Noah’s family and his rescue boat feature strongly today in this nicely constructed puzzle, as does yet another antelope to make me happy; thank you, Mr A Setter. I knew all the words, although had you asked me to define adumbrate without the clue to read, I might have adumbrated. I liked the drunken insect and the homeless gent, but my CoD was the maritime coastal officer, which took me a while to twig. I’m not 100% convinced I understand 19d, but I’ve come up with a parsing of sorts. 25 minutes and a bit more to decipher 20a and 19d perhaps.
Across | |
1 | Those folk, hard to miss, quietly spoken, and not around for long (8) |
TEMPORAL – THEM missing H, P (quietly) ORAL (spoken). Temporal can mean ‘related to time’ or ‘temporary’ as well as the opposite of spiritual. | |
5 | Rants, seeing no one does business (6) |
TRADES – TIRADES (rants) has no I in it. | |
9 | Cardinal showing gravity — not weak, even at the end (8) |
EIGHTEEN – Gravity here = WEIGHT, remove W for weak (is this a new abbr.?) add E’EN for even. | |
10 | President as leader of Republicans featured in article (6) |
PIERCE – R inside PIECE = article. Franklin Pierce, 14th President, 1853-57. Later he featured in MASH. | |
12 | Broadcast from detectives beside house to the west of the country (13) |
DISSEMINATION – DIS (detectives) SEMI (house) NATION (country). | |
15 | Trouble squashing publicity when bloomers become evident? (5) |
APRIL – PR (publicity) inside AIL (trouble). | |
16 | Does tar at sea notice possible place for anchorage? (9) |
ROADSTEAD – (DOES TAR)*, AD = notice. For example, Carrick Roadstead outside Falmouth in Cornwall. | |
17 | Huge group of soldiers seizing part of hospital — big shock may be felt there (9) |
EPICENTRE – EPIC (huge) RE (soldiers) insert ENT (Ear Nose & Throat department, as usual). | |
19 | A smile from one side to another on journey? (5) |
ABEAM – A, BEAM = smile; abeam =of a ship, at right angles to the stem to stern line. | |
20 | Bedlam as terrorist is seen to do this — coastal officer appears (13) |
HARBOURMASTER – took me a while to spot what was going on here; MASTER is HARBOURED i.e. hidden in these words. | |
22 | One senses them being so backward, gloomy inside (6) |
ODOURS – SO reversed, with DOUR inside. | |
23 | What accounts for insect being drunk maybe — or cow? (8) |
RUMINANT – RUM IN ANT would make the ant drunk. | |
25 | One learner thus gives family disrepute (6) |
INFAMY – if FAMY had I L inserted (IN), it would become FAMILY. | |
26 | A theologian holding leading position, wanting the church improved? (8) |
ADVANCED – A, DD (Theologian) insert VAN (leading position) CE (Church). |
Down | |
1 | We dart and tear around hopelessly — and fail to progress (5,5) |
2 | Stick raised for attack (3) |
MUG – GUM reversed. | |
3 | Food nothing at all? Not quite — this person tucked in (7) |
OATMEAL – O (nothing ) AT AL(L) insert ME = this person. | |
4 | Making better sermon, perhaps, after declaration by priest? (12) |
AMELIORATION – (I) AM ELI = declaration by the usual crossword priest; ORATION = sermon. | |
6 | Bringing up son — no good providing fruity nibbles? (7) |
RAISINS – RAISIN(G) S(on). | |
7 | Disorder with Eden garment being abandoned? (11) |
8 | Son on edge — one of those in rescue vessel? (4) |
SHEM – S, HEM = edge; SHEM was Noah’s second son, so he was on the ark being rescued. | |
11 | What could be a drape where troops assemble (6,6) |
PARADE GROUND – if you have GROUND the letters of A DRAPE (i.e. made an anagram) you can make PARADE. | |
13 | Homeless gent must be heard immediately (8,3) |
STRAIGHT OFF – sounds (quite) like; STRAY TOFF for homeless gent. | |
14 | Bad, mad true drunk is portrayed in outline (10) |
ADUMBRATED – (BAD MAD TRUE)*. To adumbrate is a jolly nice word meaning to portray without any details. | |
18 | Not all heard rumours — one’s needed to listen! (7) |
EARDRUM – today’s second hidden word, in a relevant surface. | |
19 | Like a number commonly seen having a coffee (7) |
ARABICA – I’m not sure about this, I assume it is referring to ARABIC numerals or numbers being the common variety, with A (having A); arabica being a good quality of coffee. | |
21 | What one discusses is tailless antelope (4) |
TOPI – TOPIC is tailless. I am a happy blogger, nyala last week, another antelope this week. | |
24 | Bow of rescue vessel in the sound (3) |
ARC – today’s homophone, sounds like ARK. |
(I will say that its mighty optimistic to expect to find much familiarity with Franklin Pierce).
Interesting snippet about MASH – I’d always assumed Hawkeye was named after Benjamin Franklin.
FOI 1dn TREADWATER — the shopping mall off the M25 with the ginormous IKEA.
COD 20ac HARBOURMASTER — with his Virgin Island ROADSTEAD at 14dn
WOD 14dn ADUMBRATED with Franklin PIERCE a contender; America’s most obscure President who invented the ‘comb-over’.
Time: 32 minutes
Edited at 2021-10-27 03:23 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-10-27 03:22 am (UTC)
Held up at the end on 8dn, never knowingly having heard of SHEM. It sounded plausibly biblical though, and nothing else would have worked.
