between LANCE and LUNGE for long and agonising minutes. Likewise 13 down, which at least has the virtue that the answer can’t really be anything else, and it clearly works with the wordplay, but the definition part took a lot longer to discern, and I’m not sure I’m completely there even yet, to be honest. Having almost slammed in a careless TONIC at 6dn (frozen has got to be ON ICE, right?) I was in no mood to take chances, resulting in a final time of 14 minutes.
20ac is rarely heard of in the sense of a province rather than an ocean going vessel, is it? Fortunately, again it was the obvious answer but forced to guess its former location I would have gone for Germany, when it turns out to have been Spain. I enjoyed the word and cluing at 24ac but my COD, to compensate for the possibly iffy (pending confirmation) &lit at 13dn is the unimpeachable 1dn. Thanks to the setter!
Housekeeping addendum: I hope to be in Glastonbury taking part in a drum circle in a sacred henge or something next Friday – would anyone care to do a blog swap with me? I think my summer will calm down after that – though I do plan to be in New York for a week over the beginning oF August, if any of the crew out of there would be interested in meeting up?
1 Mushrooms initially served with filling extras (9)
SNOWBALLS – S{erved} + W [with] “filling” NO BALLS [extras]
6 Selector’s mission briefly an issue (5)
TOPIC – a selector’s mission is TO PIC{k}
9 Pair consuming beer, two shakes and Italian port (7)
PALERMO – PR [pair] “consuming” ALE [beer], + MO [two shakes]
10 As funnel often about, oilcan abandoned (7)
CONICAL – C [about] + (OILCAN*) [“abandoned”]
11 Train on line to advance suddenly (5)
LUNGE – double def
12 Telling vet if fee at first completely outrageous (9)
EFFECTIVE – (VET IF FEE C{ompletely}*) [“outrageous”]
14 I don’t like that black pair of spectacles (3)
BOO – B [black] + OO [pair of spectacles]
15 Motorbike prevailing without power greatly increasing (11)
QUADRUPLING – QUAD [motorbike] + RULING [prevailing] “without” P [power]
17 Sweet daughter has got scent in vain (6-5)
TOFFEE-NOSED – TOFFEE D [sweet | daughter] “has got” NOSE [scent]
19 Girl no longer new in the neighbourhood (3)
ZOE – ZO{n}E [neighbourhood, that no longer has N for new in it]
20 Old province of Asia, until broken up (9)
LUSITANIA – (ASIA UNTIL*) [“broken up”]
22 Water flowing round among coins once thrown in Trevi? (5)
LOIRE – O [round] among LIRE [old Italian coins]
24 Turn to young pro United very quietly provided within two years (7)
YUPPIFY – U PP IF [united | very quietly | provided] “within” Y Y [two years]
26 “Absurd” tag one associated with the Listener (7)
IDIOTIC – ID I OTIC [tag | one | associated with the listener, i.e. to do with an ear]
27 Was dressing down deserved? (5)
RATED – double def
28 Collection people are getting on retirement — in euros at first (9)
MENAGERIE – MEN AGE [people | are getting on] + R{etirement} I{n} E{uros}
1 Outer part of some bud? (5)
SEPAL – S{om}E + PAL [bud], &lit
2 US resort where the men network and party (7)
ORLANDO – OR LAN [the men | network] + DO [party]
3 Polish sent up by fresh sequel to parody (9)
BURLESQUE – reverse of RUB [polish “sent up”] + (SEQUEL*) [“fresh”]
4 One could fire unexpectedly at large girl in fleece (5,6)
LOOSE CANNON – LOOSE [at large] + ANN [girl] in CON [fleece]
5 Dry function (3)
SEC – double def, the function being SECANT’s abbreviation
6 Top of barrel frozen, not bottom (5)
TUNIC – TUN [barrel] + IC{y} [frozen, “not bottom”]
7 Italian scorer returning home in charge of trophy (7)
PUCCINI – “return” all of IN IC CUP [home | in charge of | trophy]
8 One worked with dip in range over three miles? (9)
COLLEAGUE – COL LEAGUE [dip in range | over three miles]
13 Putting out of ashes perhaps, one having been used for nothing? (4,7)
FIRE STATION – “putting out of ashes”, or indeed of elms or oaks, is FORESTATION. Use I [one] instead of O [nothing], and find the quirky &lit of the answer. I think a fire station has been used in vain if its human complement has only arrived in time to put out the ashes? But it’s quite late so I may be missing a cleverer explanation…
14 Extra mouthpiece musician’s brought (3,6)
BIT PLAYER – BIT [mouthpiece] + PLAYER [musician]
16 Using bike in gym, Auntie’s boss coming across exhausted (9)
PEDALLING PE [gym] + DG [Auntie’s boss, i.e. the Beeb’s Director General] “coming across” ALL IN [exhausted]
18 On reflection, some laptop’s sufficient for a particular person (7)
FUSSPOT – hidden reversed in {lap}TOP’S SUF{ficient}
19 Unknown surgeon a very minor celebrity (1-6)
Z-LISTER – Z [unknown] + LISTER [surgeon Joseph, 1827-1912]
21 New hit on the way, following earlier couple? (5)
THIRD – (HIT*) [“new”] on RD [the way, i.e. road]
23 A host of terms: clever, but oddly overlooked (5)
EMCEE – {t}E{r}M{s} C{l}E{v}E{r}
25 Pulled up part of spring vegetable (3)
YAM – reverse MAY [part of spring, along with March and April]
Entertaining solve otherwise. Wasn’t sure how all those Ys and Ps were going to resolve into a word, so was pleased when YUPPIFY emerged. Also had some doubts about LUNGE, the second definition having escaped my attention.
