEVER)
As we’re suffering birds once again
So it’s EAGLE today
Was there no other way?
Would our setter please like to EXPLAIN?
Edited at 2021-12-01 08:08 am (UTC)
Could not parse TRIANGULATE. FOI was OBIT. LOI was ARBORETA. NEFERTITI was a bit of a gimme given NI.
22′ 42″ thanks pip and setter.
I liked the surface of 14d and thought 18 ac was clever.
Thanks pip and setter.
Edited at 2021-12-01 08:32 am (UTC)
GUIDED MISSILE was clever: like others I was fooled into looking for IAN, and wondering whether the first word might be GUINEA to account for the island bit.
I can’t remember seeing STRING BASS before for the giant violin, but at least it makes sense.
SHAPELESS with a shrug for the dumpy definition. Shakespeare uses SHAPELESS to mean “without purpose”, which takes us back to VAIN, and a DUMPY-level is apparently used by surveyors in order to TRIANGULATE . Perhaps such serendipity makes sense if we translate to Mezangelle, but I doubt it.
On the wavelength today – for the 15×15, at least, after my slowest QC for a long while – finishing on ENTREE in 5m 22s.
I thought this was a very nice puzzle, with ARBORETA one of my favourites, and a kind clue for NEFERTITI that meant I didn’t have to worry too hard about which vowels went where.
Never sussed out the fodder for TRIANGULATE 12d.
Thanks setter and blogger.
I agree with Horryd that plain is hardly the opposite of hunky, although that one at least was no problem.
Not very keen on “dumpy” equating to SHAPELESS or the use of “trinity” (I looked for a philosopher ending in y: Snoopy?) I liked SMATTERING and NEFERTITI but GUIDED MISSILE is COD.
There are probably enough LORDS CRIMINAL to form their own cadre
Thanks to pip and the setter.
COD: Apparition
When by thy scorn, O murd’ress, I am dead ….
I agree the equivalence of not hunky with plain is odd. In my experience latter is exclusively used to refer to women and girls, the former to men.
I didn’t know this meaning of TRIANGULATION. It’s a word I hear quite a lot used in a figurative sense which I think must derive from the navigational usage rather than the surveying one.
2. ‘Triangulate’ does NOT mean ‘measure in sections’ (WTF?). No, niet, nein, non.
I wasn’t wild about shapeless meaning dumpy, either, but I can live with it.
Finished in 52 mins, but came away feeling irritated by this puzzle.
I biffed 3 or 4 others, but lost any real interest long before the end.
TIME 11:55
I can’t remember seeing mattering too often as meaning weight. It’s a bit of a mouthful for everyday conversation.
However, still enjoyed the challenge so thx setter and Mr Enlightenment, the blogger.
Like many others got off to a quick start with 1 ac “lords temporal” (almost re-appearing like old friends) and 1 d “libertarian”.
Almost entered “fife” for 17 ac until I re-read the wordplay. More haste….
Finished with a good deal of head scratching in the NE corner before finally getting 18 ac “smattering” which had been staring me in the face for what seemed ages (so one up to setter there) and then 12 d “triangulated” where I identified the anagrist fairly quickly but had to wait a while to tease out the answer.
COD 27 ac “guided missile”.
Thanks to Pip for a concise blog and to setter.
Bob Dylan Actually Plays ‘Free Bird’ After Fan Request: Watch
Screaming a request for Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Free Bird” is about the epitome of any rock concert clich[é]. Typically the band ignores it and just plays on. But Bob Dylan? No sir.
Edited at 2021-12-01 11:47 pm (UTC)
And unlike others loved the trinity device — clear COD for me
Cant see anything wrong with hound = dog = retriever. As Keriothe says hound means dog in its general sense. QED
Of course anything I say is undermined by the worst mistake in living memory. Yup, SATARISES. Not a typo, I vaguely remember thinking flowers might mean arises as in “gets higher”. Off to the dunce’s step for me
Liked the puzxle
Thanks Setter and Mr K