Quite a hard one that occupied me for 50 minutes
As usual definitions are underlined in bold italics, {deletions are in curly brackets} and [anagrinds, containment, reversal and other indicators in square ones]
Across | |
1 | Hard-working boss, devoted but powerless (8) |
STUDIOUS – STUD (boss), {p}IOUS (devoted) [powerless] | |
9 | 4 / checks carefully carried out for this purpose? (2,2,4) |
TO BE SURE – A straight definition with reference to 4dn (of course), and a vaguely cryptic one. | |
10 | Weapon concealed by crook riskily (4) |
KRIS – Hidden in [concealed by] {croo}K RIS{kily} | |
11 | Without hesitation, serial plot ruined after this? (7,5) |
SPOILER ALERT -Anagram [ruined] of SERIAL PLOT containing [without] ER (hesitation) | |
13 | A maiden jumping from upstairs window, finding lover (6) |
ADORER – A, DOR{m}ERΒ (upstairs window) [maiden – M- jumping from] | |
14 | Funeral hymn by a Scotsman? (8) |
ALASTAIR – A, LAST AIR (funeral hymn) | |
15 | Wild fish, heading further east, reaching Mediterranean (7) |
UNTAMED – TUNA (fiah) with heading further west becomes UNTA, MED (Mediterranean) | |
16 | Bird β rail β currently seen near lake (4,3) |
BARN OWL – BAR (rail), NOW (currently), L (lake) | |
20 | Think there’s mention of vacancy in rowing crew (8) |
RUMINATE – Sounds like [there’s mention of] “room” (vacancy), IN, “eight” (rowing crew) | |
22 | Rock plants originally found near Bedfordshire town (6) |
PLUTON – P{lants} [originally], LUTON (Bedfordshire town) | |
23 | German writer pens long hair-raising tale (5-7) |
SPINE-CHILLER – SCHILLER (German writer) contains [pens] PINE (long) | |
25 | Employee encountered recurring pressure (4) |
TEMP – MET (encountered) reversed [recurring], P (pressure) | |
26 | Most important daytime sleep cut short β¦ in such surroundings? (8) |
NOISIEST – NO 1 (most important), SIEST{a} (daytime sleep) [cut short] | |
27 | Fleecing customers ultimately leading to judicial inquiry (8) |
SHEARING – {customer}S [ultimately], HEARING (judicial inquiry) |
Down | |
2 | Verbally attacked fellow about inhaling pot (6,2) |
TURNED ON – TED containing [inhaling] URN (pot), ON (about) | |
3 | Police commissioner finally entering nick, after police inspector’s report (12) |
DISSERTATION – DI’S (police inspector’s), then {polic}E +{commissione}R [finally] contained by [entering] STATION (nick) | |
4 | Clearly prof ignoring PR lessons (2,6) |
OF COURSE – {pr}OF [ignoring PR], COURSE (lessons) | |
5 | Really famous 21 wearing short garment from India (7) |
STELLAR – TELL( 21 – archer – William) contained by [wearing] SAR{i} garment from India [short] | |
6 | A single live broadcast stirred up European region (6) |
IBERIA – I (a single), BE (live), AIR (broadcast) reversed [stirred up] | |
7 | Report of discharge in river (4) |
OUSE – Sounds like [report of] “ooze” (discharge) | |
8 | Relating to a part of class examination? (8) |
SECTORAL – SECT (class), ORAL (examination) | |
12 | The French can lodge in one area of Paris (5,7) |
LATIN QUARTER – LA (the, French), TIN (can), QUARTER (lodge) | |
15 | Rebellion forcing Uzbekistan’s leader to go to the front (8) |
UPRISING – U{zbekistan} [leader], PRISING (forcing) | |
17 | Wine bottles from meal Paul cooked (8) |
AMPULLAE – Anagram [cooked] of MEAL PAUL | |
18 | One hunts in forest without nomads being disturbed (8) |
WOODSMAN – WO (ithout), anagram [being disturbed] of NOMADS | |
19 | People who discriminate are gripped by extremes of stubbornness (7) |
SEXISTS – EXIST (are), conrained by S{tubbornnes}S [extremes] | |
21 | Endless stuff about female Olympic competitor? (6) |
ARCHER – CRA{m} (stuff) [endless] reversed [about] HER (female) | |
24 | Bird, one going over British Isles (4) |
IBIS – I (one), B (British), IS (isles) |
Thanks to setter and blogger.
COD 23ac SPINE CHILLER Hon. mention to 20ac RUMINATE
Edited at 2017-04-18 12:54 am (UTC)
Spent ages trying to justify NOISIEST for “most important”, finally convincing myself that an important person was sometimes called “a big noise”. So in the end I entered it with the confidence that can only come from sheer ignorance. Happy days.
Thanks setter and Jack. (Jack, your east has gone west in your comment for 15ac).
COD to UPRISING. Nicely done.
I once walked from Luton to St Albans to save the 1/6d bus fare, so I do know where it is, even if I don’t know where PLUTON is found, nor would I recognise it if I saw it.
Smileys to RUMINATE and ALASTAIR. And a special mention for Horryd’s ABATTOIR, so nearly possible!
Edited at 2017-04-18 08:10 am (UTC)
Enjoyed memories of quaffing vin rouge with strong cheese in small bistros in the LATIN QUARTER – happy days
What I liked most about this one was that the surface readings were all so believable, vacancies in rowing crews, nomads in forests, women jumping from windows, profs ignoring PR.
Good stuff setter.
Edited at 2017-04-18 08:25 am (UTC)
Thought it was going to be a quick one, but was held up at the end by SEXIST and then NOISIEST, loi, where, like Gal, I was happy to accept that it = ‘most important’. Only as I was writing it in did SIEST(a) leap out, I had spent ages thinking it started NA(p), and I managed to parse it.
Took me a while to see “recurring” as a reversal indicator, or to convince myself that TURNED ON was particularly verbal, but other than than, I was happy with my parsing.
Thanks to setter and blogger.
I was helped by being familiar with Luton, but unlike z8b8d8k I’ve only ever driven from there to St Albans.
There was a similar geo-faux-pas in a puzzle in 2007 (I am doing some back numbers) where NAPPE was clued as “Rock”. Although very different from a Pluton a NAPPE is also a large structure consisting of a number of different rocks.
Despite this geologist’s nit-picking I really enjoyed this puzzle. Thanks setter & blogger.
BTW – at 10a – how did the Setter know that Kris Marshall is now favourite to be the new Dr Who?
Apologies if this has been mentioned elsewhere (I haven’t found time to do all the puzzles from the last couple of weeks so have avoided the blogs on here) but the first qualifier for this year’s championships will appear tomorrow.
But having done so I must say I find the whole format unnecessarily complicated and the comments section almost impossible to follow to the point at which my eyes began to hurt trying to do so. If that’s what the people who go there want and the blogging team are happy to provide it then good luck to them but I for one would have no interest in changing my contributions to TftT to fall into line with it. I can’t speak for others hereabouts.
Edited at 2017-05-20 04:12 am (UTC)