In the time it probably took Verlaine to finish this, I had read all the clues and put in only a couple in the lower half. Then suddenly I saw more and quickly completed almost all of the grid except 14a, 3d and 12d. Those last three took as long again and I had to enter 3d from best of options as I didn’t know what a ratline was. Slow, slow, quick quick slow, you could say.
But it’s an enjoyable puzzle with some interesting words (4d, 23a) and another reference to the TSE play. Congratulations to the setter especially for creating an anagram for the Russian city from relevant surface fodder.
But it’s an enjoyable puzzle with some interesting words (4d, 23a) and another reference to the TSE play. Congratulations to the setter especially for creating an anagram for the Russian city from relevant surface fodder.
Across | |
1 | Always contributing to raid as individuals (9) |
SEVERALLY – insert EVER (always) into SALLY (raid). As in the legal term “joint and several”. | |
6 | Vote against party (5) |
BEANO – to vote against is to “be a no”. | |
9 | Return to the stage and do double-take? (5) |
REACT – RE-ACT would be to come back to acting. | |
10 | VIP swaps penthouse finally for a ministerial residence (9) |
PARSONAGE – PERSONAGE swaps E for A. | |
11 | Having work in cafe, give up spot in play (7,3,5) |
WAITING FOR GODOT – WAITING (having work in cafe), FORGO (give up) DOT (spot). I nearly wrote that we had a reference to this in Sunday’s Robert Price, but then remembered it was still open for entries. | |
13 | Couple study a length of part of digestive system (8) |
DUODENAL – DUO (couple) DEN (study) A L(ength). | |
14 | Some soldiers not exactly right to return ammunition (6) |
TRACER – RE (soldiers) CA (circa) RT (right) all reversed. | |
16 | Matey greeting observer heard (6) |
WOTCHA – sounds like watcher. Not sure how far outside southern England this term is familiar. | |
18 | Bribe given to a disreputable house (8) |
BUNGALOW – BUNG (bribe) A LOW (disreputable). | |
21 | Having conducted surgery, pipes up about working to finish all off ? (4,2,9) |
TAKE NO PRISONERS – TAKEN OP (conducted surgery) RISERS (pipes going up in a building) insert ON (working). | |
23 | Be a fine scout, tricky to confuse (9) |
25 | Country has moved a range of mountains (5) |
CHAIN – CHINA moves the A inside. | |
26 | Jet, for example, crossing Peru regularly (5) |
SPRAY – SAY (for example) insert P e R u. | |
27 | Breathy sound of dogs reaching pole, having kept north (9) |
HUSKINESS – HUSKIES and S (pole) insert N. |
Down | |
1 | Sucker with no science subjects upset (5) |
STRAW – All reversed, W (with) ARTS (no science subjects). For a minute I was thinking why would WARTS mean no science. Stupid, really. | |
2 | Vodka, lots drunk, I see consumed here? (11) |
VLADIVOSTOK – (VODKA LOTS I V)* the V = vide, see. From what I’ve seen of that city (Simon Reeve on TV for example) drinking a lot of vodka would be essential to sanity. | |
3 | Rung in later, shattered (7) |
RATLINE – (IN LATER)*. I deduced from checkers that this was the only likely word to fit, but didn’t know the exact meaning; it’s a horizontal rung of a rope ladder in a ship’s rigging. | |
4 | Deficient writing has edge over good stuff (8) |
LIPOGRAM – LIP (edge) O(ver) G(ood) RAM (stuff). A lipogram is a piece of writing (sometimes a whole book) with one letter not used, often E or S. (From Ancient Greek: λειπογράμματος, leipográmmatos, “leaving out a letter”; the Greeks had examples leaving out sigma). I’ve tried writing one and it’s harder than you’d think. | |
5 | Raised concern about a plant (6) |
YARROW – WORRY raised about A. A common hedgerow plant or weed. | |
6 | Poster of British lumberjack (7) |
BLOGGER – B(ritish) LOGGER. | |
7 | In hearing, assist a woman (3) |
ADA – sounds like AID A. | |
8 | Bonus run in passage of play by means of wide (9) |
OVERTHROW – Today’s cricket clue. OVER (a passage of play, 6 balls), THRO(ugh) W(ide). | |
12 | Mild exposure leads to debility entering university: I’m grateful for admission (11) |
DECOLLETAGE – DE (leads to debility) then TA (I’m grateful) admitted inside COLLEGE. | |
13 | Abbey not quite so upright, receiving onset of lightning strike (4,5) |
DOWN TOOLS – DOWNTON (fictional Abbey in TV series) loses its end N, then SO reversed (so upright) insert L = onset of lightning. | |
15 | Firm sort of wave in middle of kiss (8) |
BUSINESS – SINE wave inside BUSS which means to kiss or brush with the lips | |
17 | Sharpen pen, being blunt perhaps (7) |
HONESTY – HONE (sharpen) STY (pen). | |
19 | After study put up companion in private Italian course (7) |
GNOCCHI – Inside GI (private) put CON reversed and CH companion. | |
20 | Accepting pressure, substantially cut prominent article (6) |
SPLASH – insert P into SLASH. | |
22 | Wrong American gets a hole in the head (5) |
SINUS – SIN (wrong) US. | |
24 | Cope shortened to a considerable extent (3) |
FAR – FARE = cope, shortened. |
I raced through this and got held up on a couple at the end too. About 45 minutes of actual solving i think.
