Solving time: 15:03, with one rather thick-headed error. While I write this up there is a small gathering of blog regulars in New York City, unfortunately just a little too far away for me to make on a weeknight. Sounds like everyone is having a good time, so raise one for me!
I’ve had a pretty insane couple of weeks here to the point that this is the first daily puzzle I have solved in nearly two weeks. Wonder how long it takes to get rusty? Two weeks should do it – I took a bit longer than usual, and made a particularly careless mistake. Oh well… better get back in the game eh?
First definitions are underlined.
Away we go…
Across | |
1 | Disproof in due course turning round objection (8) |
REBUTTAL – LATER(in due course) reversed around BUT(objection) | |
5 | Cavalryman, one acting as surgeon? (6) |
LANCER – double definition | |
9 | Panellist following trick: his? (8) |
CONJUROR – JUROR(panellist) after CON(trick) | |
10 | I regret returning a mobster’s first greeting (6) |
SALAAM – ALAS(I regret) reversed, then A, M |
12 | Reluctant to punch hole in strip of wood (5) |
LOATH – O is the hole in a LATH(strip of wood) | |
13 | Ancient creature’s droppings covered by one lecturer (9) |
IGUANODON – GUANO(droppings) surrounded by I(one), DON(lecturer). This was my undoing as without thinking I put in IGUANADON | |
14 | Spotted pieces undergoing chain reaction (6,6) |
DOMINO EFFECT – mostly a cryptic definition | |
18 | Excessively disobediently scuttling boat (12) |
INORDINATELY – INSUBORDINATELY(disobediently) with SUB(boat) removed | |
21 | Try tiny portion, admitting it hurts not to be used (2,2,5) |
GO TO WASTE – GO(try) and TASTE(tiny portion) containing OW(it hurts) | |
23 | They are expecting one to open what is not his? (5) |
HEIRS – I inside HERS(not his) | |
24 | Artillery piece shooting from side to side (6) |
RAKING – RA(artillery), KING(piece in chess) | |
25 | Leave a key in flat, half inside self-contained unit (8) |
MODULATE – half of flAT inside MODULE(self-contained unit). This is the musical use of the term | |
26 | Day to depose a not entirely horrible ruler (6) |
DYNAST – DAY missing A, then NAST |
27 | Move slowly by high ground for battle (8) |
EDGEHILL – EDGE(move slowly), HILL(high ground) |
Down | |
1 | Playground and dinner room, not hard to bring to mind (6) |
RECALL – REC(playground) and HALL(dinner room) missing H | |
2 | Stop eating all types of fig (6) |
BANYAN – BAN(stop) containing ANY(all types) | |
3 | Suppressing that hurt, couple make up, if they’re lucky (5,4) |
TOUCH WOOD – OUCH(that hurt – this is a puzzle filled with pain), inside TWO(couple) and DO(make) reversed | |
4 | Model mobilisation against slavery movement (12) |
6 | A trap pinches area on the other hand (5) |
AGAIN – A, GIN(trap) containing A(area) | |
7 | Dealer held new car after ordering (8) |
CHANDLER – anagram of HELD,N,CAR | |
8 | Consider carefully, hearing of space in boat (8) |
RUMINATE – sounds like ROOM IN EIGHT(a boat with eight oars) | |
11 | Beer may be safe (3,2,3,4) |
OUT OF THE WOOD – double definition – beer could come from a wooden cask or firkin | |
15 | Capacity audience gives good hand (4,5) |
FULL HOUSE – double definition, the hand being in poker | |
16 | Toyed with splendid diamonds, holding up plate (8) |
FINGERED – FINE(splendid), D(diamonds) with REG(registration plate) reversed inside | |
17 | Asking to change wine container (8) |
GOATSKIN – anagram of ASKING,TO | |
19 | One rule I would have lifted for festival (6) |
DIWALI – I, LAW(rule), I’D(I would have) all reversed | |
20 | Like a bone from very large duck? (6) |
OSTEAL – OS(very large), TEAL(duck) | |
22 | What pilot earns proceeds from bet, leaving pub (5) |
WINGS – WINNINGS(proceeds from bet) missing INN(pub) |
I wasn’t too sure whether a banyan tree was a fig or not, and hesitated over ‘iguanodon’ vs ‘iguanadon’, but came out all right in the end. In the US, we say ‘out of the woods’, but that wouldn’t have worked for this clue.
I thought of FINGERED early at 16d, but rejected it for reasons that I am too red-faced to talk about.
Edited at 2018-10-04 06:38 am (UTC)
Also like our blogger I know OUT OF THE WOODS as the expression meaning ‘safe,’ and Brewer’s agrees with us. It’s also the title of a rather good musical by Stephen Sondheim that’s more accessible than some of his stuff.
Once again we have a setter repeating himself with WOOD appearing twice in the same grid.
