Solving time : 9:59 on the club timer, as close as you can get to under 10 minutes! I’m the third time on there and the fastest, so maybe I’m more on the wavelength with the setter, or I just knew a few obscurities and had some lucky guesses.
There is a lot here for the experienced solver, with some more unusual words mostly clued by solid wordplay.
Away we go!
Across | |
1 | HYPNOTISE: HYPE(ballyhoo) with SIT ON(brood) reversed inside |
9 |
10 | COEQUAL: E,QU(queen) in COAL |
11 | TEPID: DIET(assembly) containing P all reversed |
12 |
13 | ROOSTER: O(nothing) in ROSTER |
15 | CAIRN: R(Rex, king) in CAIN(an example of oneinvolved in fratricide) |
17 | TUTEE: alternating letters in ToUr ThErE |
18 | COCKY: take COCKNEY(Londener) and remove NE(Tyneside) |
19 | TORCH: CR(councillor) in HOT(to the minute) all reversed |
20 | IMMERSE: use the R to replace the N(any number) in IMMENSE |
23 | REGULATOR: anagram of A,RULER,GOT |
25 | KNOWN: hidden in crooK NOW Nicking |
27 | AMIABLE: ABLE(talented) containing AIM(plan) reversed |
28 | ROSEATE: ROSE(grew), ATE(obsessed) – maybe the definition should be pink-y |
29 | WATCHWORD: anagram of WHAT,CROWD |
Down | |
1 | HACKED: HACK and ED |
2 | PEEPING TOM: cryptic definition |
3 |
4 | ISLET: IS,LET(permissible) – “An inch” being the definition |
5 | EASTERNER: RN(seamen) on E inside EASTER |
6 | BISTRO: BIRO surrounding ST |
7 | SOAP: remove the centre from PANTOS and reverse – you don’t often see the two letter deletion from the middle of a word with an even number of letters |
8 |
TENDERLY: TENDER(present), L |
14 |
TICKETY-BOO: I think this is TICKET(party’s policies) and an anagram (het up) of O,BOY |
16 | INTERVIEW: move W to the bottom of WINTER VIE |
17 | THINKERS: TINKERS(monkeys) surrounding H |
18 | CHILDISH: CHIL(l), DISH(collation) |
21 | RENTAL: another reversal(mounted), this time of N in LATER |
22 | FRIEND: FRIday, END |
24 | GRAFT: double definition |
26 | OUSE: sounds like OOZE |
“and an echo arose from the suicide’s grave:
Ah, willow, tit willow, tit willow.”
Edited at 2017-07-13 05:41 am (UTC)
If WS can do it, I expect we can too.
17ac TUTEE I had not come across before!
The SW slowed me up/down considerably. Time over the hour,
but much enjoyed over breakfast.
I always struggle with ADIPOSE, which I think I’ve only seen in crosswords. And COEQUAL looks weird without a hyphen.
Nice challenge today. Thanks setter and George.
Edited at 2017-07-13 09:24 am (UTC)
Long delays with GRAFT, SOAP and my last in RENTAL. And a rather longer, self-imposed hold-up sorting out the HYPERBOLE I had fairly confidently biffed at 1a.
Satisfying to sort out, for all that.
I agree with jackkt that the end of 14dn is a reversal of O, (BOY)*. Otherwise it’s an indirect anagram [gasps of horror] and the word ‘about’ is extraneous. I also hesitated over this one for the same reason, i.e. thinking the TICKET was a list of candidates rather than the policies. But I also checked it and the required meaning is in Chambers too.
Some tricky and clever stuff in this one. Thanks setter and blogger.
Perhaps if I hadn’t got stuck for a full ten minutes with a lot of the south left to go until I managed to put THINKERS in…
A very well constructed set of clues. Thank you setter – and good time George
Now it’s done, it doesn’t look so hard, so it must have been ‘me’.
Thanks for the blog.
Edited at 2017-07-13 01:33 pm (UTC)
Edited at 2017-07-13 12:49 pm (UTC)
Did nobody else have NOEL at 7d? I had the O from ADIPOSE so bunged it in on the basis of Christmas as the def made from a reversal of LE{m}ON. I did leave a QM by the clue as cleaner/lemon seemed a bit loose but you do seem to get lemon in an awful lot of household cleaning products.
SOAP came late.
I’m certainly not complaining, and am glad for the excuse to spend more time doing crosswords in preparation. However, does anyone know of any reasons as to why a longer time might have made it through?
Either way, well done whoever you are and get practising!
An interesting and enjoyable puzzle though, so no complaints.