As usual, thanks setter and V. Have a good weekend everyone.
This sure is clever stuff, FIRE STATION too clever for me (though truly ingenious). Nice penny-drop-moment with YUPPIFY. Both surfaces a bit weird, though.
So COD to SNOWBALLS, or maybe SEPAL, for ticking all the boxes.
Oh. The crossword? 20ish minutes and relieved to have thrown in the right words at 13 and 17, but certainly 1d where there were three (to my mind,which is clearly not sane) answers.
If the fire station is called so late they only arrive to put out the ashes well that was in vain. A quirky &lit, I think.
Edited at 2017-06-16 06:53 am (UTC)
About 35 mins or so, ending with COLLEAGUE and TOPIC … found the FIRE STATION clue somewhat unsatisfying, as the definition ‘turn to young pro’ for YUPPIFY, but hey ho, who am I to say? Also disliked the anagram for the unfamiliar (to me) LUSITANIA. But we’ve been there before, and at least this time I guessed correctly, and got the U and I the right way around.
I was a bit puzzled by 13dn but I think you’ve hit on the explanation. At least I can’t think of a better one.
And though this doesn’t apply often, after the Q and Z were worked in (I bet the Z’s pronounced Zee) it was actually disappointing not to find the J and the X, as if having gone to that amount of trouble they should have been there. That sort of puzzle, that sort of feeling.
Edited at 2017-06-16 08:34 am (UTC)
A tough one, with a few biffs along the way. Luckily LUSITANIA was vaguely familiar as the Mauretania‘s sister ship—the Java club in Bristol still has some of her original fittings, and the Mauretania neon sign is still visible at the bottom of Park Street. I think I must’ve looked up the history at some point…
FOI ORLANDO, LOI FIRE STATION with a bit of a shrug, I admit. WOD YUPPIFY for a blast from the eighties, now replaced with the rather less perjorative “gentrify”, I suppose. COD 21d for its nicely obscured definition.
I’m away quite a bit in August V but it would be good to see you if possible. You have my email and I yours from the TFTT/TLS network so let’s see if it could work nearer the time.
I did see what 13dn was getting at – an unfortunate coincidence, though in real life the firefighters did come promptly, but were defeated.
I though that the problem with a loose cannon was that it was rolling around the gun deck as the ship pitched and rolled, and so was dangerous since it could crush you. Not that it might fire at any minute. But that didn’t hold me up, it went in from the enumeration and the few checkers I had at the time.
I’m surprised anyone had trouble with LUSITANIA. Not the province, I didn’t know that. But it was an anagram and there was a famous ship with that name that was sunk in world war I when America was not yet in the war, causing a big fuss. Any fule kno that.
No real problems with this except no idea about lunge and horse training. Guessed right. 24 minutes.
I particularly like the coincidental fact that I have a 8d called 19a
Horrifyingly I think I might have recognised some of the faces in that rogue’s gallery, if none of the names. Or perhaps all Z-listers just have that look about them!
The US crew should definitely arrange a meetup with Verlaine in NYC.
One of the joys of retiring is that I will never ever have to fly anywhere again so while I wish V and the NYC set all the best, I will be in blighty. (Mrs BT not so keen on the flying ban but she can use my many airmiles/avios points if she wants to risk British Airways. More baggage trouble at Heathrow yesterday).
Thanks S and V
A most interesting and enjoyable puzzle. My compliments to the setter.
Last week, one of the characters–a Victorian soldier on Mars–used “rhino” for money, too..,
Edited at 2017-06-17 06:10 pm (UTC)
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