Who could have failed at 14ac after all the discussion about DOMINOES and DOMINO EFFECT only two days ago?
I didn’t manage to spot the boat reference at 18ac.
I think REG for ‘plate’ cropped up very recently as I missed the reference last time but today I spotted it immediately. (22nd June 2018 ‘something on plate’, but I think I’ve seen it even more recently than that).
Edited at 2018-10-04 05:16 am (UTC)
Edited at 2018-10-04 05:28 am (UTC)
Edited at 2018-10-04 06:15 am (UTC)
Marketing ploy of a number that’s taken in wrong spirit (9)
Which was Bad Gin in a ‘Reg’
Edited at 2018-10-04 07:29 am (UTC)
I echo the call for a plural in 11d, which confused me, but mostly it was the SW corner that I’m fingering as the problem area. INORDINATELY needed all the crossers, plus RAKING and DYNAST were rather kickself-y, taking ages to see. I didn’t know the battle*, nor that a BANYAN was a fig, but at least the wordplay was clear.
* I’m trying to fill in some of my history gaps by ploughing through John Hirst’s excellent The Shortest History of Europe at the moment, but as one might expect, he doesn’t go into that much detail in 240 pages. I have spotted plenty of other crosswordy words on the way through, though, so hopefully it’ll come in handy in the end!
Mostly gentle, but with some really chewy bits to slow us down, e.g. taking sub out of insubordinatey.
Spotted pieces had to be Dominoes (not Monitors, this time).
I’ve only ever heard ‘out of the woods’.
Mostly I liked: I Guano Don, Touch Wood (COD).
Thanks setter and G.
8 minutes something for this slightly tricksy puzzle that often left me pausing to wonder if I wasn’t being led cleverly astray. But I managed to navigate the wood successfully in the end.
GOATSKIN (a brilliantly hidden anagram, despite “change”) held me up a while as I scoured the memory for exotic bottles. MODULATE had too many crossword trigger words in it for easy solving: I wanted to start with GO leave plus a random A-G.
At least beer wouldn’t be OUT OF THE WOODS, so the more whimsical end of the clue worked sufficiently well to shrug at the unexpected singular. Chamber(s) has both.
All in all an easy-ish solve stretched to 22 minutes.
And make me another one unusually happy to drop in the GUANO.
Edited at 2018-10-04 08:46 am (UTC)
Completely thrown by the setter not realising that not all dominoes have spots as several dozens of people informed me on Tuesday
Thanks george and setter.
36 mins. Got held up by MODULATE, and agree with z8b8d8k that the clue was fiendish in packing in so many misleading crossword trigger words. My COD. I liked the GOATSKIN anagram; I too was hunting for alternatives to jeraboam, decanter, carafe, etc.
The clues were very ‘honest’, I thought — with a nice balance of DDs, anagrams, assemble-the-pieces (IGUANODON), reversals, homophony, cryptic def, etc. But no hidden! Thanks, setter.
And thanks to George for a fine blog.
Edited at 2018-10-04 10:50 am (UTC)
These didn’t detract from my satisfaction at paying enough attention to a) spell the dinosaur correctly, as my instinct would also have been IGUANADON, and b) double-check it was ABOLITIONISM, and not ABOLITIONIST, as that’s the sort of mistake I have been known to make. Nice challenge.
FOI REBUTTAL (What Jeeves might do the second time ?)
Fellow CAMRA members will agree that real ale comes FROM not OUT OF (THE WOOD).
Biffed INORDINATELY ( thanks George, now COD).
“Don’t set your dreams up there above you
Where they’ll fall like a row of dominoes” (Joe Ely, a guilty pleasure of mine). Grievously underappreciated in the UK, and surely the only Country singer to have supported the Clash ! I heartily recommend his album “Love and Danger”.
Edited at 2018-10-04 09:55 am (UTC)
And I rather liked your local. Glad I tried the garlic bread with the melted gorgonzola.
I didn’t get to the puzzle until today, at work (my mail-order ink hasn’t arrived yet), and too late to add anything here. I was glad to remember DIWALI, embarrassed to have put in (trop distrait) OUT OF THE COLD, and to have misspelled the dinosaur in the apparently common way.
I put in IGUANADON but fortunately my ‘remember you can’t spell’ alarm went off and I considered the wordplay.
Nice to see some of the NYC contingent yesterday evening.
Very strange.
Good crossword today but I did write “abolitionist”!
Mike Cowking
I’d say OUT OF THE WOODS Is the commonly accepted phrase these days. The version here was my LOI.
Torturously slow. Did not understand INORDINATELY before coming here.
MODULATE wasn’t easy either, definition well disguised.
Pleased with DIWALI (sometime around now?) SALAAM which had me baffled for ages as convinced that the mobster woul be AL or the reverse.
Nice clueing. A meaty solve.