I’d a prime time in sunny Broadstairs near the ‘arbour over the weekend, saw lots of beachwear, had a pint in the Smugglers, and ended up acquiring a new (rescue) dog – a poodle not a tosa – yet I am glad to be back in the realm of non urban Rutland where the atmosphere is unsullied and the sky is currently free from mares-tail clouds. This epic puzzle kept me amused for 25 minutes; it could have been done on green paper…. [that’s enough of this dismal contrived nonsense; Ed].
Across | |
1 | Article seen by chief is to come (5) |
AHEAD – A, HEAD = chief. | |
4 | Fail to get great deal that would assist higher aims? (9) |
BOMBSIGHT – Bomb (fail) SIGHT (great deal, as in “a sight more than…”) | |
9 | Correspondence about a break in cloud (5-4) |
MARES-TAIL – MAIL about A REST. Mares-tail clouds are those thin, wispy, hooked shaped clouds which appear when a warm front is approaching. | |
10 | Escorts abandoning hotel customers (5) |
USERS – USHERS = escorts, lose the H. | |
11 | Star hides much being a deranged killer (3-7-3) |
SUB-MACHINE-GUN – the star is the SUN, into which put (MUCH BEING A)*. | |
14 | Henry sort of cross with horse coming first (4) |
HANK – an ANKH is a form of cross with a looped top; move the H to the front to get Henry’s nickname. | |
15 | Those wanted are dead? It’s uncertain (10) |
18 | Tirade on socialist dog is something fruity (3,7) |
RED CURRANT – RED CUR = socialist dog, RANT = tirade. | |
19 | Despite everything one finds legendary creature (4) |
YETI – YET = despite everything, I. Not the daughter’s Skoda. | |
21 | Rozzer has run inside: crime writer almost catching us in college (6,7) |
CORPUS CHRISTI – Put R into COP, then CHRISTI(E) as in Agatha almost, then insert US. Choose from the Cambridge one founded in 1352 or the relatively recent one in Oxford, founded 1517. | |
24 | Best quality piano introducing old poem (5) |
PRIME – P + RIME. | |
25 | Broad line curls round belt (9) |
27 | Lady of the Lake (9) |
CONSTANCE – as in Lake Constance, Europe’s third largest lake, on the Rhine, otherwise known as the Bodensee. MartinP1 would no doubt point out there’s one in NZ as well. | |
28 | Silver coin added to millions in kingdom (5) |
Down | |
1 | Mood cheers up with doctor on department (10) |
ATMOSPHERE – TA (cheers) reversed, MO (doctor), SPHERE (department). No ENT department, for once. | |
2 | Musical talent gets attention (3) |
EAR – double definition. | |
3 | Miserable face sergeant-major wears (6) |
DISMAL – DIAL = face, insert SM. | |
4 | Swimsuits composer carried across East River (9) |
BEACHWEAR – E (east) goes into BACH, then WEAR as in the River Wear up north. | |
5 | Staff outside the Italian financial centre (5) |
MILAN – IL (the in Italian) inside MAN = staff. | |
6 | Runner showing increased complacency circling lake (8) |
SMUGGLER – L inside SMUGGER = more complacent. | |
7 | Documents for discussion in genre slammed by media (5,6) |
GREEN PAPERS – (GENRE)* then PAPERS = media. | |
8 | Boozer turned on initially amenable canine (4) |
TOSA – SOT (boozer) reversed, A (initially amiable). A rare Japanese breed of dog, not a very amenable type I expect. | |
12 | Monk one taking place in church service (11) |
BENEDICTION – BENEDICT founder of the Bnedictine order of monks; I (one) ON (taking place). | |
13 | Peaceful border in Asian region (7,3) |
PACIFIC RIM – PACIFIC = peaceful, RIM = border. | |
16 | Corrupt state? On the contrary (9) |
INNOCENCE – cryptic definition. Is this supposed to be a dodgy homophone for IN A SENSE? Or IN NO SENSE? | |
17 | Zealot on charter round island promoting growth (8) |
NUTRIENT – NUT (zealot) then I (island) inside RENT (charter). | |
20 | Bower Eliza Doolittle’s refuge? (6) |
ARBOUR – Eliza might have pronounced “harbour” (refuge) as ‘arbour. | |
22 | Duke leaves South African port for city (5) |
URBAN – DURBAN loses D. | |
23 | Majestic European prince appearing regularly (4) |
EPIC – E (European) P r I n C e. | |
26 | Operatic role thought to release energy (3) |
IDA – iDEA loses E for energy; as in Princess Ida by G & S. |
I’m pleased you have a new rescue Poodle, Pip.. You must add a photo to your portfolio!