A pleasant mix of the odd chestnut (beano), just that one obscurity, and some nice clues. Down tools my COD – having the D and the W (wotcha known here in Oz, perhaps from Minder?) I thought Downton Abbey but there was no way downto could be the start of a word.
Dare I call BEANO a chestnut 😉
Edited at 2020-12-09 06:50 am (UTC)
FOI 7dn ADA – for the love of SOI 2dn VLADIVOSTOK was a gimme – rather obvious at first sight.
WOD 18ac BUNGALOW बंगला
Time 11ac
Edited at 2020-12-09 07:18 am (UTC)
We had BE A NO very recently but I didn’t see it until I had all the checkers in place.
Wasted time with LATRINE at 3dn without having any idea how it fitted with ‘rung’ and changed it to RATLINE when 1ac went in. I was going to say I didn’t know this word but mention of ship’s rigging in the blog has brought it back to me.
NHO SINE = wave but I was pleased to remember BUSS as ‘kiss’.
Had doubts about cope = fare but just about see it now.
GNOCCHI as a course rather than a garnish in soup was new to me but didn’t prevent me solving the clue.
OVERTHROW didn’t need parsing, and I failed to parse LOI TRACER. Dnk LIPOGRAM.
Loved WOTCHA, one of my favourite songs.
Thanks pip and setter.
Trickier than last week’s, with a few things that took some revisiting to make sense of. I enjoyed the lipogram, the huskies and the parsonage.
I never watched Downton Abbey but feel as though I did.
Lest you should think he never could recapture
The first fine careless rapture!
After 25 mins pre-brekker I had the Décolletage/Tracer combo left undone. And after 30 mins. And after 35 mins….
Note to self: study more ammo and bustlines.
Lots of ‘a’s today and not one of them a dangler.
Thanks setter and J.
Sorry Pip – and thank you both.
Campaign slogan: Call out the danglers!
Any other slogan suggestions gratefully received. Where’s Cummings when you need him?
Edited at 2020-12-11 01:14 am (UTC)
However OED tells us that this is a derivation of ‘ratlings’ or ‘rattlins’, so nothing to do with rats. Rather like ‘apologetics’, one word fuses with another in the way we understand them.
I now have completely free access to the full OED, having joined my local library. It’s wonderful!
In any case, I sincerely apologize to anyone to whom I may have given that distressing impression.
If James will forgive my pedantry, I would like to point out that “apologetics” and “apology” are from the same root, whereas “ratlings” or ‘rattlins” are not cognate with “ratlines.”
Originally, that is to say, an “apology” is a defense.
The sense the word has long taken, though, is that of an admission of guilt with an expression of remorse.
Edited at 2020-12-12 04:48 am (UTC)
Annoyed myself by spelling WOTCHA as WATCHA. 33’06” otherwise.
Edited at 2020-12-09 09:15 am (UTC)
Ratline familiar from Hornblower books ..
A search shows that this is the fourteenth time BE A NO has appeared, since 2008.
Just sayin’…
There are too many possible anagrams of IN LATER (7, according to my Magic Chambers) and I spent an early while trying to justify RELIANT.
I also failed to call FARE to mind as equivalent to COPE, so put in FAR on definition alone.
DÉSHABILLÉ I thought was a better fit for mild exposure, but I gave up trying to spell it in such a way as to fit the wordplay and the space.
Pretty Impressive Anagram Clue of the Day to VLADIVOSTOK
Edited at 2020-12-09 04:57 pm (UTC)
Apart from that, the NE seemed trickier than the rest until DECOLLETAGE gave me TRACER and the rest wrote themselves in.
LOI Decolletage
COD Overthrow/Waiting for Godot
Perec’s lipogram was translated by Gilbert Adair -which somehow seems an even more impressive feat.
Like many others, I hung up for ages on Tracer/Decolletage. When I saw the latter ended A-E, I was looking to fit Yale in somehow.
Pleased to finish this one in around the hour mark.
Edited at 2020-12-09 02:34 pm (UTC)
COD GNOCCHI (once I saw it !)
TIME 11:25
Thanks pip.
(I only finished that corner a few hours ago.)
I also finished with TRACER (POI) and DECOLLETAGE.
Edited at 2020-12-10 11:44 pm (UTC)