10ac my FOI I think, and 13ac my last, though I’m sure it wouldn’t have been had I had the final O earlier! Clue-of-the-day-wise, 9ac is a very jolly cryptic definition and made me laugh because only a couple of days I went to see a playback of a brilliant album called Planetarium by Sufjan Stevens and friends at the Peter Harrison Planetarium in Greenwich, and was cracking on Twitter that I was only glad it wasn’t calleed Abattoir. But I also really liked 23ac for the whimsical image created by its surface. And the cheeky 5dn too. Thanks setter! This was a fun one for sure.
1 Cute English problem with sophisticated clothing (8)
CHERUBIC – E RUB [English | problem] with CHIC [sophisticated] “clothing”
9 Where stock comes in only to be taken out (8)
ABATTOIR – cryptic def
10 Sextet look round for something from the past to play (4)
VIOL – VI [6 = sextet] + LO reversed [look “round”]
11 Former notable DIs leaving, put out (12)
EXTINGUISHED EX [former] + {dis}TINGUISHED [notable, “DIs leaving”]
13 King in love adopts flash traditional robe (6)
KIMONO – K IN O [king | in | love] “adopts” MO [flash]
14 Marshal eased up, admitting Republican influence (8)
PERSUADE – (EASED UP*) [“marshal”], admitting R [Republican]
15 Layer for veg, maybe, with richer kind of soil (7)
PEATIER – or whimsically PEA TIER [layer for veg]
16 Cunning vehicle’s backing in, pronto (7)
SMARTLY – SLY [cunning] (that) TRAM [vehicle] “is backing in”
20 False impression given by composer moving one leg (8)
DELUSION – DEL{I->}US [composer, “moving one”] + ON [leg]
22 Engineer takes flight stages again (6)
RERUNS – RE RUNS [engineer | takes flight]
23 Band in go-cart rubbished ageing process (6,6)
25 Refuse last bit of appetising crumble (4)
GROT – {appetisin}G + ROT [crumble]
26 Series of scripture lessons one looked to for help? (8)
RECOURSE – or R.E. COURSE [series of scripture lessons]
27 Flecks from toff’s brief neckwear? (8)
DANDRUFF – DAND{y} [toff “is brief”] + RUFF [neckwear]
2 Very narrow approach south of locks (8)
HAIRLINE – LINE [approach] south of HAIR [locks]
3 Practical guidance for humblest ground hosting United (5,2,5)
RULES OF THUMB – (FOR HUMBLEST*) [“ground”], hosting U [united]
4 First class highway reportedly spanned (8)
BESTRODE – BEST [first class] + homophone of ROAD [highway “reportedly”]
5 Dude with piles gets fitful sleep (7)
CATNAPS – CAT [dude] with NAPS [piles]
6 Having caught fever, aged queen is increasingly rough (6)
VAGUER – VR [aged (and not amused) queen] having caught AGUE [fever]
7 My game ultimately lacks breadth (4)
GOSH – GO [game] + {lack}S {breadt}H
8 Arid setting for Dickensian chores (8)
DRUDGERY – RUDGE [Dickensian] set in DRY [arid]
12 Comic gag requires a touch of ribaldry and old-fashioned craft (6,6)
SQUARE RIGGER – (GAG REQUIRES*) [“comic”] + R{ibaldry}
15 Short decree cutting simple cosmetic treatment (8)
PEDICURE – EDIC{t} [“short” decree] cutting PURE [simple]
17 Full of energy, mum organised covering for cake (8)
MARZIPAN – MA RAN [mum | organised], filled with ZIP [energy]
18 Reportedly, accommodation issue upset independent type (4,4)
LONE WOLF – homophone of LOAN [“reportedly” accommodation] + reverse of FLOW [issue “upset”]
19 Pursuit commonly cancelled free of charge (7)
UNTAXED – ‘UNT AXED [pursuit “commonly” | cancelled]
21 Discount from trader on gifts raised (6)
IGNORE – reverse hidden in {trad}ER ON GI{fts}
24 Muscle affliction the result of making hay? (4)
RICK – double def, since one makes hay into RICKS
Thanks setter and V.
Edited at 2017-05-19 07:46 am (UTC)
35 mins, plus a further 5 to settle on GROT. Held up also with ‘abbatoir’ and thinking that 19dn somehow started with ‘obi’. FOI was 1ac, which always makes me happy!
Many thanks setter and blogger.
The kind of puzzle I like, with the clues making things tough rather than obscure words or spellings (don’t get me started on yesterday’s Guardian job…) FOI VIOL, LOI PEDICURE, because it took me a while to line up my PEATIER and I had “illusion” pencilled in before I realised my DELUSION.
COD 23a CARBON DATING, just because of the lovely misleading definition. WOD GROT, with my morning coffee raised to the late Leonard Rossiter.
Thanks to setter (especially for using a Dickens reference that even the literaturely-challenged can get) and to blogger.
Edited at 2017-05-19 08:08 am (UTC)
Edited at 2017-05-19 07:45 am (UTC)
Edited at 2017-05-19 07:57 am (UTC)
COD candidates everywhere, but I’ll give it to SQUARE RIGGER ahead of GOSH. LOI PEATIER.
Thanks setter and V.
Edited at 2017-05-19 08:05 am (UTC)
Dude with piles – fabulous, if buttock clenching clue.
I also tried ILLUSION first, struggling to make a Russian composer by moving one L (and variations). Came close, of course to wondering whether the brilliant aircraft designer had an unexpected sideline.
GOSH I only got when I typed the available letters into Electric Chambers, the tiniest moment before I hit search, so saved from “resorted to aids”. I think so, anyway.
Thanks V for that image of an explosion in a Scrabble tiles factory. It seems churlish to draw your attention to the collateral damage that replaced 5d with 5a.
Having noticed the near-pangram, I was looking for a J at the end, so didn’t submit till I was sure that 7dn couldn’t possibly be JOSH, the only available location for it.
Tricky but fair, a good Friday challenge all in all
I need a drink.
Edited at 2017-05-19 04:40 pm (UTC)
Edited at 2017-05-19 07:46 pm (UTC)
Edited at 2017-05-19 08:25 pm (UTC)
At the end of a tiring day, I didn’t really enjoy this one all that much, and found myself looking wistfully back at the 1970 puzzle, which I really enjoyed far more than the week’s other puzzles (and not just because historic puzzles like that are the only ones for which I stand even the faintest chance of finishing ahead of Magoo).