A PB or two in the offing, methinks. 19 minutes for me.
1 Article of clothing seen round parts of Austrian province (8)
TIROLESE – ROLES (parts) in TIE (article of clothing); this is essentially the Italian version of ‘Tyrolean’
5 Chamber to expand endlessly when storing too much! (6)
9 Too much is done badly without looking, at heart (8)
OVERKILL – [loo]K[ing] in OVER (done) ILL (badly)
10 Wide hook used for carp (6)
WHINGE – W HINGE; you can get hinge hooks, if you are short of space to hang your anorak, but otherwise I don’t really get the connection
12 Petrolhead finally has a year to take in every US motorsports venue (7,5)
DAYTONA BEACH – [petrolhea]D A Y TO NAB EACH; a write-in for a sports fan
15 Florid tribute read out for esteemed lecturer (5)
REITH – sounds like ‘wreath’; John Reith was the first Director General of the BBC, whose name lives on in the Reith Lectures, broadcast by the Beeb since 1948. Pretty sure I’ve never heard one of these
16 Summoning energy with one’s chosen job (9)
18 Travelled through part of Ireland, avoiding Castlebar, finally, and Pontoon (6-3)
TWENTY-ONE – WENT in TY[r]ONE; one of the nine traditional counties of Ulster / six of ‘Norn Irn’; another year, Rory, congratulations, Mr Incredible
19 Note: always book returns (5)
BREVE – EVER B reversed
20 Cool show on TV leading to complaint (3-9)
AIR-CONDITION – AIR (show on TV) CONDITION (complaint)
24 Fansite chiefly, but not entirely, for computer enthusiast (6)
TECHIE – hidden in eth first two words
25 Piece that cannot be left out of a big tool needing repair (8)
OBLIGATO – anagram* of A BIG TOOL
26 Really bad senior cops strike back (6)
DISMAL – DIS (Detective Inspectors) LAM reversed
27 Impulsive times full of extremely enjoyable emotions (8)
FEELINGS – E[njoyabl]E in FLINGS (impulsive times)
1 Excessively large plane? (4)
2 Equipment for catching river fish (4)
REEL – R EEL; the setter took to this clue type…
3 Fancy a quick drink right now? (4,1,4)
LIKE A SHOT – ‘Would you LIKE A SHOT, sir?’
4 Mere moments after dessert comes another portion (5,7)
SPLIT SECONDS – [banana] SPLIT SECONDS (another portion)
6 Treatment time dismissed by retired person trying to get clean (5)
REHAB – BA[t]HER reversed
7 Perplexed worker possibly overwhelmed by different details (10)
8 Liberal old writer has last drop of scotch with editor (4-6)
OPEN-HANDED – O PEN [scotc]H AND (with) ED
11 Change or tokens then fit a gaming device (7,5)
SNOOKER TABLE – OR TOKENS* ABLE; I believe my highest break is 21, but then I used to play a lot
13 Long, flexible carpet rod, tacked at the front (10)
14 Shelves part of LP and the songs on it? (10)
SIDETRACKS – SIDE (part of LP) TRACKS (songs on an LP)
17 Delicious German bread, mostly covered in fresh salami (9)
AMBROSIAL – BRO[t] in SALAMI*; Brot is the German word for bread
21 Board seeing positive responses from two Europeans (5)
OUIJA – OUI JA, French and German for ‘yes’, respectively
22 One of the first people entered, ignoring me (4)
CAIN – CA[me] IN
23 Nothing works — sorry about that! (4)
FOI Whinge
LOI Reith
COD Rehab/Air-conditioning
The SNITCH is reporting a lot of solvers with errors today. A biffed TYROLESE maybe? I was tempted myself.
COD to 18A TWENTY ONE as it mentioned Puckoon; my Aunty Doff bought me this brilliant Spike Milligan book for my 14th (I think) birthday, and having read it herself (without making the slightest mark on it) had to check with my mum that the naughty bits were not too naughty.
That broke the run of three successive Italian words spelled correctly in blogs since Friday: Napoli, Bologna, and Tirolese!
An enjoyable workout which took me under 30 minutes, marred only by a MER at TANTALISED which as others have noted does not mean perplexed.
Ole to Jon Rahm. Many more to come methinks.
Edited at 2021-06-21 11:03 am (UTC)
Hope all is well in the Republic of Hong Kong.
Edited at 2021-06-21 11:37 am (UTC)
REITH: easy clue, but I wasn’t aware that he delivered lectures himself?
The Reith Lectures is a series of annual radio lectures given by leading figures of the day, commissioned by the BBC and broadcast on BBC Radio 4 and the BBC World Service. The lectures were inaugurated in 1948 by the BBC to mark the historic contribution made to public service broadcasting by Lord Reith, the corporation’s first director-general.
The list of Reith lecturers does not include Reith himself.
As an academic he may have given lectures, but not a major feature.
MER at ‘perplexed’ for TANTALISED. Not the same thing at all if you ask me.
Edited at 2021-06-21 10:27 am (UTC)
Also held up for a long time having put overseen and sweet seconds neither of which made sense until I realised my error.
31:25 with a pink square at 1a.
Very enjoyable puzzle
Thanks U and setter.
COD: Oops. 😀
I remember Ambrosia creamed rice pudding from my youth, hardly delicious, but I got what they were on about.
Thank you U and setter.
Edited at 2021-06-21 10:43 am (UTC)
Top left was generally slow as I could not think what went in front of SECONDS, but spotted OVERKILL and the two short words filled themselves in.
And now we have a power cut. Doh.
Also couldn’t remember whether it was Reith, Reeth or Reath until I saw Sidetracks (I was hung up on Backtracks).
Enjoyed this one. Thanks Ulaca.
Otherwise a smooth enough Monday slowed a little by the unparsable DAYTONA FLATS, vaguely remembered but apparently only available to rent from estate agents.
AMBROSIAL, of course, is rice pudding available in Bristol.
Is a SNOOKER TABLE a device? Not convinced.
I hope all went well earlier today, U, and congratulations on getting a blog out at all.
I must leave schools with German radio (8)
FOI in 23dn OOPS!
WOD at 18ac Vingt-et-un – Blackjack – Pontoon – what you will.
Edited at 2021-06-21 03:52 pm (UTC)
MER at use of florid in 15 ac “Reith” as I didn’t think it meant floral but a subsequent check of my Chambers proved otherwise.
COD 17 d “ambrosial” .
Thanks to Ulaca and setter
Thanks setter for a very pleasant Monday offering indeed and our esteemed blogger
Edited at 2021-06-21 11:08 pm (UTC)