Similarly, ADUMBRATED seemed the most likely arrangement of the anagrist. AMELIORATION was constructed in stages, and I completely missed the parsing of HAROURMASTER.
Nice workout overall. Thanks Pip and setter.
SOED has TEMPORAL as ‘temporary’ but says it’s now rare other than in the sense of pertaining to the present material world in contrast to a future existence and matters spiritual.
I was delayed a little at the end having written SLIP at 8dn, arrived at from wordplay, and thinking of the slipway from which lifeboats are launched, but I had put a question mark in the margin as I wasn’t sure of it. The I-checker it provided as the last letter in 10ac looked increasingly unlikely so I later revisited and corrected it to SHEM whom I knew as one of the sons of Noah.
Once that was in PIERCE came easily because he turned up as recently as August as one of the Presidents in a themed QC by Felix. Putting ‘Republican’ in the clue might have been devious had I known (which I didn’t) that he was a Democrat.
Edited at 2021-10-27 09:25 am (UTC)
About as quick as I can go while simultaneously drinking frothy coffee and eating stollen. Fun puzzle – enjoyed it. Pierce took a while. NHO roadstead, but wp was generous.
Thanks, pip, nice blog.
25 mins pre-brekker. I had to construct the NHO Roadstead. I thought crossing an 1850s president with a minor biblical figure was a bit tricksy.
Thanks setter and Pip.
Edited at 2021-10-27 04:38 pm (UTC)
No trouble with ROADSTEAD. ‘Gage roads’ is the name of the anchorage off Fremantle.
I semi-ninja turtled President Pierce. I knew there was an American named Ambrose Pierce, famous for God knows what, and thought he must have been the required POTUS. Turns out I got the name wrong, it was Ambose Bierce with a B, who wrote things. Nevertheless he got me to the correct solution, if by completely wrong reasoning. 18:21
Edited at 2021-10-27 07:35 am (UTC)
Finally, at the hour mark, found myself with A-A-I-A which I was convinced must be an AS- start. Filled in a stupid made-up-word answer, more out of frustration than hope, with no appetite for going past the hour mark. Consequently feeling slightly foolish – one to put down to experience. Thanks Pip and setter
Edited at 2021-10-27 09:33 am (UTC)
With two “rescue vessels” as “ark”
With no reference to birds like the lark
An enjoyable crossword, so thanks to setter and blogger for the explanations.
LOI Shem
COD Tread water
48 mins. Very much liked HM, even more so now that Pip has explained it, and PARADE GROUND. DNK ADUMBRATED or TOPI but managed to work them out.
Thanks Pip and setter. Very enjoyable.
I think life peers are sometimes called the lords temporal (because they are only in the House of Lords temporarily), as opposed to the hereditary peers, which are there, or at any rate their families are, for ever.
29 minutes although I have to admit to cheating on the antelope, of which I’d never heard. And I also cheated on the coffee, thinking it would be something like latte or cappuccino and realising how silly, because it was quite familiar.
I did appreciate the high count of reverse cryptics today: we’re usually lucky to get one. Perhaps a sign of things to come in the evolution of the Times.
RUMINANT raised a smile, as did the definition for APRIL. For 4d I had A?E? at the start and assumed that ‘declaration by priest’ would be AMEN, with AMEND- seeming a sensible beginning for a word meaning ‘making better’. Probably not a deliberate trap, but sent me barking up the wrong tree.
The ‘hopelessly’ seems a bit unnecessary in 1d, but that’s my only minor quibble. A fine and imaginative puzzle. 6m 36s.
Particularly enjoyed INFAMY, and astonished to have got this far into the thread without a mention of Kenneth Williams…
edit: in the 2 minutes it took me to post this, both have now been mentioned, which makes me look even more foolish than usual
Edited at 2021-10-27 10:38 am (UTC)
I like the new LJ capability, jackkt, you can do nice call-outs such as this. And thanks pipkirby for explaining those reverse cryptics, which always do my head in. INFAMY and HARBOURMASTER today well beyond me.
And yes, the comment box included a greyed out message saying Tip: You can write username to mention people
I think they’re making it all up 😉
Adventures of Mr. & Mrs. Noah and their animals from the News Chronicle.
So along with my grandfather’s predeliction for the Old Testament, SHEM was a write-in.
I knew PIERCE, eventually, from lists as mentioned.
I once played SHEM’s wife in a school play, which helped, having toyed with ‘sark’. (I had to scream during the play, it was undoubtedly my best line.)
27′ 41″, thanks pip and setter.
Noah’s other sons were Ham (Hamitic = N.African) and Japheth (Japhetic = European) — I guess that the author of the Flood story knew nothing of the wider world.
Amazing, that we are still prepared to give it any houseroom. Perhaps it is because we are so inbred?
Was particularly pleased to see the two reverse cryptics, infamy and parade ground, but had no idea what was going on with harbourmaster. Thanks pipkirby for the explanation and for the rest of your blog and to the setter for an enjoyable puzzle.
Thanks to Pip and the setter
As yesterday excellent clueing, loved ruminant and dissemination but chapeau to harbourmaster.
Thanks Pip and setter.
Never quite convinced on eighteen so glad to see w is the new abbreviation of weak. Seems it should be multipurpose if that’s the case.
Ditto with harbourmaster but couldn’t have been anything else. Saw Topi in the Serengeti so that at least was one clue I didn’t have to perspire over.
Entered my COD 20 ac “harbour master” without parsing.
Thanks Pip for the elucidation and for an entertaining blog and to setter..