1 Doctor wears campaign medal in clothing store (8)
5 Music and endless fun in the London area (6)
POPLAR – POP + LAR{k}. Points for cluing this differently than the usual way, I guess…
8 Hotel chain needs houses (3)
INN – “housed” in {cha}IN N{eed}. FOI
9 Triple-echo interfered with surveillance equipment? (10)
HELICOPTER – (TRIPLE-ECHO*). I was faintly disappointed that “triple-echo” turned out not to mean just E E E.
10 Student attire bringing French fashion into English clubs? (4,4)
ETON SUIT – TON [French fashion] into E SUIT [English | clubs?]. Perhaps disturbingly I only got to SUIT after thinking hard about MESS and then CROP.
11 Servile follower duke engaged in Dorset town (6)
POODLE – D engaged in POOLE. I haven’t been following the UK news as closely lately, so is Boris Johnson still Trump’s poodle, or are various members of the cabinet Boris’ poodle, or is it poodles all the way down?
12 With effort carry round pole โ getting breather (4)
LUNG – LUG [with effort carry] around N
14 Son is in a position to give help (10)
17 Organisation taking role in recycled energy? (5,5)
GREEN PARTY – PART in (ENERGY*), semi-&lit
20 Impressive eastern prince seen occasionally (4)
EPIC – E + P{r}I{n}C{e}
23 Droll nonsense โ could it bring the house down? (3,3)
DRY ROT – DRY [droll] + ROT [nonsense]
24 Drink one to limit bone disease (8)
BERIBERI – BEER I to “limit” RIB
25 Not well, turned to tuck into simple food options (4,2,4)
BILL OF FARE – ILL OFF [not well | turned] “tucked into” BARE
26 Ottoman officer edges away from infidel (3)
AGA – {p}AGA{n}
27 British planes on time in southeast make low attack (6)
28 Artist took the stage, being filmed (2,6)
ON CAMERA – or ON CAME R.A. The biggest excitement I got from this crossword was the frisson of hitting submit just in case it was IN CAMERA, but that means something rather different of course.
1 Chess player slow giving in token (5,4)
WHITE FLAG – WHITE [chess player] + FLAG [slow]. Definition as in, a token signifying giving in, which is rather nice.
2 Capital once managed by board (7)
RANGOON – RAN by GO ON. Now Yangon, Myanmar.
3 Not thinking about what constitutes make-over (6)
REHASH – RASH [not thinking] about EH? [what]
4 Case rotten under dish in salt water (6,3)
5 Son on time to start with nudges actor? (7)
PROMPTS – S, with PROMPT [on time] to start with. Took a long time to disabuse myself of the notion that “time” would be just T, which I suppose makes this this a rather clever clue.
6 Irishman with anger about appearing in supporting role (9)
PATRONAGE – PAT with RAGE about ON [appearing]. My brain got a bit stuck on ENTOURAGE but the definition is another clever one, leading to a role that provides support from above, not below.
7 Fibre replaced Lycra in crop tops (7)
ACRYLIC – (LYCRA*) + I{n} C{rop}
13 Irregular mostly out to install Left? (9)
GUERRILLA – (IRREGULA{r}*) “installing” L, &lit
15 Generally where schools are located? (2,3,4)
IN THE MAIN – that’s the main as in the sea, and schools as in fish.
16 Note in enclosure kept secret a tasty morsel (9)
18 Savoury dish, lightly cooked, cut into (7)
RAREBIT – RARE [lightly cooked] + BIT [cut into]
19 Staff coming around, but this would require filling (7)
POTHOLE – POLE coming around THO
21 High-ranking ecclesiastic not yet dead, can one infer? (7)
PRELATE – if you are PRE-LATE, you are presumably not yet dead.
22 Spooky group keeping people up in House of Usher? (6)
CINEMA – CIA [group known for its “spooks”], keeping reversed MEN in, and a cinema is a house of entertainment in which you’d find an usher plying their trade.
FOI 15dn IN THE MAIN sooo crosswordy!
LOI 10ac /SUIT – were you in the ‘Pop’?
COD 9ac HELICOPTER or HECILOPTER as my youngest son used to say, whilst pointing skyward.
WOD 24ac BERIBERI another possible disease from the Jerome K Jerome medical dictionary (TMIAB)
I thought 28ac ON CAMERA was feeblemost and this puzzle was generally not up to Captain Friday’s parade ground standard, your Lordship.
The correct answer is 42.
Unless there’s another meaning I’m not aware of I thought ‘surveillance equipment’ defining HELICOPTER was a bit odd.
I did the rounds of Eton Mess, Eton Crop and ETON SUIT only a few days ago in another puzzle when SUIT turned out to be the target word so I saved time on it today.
Edited at 2020-04-24 02:57 am (UTC)
COD the rather nice &lit at 13d GUERILLA, though I did also enjoy the House of Usher at 22d.
Last 2 Beriberi and cinema held me up the longest.
Needed the blog to get the parsing for Aga and Rangoon.
COD dry rot or beriberi.
32m for me. I really liked this despite biffing several: like a really good wine, there was more to it than the first taste. As Verlaine says, several of the clues were richer and wittier than I first appreciated, so thanks for the excellent tasting notes V. Unlike Horryd, I really like ON CAMERA now I understand it, and further tips of the hat to WHITE FLAG, CINEMA and PRELATE.