No problems with the puzzle. I went to a Catholic primary school and every Wednesday afternoon at 3pm we had to attend Benediction.
NHO of mares-tails, my LOI, but generous word play.
COD —innocence, when it finally dawned on me!
Edited at 2021-04-21 06:54 am (UTC)
20 mins to leave the ones I thought might be Benedictine and Innocents, making Constance ungettable (although I have been there and it is beautiful and, er, memorable).
And I thought Mare’s Tail would be today’s stumbling block, unstumbled.
Thanks setter and Pip.
Edited at 2021-04-21 06:58 am (UTC)
Building on that proved very easy and before I knew it the lower half of the grid had almost completed itself.
Moving back to the top I was stuck again but chipped away at it and eventually wrote in BOMBSIGHT at 4ac to finish in 37 minutes.
Edited at 2021-04-21 06:33 am (UTC)
A TOSA is one of a breed banned under the rushed and unworkable Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 brought in by Kenneth Baker.
Isn’t REDCURRANT one word? cf blackcurrant, blueberry etc.
INNOCENCE is a bad homophone, I would pronounce it inna-sents, which is the opposite meaning to that intended in the clue.
23′ 31″ thanks pip and setter.
Edited at 2021-04-21 07:44 am (UTC)
As for INNOCENCE, I couldn’t see that it had much to do with the clue except that it wasn’t corrupt(ion), and I’m still not convinced.
I now know that MILAN is Italy’s Frankfurt/London/New York. And I thought it was just the home town of two greedy football franchises looking for a super league to play with.
Edited at 2021-04-21 08:05 am (UTC)
Thanks to setter and Pip
This would have taken about 35 mins (give or take) had I not been distracted by an email necessitating a phone call (and forgetting to ‘Save for later). And after taking too long over LOI BOMBSHELL I submitted to discover I had somehow not even read 20D let alone spotted that the answer was missing from the grid! Went back and got ARBOUR immediately – but the damage had been done. All of that said, I thought this was an enjoyable puzzle – INNOCENCE was entered without grasping the wordplay – so thank you for explaining the homophone..
Thank you, pipkirby and the setter.
Thanks Pip and setter.
Top half was slow to fall but came through bit by bit — had second (and third) thoughts about BOMBSIGHT — was thinking that isn’t spelt correctly, should be BOMBSITE…. then I twigged.
Did better in the bottom half, though LOI was NUTRIENT.
Don’t get the innocence clue, really.
Thanks pip.
Edited at 2021-04-21 10:17 am (UTC)
Edited at 2021-04-21 05:32 pm (UTC)
I still don’t understand 16dn. If the explanations offered here are all there is to it I don’t think it works. Perhaps we’re all missing something.
LOI Smuggler
COD Corpus Christi
Arbour was my COD from what was a very good puzzle I thought.
Thanks setter and blogger.
Thanks to Pip and Setter.
22:48, so pretty decent for me. A couple of minutes trying get HANK though, I had H for horse, followed by a ANK (being a variant of ANKH) in mind, rather than moving the H of ANKH to the front. The latter is probably the right parsing, but a solve is a solve!
I was hampered by thinking MARE’S TAIL was a grass, and by wondering why “housers” were escorts (yes, I know. I’m not myself right now for some reason). These two were parsed post-solve, along with SUB-MACHINE-GUN, and ATMOSPHERE.
TIME 14:25
I knew “Pacific Rim” from the science fiction film … er …. “Pacific Rim”.
LOI Let’s not go there
COD not 27ac as WINDERMERE is a far better answer, just too long. I was a big fan. Nor the IKEAN 11ac SUB-MACHINE GUN with two hyphens (as per Kevin). So no COD – hyphen-boy!
COD CORPUS CHRISTI (a.k.a. “Christ Church stables”, but actually a charming place well worth a visit). I also understand they have something named similarly in the other place on the fens, so a double definition!
Thanks all
Nocence being a state of guilt or corruption, and the opposite of being in that “corrupt state” is innocence- “on the contrary”. I assume ‘state’ is used a second time for IN, but you could read it as literally being “in nocence”.