For anyone seeking chewier fare, last Saturdayโs Jumbo is still resisting all my efforts.
Thank you setter.
This recent Private Eye cover led to a lot of complaints, mainly from poodle owners ..
Bianca has been absent from time to time recently. Looks like she’s popped over to the UK to do her bit as Defence Secretary.
I only struggled with REHASH even with all the checkers in and recognising EH for what: I had to write it out horizontally before the penny dropped.
IN CAME RA was my favourite.
Those concerned about surveillance needn’t worry about helicopters. Going the rounds on FB and doubtless other places is the true reason for the lockdown: it gives the government time to change the batteries on the pigeons.
The Times nearly gave the game away yesterday with IDENTITY PIGEON across the middle of the grid.
It’s an upgrade to their navigation and identification systems. The anti 5g campaign is a government sponsored diversionary exercise. I thought everyone knew.
But surveillance equipment for HELICOPTER? I don’t think so.
Yesterday’s answer: Frances Gumm became Judy Garland, inspired by GARLAND, obvs.
Today’s question: which tree’s seeds are known as helicopters?
It’s 25 or 6 to 4, must dash – cue bass
Edited at 2020-04-24 12:24 pm (UTC)
Question: which country’s National Anthem has no words?
Round here helicopters are used for things like crop spraying and for aerial hunting. I’ve seen helicopters coming back from hunting trips with dead deer slung underneath.
I thought that was right up my street as a puzzle. I particularly liked WHITE FLAG, POLAR, ON CAMERA and PROMPTS but my favourite and one duly noted in my lexicon of favourite clues, was CINEMA. House of Usher indeed. It reminded me of a clue a few years back when HOUSE OF CONGRESS was clued to indicate a brothel.
A ghillie in Scotland once told me that if he didn’t reach his quota for culling the deer on the estate he managed, a government agency would come and do it for him, using a helicopter and charging the cost to his boss.
Thanks v
COD ON CAMERA (sorry Horryd !)
TIME 11:50
As a fan and past owner of standard poodles, I can assure all that they’re not servile or wussy – they’re serious dogs. As martinp1 says. Even the smaller ones can be feisty. Why are they misrepresented in this way?
Failed to fully parse BERIBERI (understood why there was an I, and thought it had something to do with BEER), BILL OF FARE (saw the ILL bit) and REHASH (total failure).
I’ll add my voice to the chorus in defence of poodles. Good-natured and highly intelligent dogs in my experience.
COD: Green Party.
On to the lighter side. Lots of appealing clues of which poplar, poodle, cinema- a Roger Corman reference I believe- and rehash which to be honest I bifd.
Enjoyed this puzzle a lot and personal esteem up a notch after the disaster of Wednesday !
horryd 588 Splendid City, Rainbow Bridge, Shanghai, 201103
PLC – will send top notch green tea/lapsang suchong on receipt.
The Meldrew Foundation
‘A diamond is for ever’ was penned back in 1948 by Ayer’s Frances Gerety, but was made famous by Ian Fleming – ever the magpie – used the line for his book. But he was working for DeBeers at the time, some ten years later.
Returning to the edible spread theme – as I child of the fifties we in Sleaford. Lincs did not go in for ‘Marmite’ – but actually preferred ‘Splendo’! It came in a green and cream flattish, metal-topped tub and was quite delicious. It was made by Oxo Ltd. and was available from 1950-1959 (Wellcome Foundation)
Loved the 2 &Lits, the House of Usher bit was wasted on me though. I just biffed CINEMA and assumed that the WP was some literary reference that went way over my head.
Just thought I’d mark the occasion with a post. May even have a beer to celebrate.
PS. Thought 22dn “Cinema” was very clever…
Don’t worry, no one’s championship is going to be threatened soon, and it wouldn’t surprise me if I don’t do this again for a substantial amount of time.
However, I genuinely do believe the more you do (completed or not), the better you get. Marginal gains and all that.
Respect to you all, hope I can one day catch up. And many thanks to all who blog and comment, the help is appreciated.
Cheers from Canada.
Edited at 2020-04-24 10:09 pm (UTC)
Kim Jung Meldrew
Remember, a dog is not just for Christmas.
With luck there’ll be some left for Boxing Day.
PS…We once attended a gathering of Poodle owners that went under the the title of Oodles of Poodles.
I have become very confused regarding your avatars. (Two years ago I handed out magnificent prizes to the best three hereabouts, hence my interest)
Jimmy, it is good practice to differentiate one’s brand. Mr Bitter (Special) has been represented Captain Kirk for quite some time now. I think now that you have finally broken the completion barrier (Space Warp 9), it might be a good idea to ‘upgrade’ one’s avatar in celebration.
One is allowed fifteen avatars on this site at no cost whatsoever.
I personally use all fifteen avs. to little or no detriment, and even change some of ’em now and again to keep things fresh. I dearly wish I could use the ‘Verlaine’ avatar, but some nincompoop from California got there first! And as woeful as he is at the old 15×15, I cannot in all heart, share his hero. Perhaps when he improves his times a bit, he might consider using ‘The Road Runner’ or even ‘Mr. Spock’.
Just imagine what would happen if we were all Captain Kirk!?
The one and only Meldrew
Edited at 2020-04-24 10:30 pm (UTC)
I wish you and Sergeant Hooker a lovely week-end.